I kinda expect that’s what gonna happen
A new Pathfinder but for abilities
Or they should never nerf buff them after launch
I kinda expect that’s what gonna happen
A new Pathfinder but for abilities
Or they should never nerf buff them after launch
lets be honest none of this matters.
people will just sim and choose whichever convenet has bis dmg bonuses.
then 2 weeks into expansion blizzard will roll buffs/nerfs and sh…t will hit the fan on forums
i already have popcorn ready for when it happens
Nice so DH geta a charge with root which change to a teleport to previously charged target that even ignores LoS…like what the actual fk…thats exactly what we needed…more fkin movement for dh’s.
It’s not even about that, there are clearly abilities more suited for pvp/m+/raids, I can already tell that not being able to use the ability that lets me do more aoe damage in a m+ will severely reduce the amount of fun I’ll have in them.
If, for example, i was not able to switch my killer cobra (single target focused) talent to my aspect of the beast (aoe focused talent) in m+ I would not touch them.
A way to solve Convenant choice issue :
Make all covenant ability in your covenant hall, and everytime you want to switch you have to go to your convenant hall to switch.
or simplier.
make convenets purerly cosmetic - and all having exackly the same abilities.
its alright guise we’ll nerf the OP ones at launch, so you want to hurt yourself when its nerfed and you want to swap convenant
its alright we’ll balance them like we balanced nazjatar trinkets like coral and font
Whatever blizz do someone always gonna cry, no matter the subject/aspects. Not everyone can be satishfied.
I for myself pick what i want and i wont gonna give a sh1t about bis that or this, since im not a cutting edge 0-24 wannabetryhard where even 0.0001% dmg dif matters.
Fair, that’s your choice, see the point now is that accomodating my wishes would have 0 impact on your gameplay.
The ability seems cool in my eyes, i like the mobility of venthyr and this gonna be the reason i gonna go to Venthyr.
It’s just i don’t like RNG.
And the population complain about a forced choice that i agree isn’t fun.
So making purely cosmetics gonna make me loose a part of my fun if i loose my mobility spell in PvP or even the identity difference between me and other hunter.
This is what really annoys me. I really want to play my mage as Venthyr, because I love their look, but Mirrors of Torment is clearly a pvp ability that will at best have niche dungeon utility.
Meanwhile the Necrolord ability looks both pretty fun and a great dps cooldown all around.
This will be absolute sh!tshow. DO NOT FORCE PLAYER POWER ON THE COVENANTS. You remove any chance we had to actually choose the one we wanted for story and aesthetics instead of the one that gives you highest DPS/HPS.
Blizzard and balance in one line makes me feel itchy.
Yea please rethink this before it goes into development
If theyre serious about listenting to player feedback and what we dont want,thtas one of first things they should change.
100% this.
Please Blizzard, don’t tie power/abilities to covenants, or give us a choice at endgame to unlock them all through Rep/Quests and swap them at will. Please!
I personally like unique abilities, but make them part of class. Not covenants. Allow me choose covenant that fits my characters theme, not what helps me to tank raid best, or do M+ best or solo best or kill that red-player in warmode.
Let me be free in a roleplay game, where I am already limited by optimal cookie cutters in any team-play environment. Allow us to have also something OURS, dependent of visual and cool, not math and numbers and peer pressure.
Don’t worry ,there will be account wide covenants in 9.3!
you mean 10.0 right? the prpeatch of expac after shadowlands
You mean the expansion about Sylvanases redemption ?