Shadowlands: A Look at Covenant Class and Signature Abilities *Updated 5/13

thats one of later patches from SL.
10.0 is arthas redemption.
11.0 is sargeras did nothing wrong


this is gonna be such a cluster mess… can you put out a good word to the CEO to replace the enite game design team that was responsible for Legion, Bfa and Shadowlands? You will ruin what little is left of your game

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Agreed. Very precisely put, you have my opinion. Just think about this, only this " people played before these things " and that’s why? Because then we didn’t have that much information, sites that teach us what talent to choose, which whay to go, how to perform, basically teaching us to min/max things… to follow the “meta”. Everything was fun and when someone do the craziest and unseen thing, people had no where to go look up how he did it or whatsoever. I’ll give you example with classic wow concerning your silly frustration about choosing a covenant.
When you pick a class and finally get to level 60 and after some time you think of that you choose wrong, what do you do? Start different one or either keep with your choice and get over it.
People began to ask too much of everything. And Blizzard shoo me if I know why do you care so much about everyone’s opinion about game being broken… game going down… statistics show this and that… it’s because you listened too much… choices and the idea of not being able to re-choose are a key components in making the game more stable as it was… so don’t break the idea of having to choose one time a covenant.
I really don’t see that point where everything must be easy nowadays with levelling, changing talents freely and even the gear changes it’s stats etc. I’m getting off topic, but yes make your choice whatever the reason nobody cares, just quit that silly whining about what if I make the wrong choice. It’s no point to have everyone on the edge it’s too crowded :grin:. If you really feel you get low benefit or something… go make new character and choose right lol…

Staggered your developers haven’t learned from the many past mistakes surrounding meta and borrowed powers like this.

Either remove the grind to switch covenants or remove the abilities. This is going to be a disaster.


Why not just make this…I don’t know…purely a cosmetic choice? Crazy, I know.


I am very, very concerned about this for a huge number of reasons.

As has already been pointed out numerous times before, this will lock you into a covenant. Worse still, different game modes might attempt to lock you into different covenants, meaning a lot of people will have to make separate characters for PvP and PvE or even M+ vs raids just so they can have different covenants on them.

Many of the abilities are these sorts of cooldowns that add nothing. We’re back to this again.

Others are massive utility cooldowns. These are potentially problematic because they’ll behave vastly differently in different parts of the game.

I play Druid and Mage, so I’ll look at those:

Kindred Spirits: This is Symbiosis. This needs a spreadsheet. Why is this coming back? That spell was utterly ridiculous… Now everyone’s gonna need an extra keybind in case a Druid came by and gave them Symbiosis.
Ravenous Frenzy: Very strong in PvE, probably easy to shut down in PvP - thus worse than useless. You’ll actively want to avoid using it because if you get CC’d, you CC yourself even further.
Adaptive Swarm: Pop with other CD’s. There are no choices here. If the CD doesn’t align with other CD’s, may be significantly worse than intended.
Convoke the Spirits: This will cause mass confusion. It’s basically a bit like Feral Frenzy, except 16 times more random. It’ll pick random targets, random spells, and it’ll cast them all really fast. Is it possible it does almost nothing at all because it casts 8 Sunfires and 8 Moonfires? Yes. Is it possible that it’ll just smash someone with 16 Starfires and take 80% of their HP instantly? Sure.

Radiant Spark: You pop this on top of your existing CD’s. Will probably be incredibly strong on a Fire Mage. Careful!
Mirrors of Torment: Now add this on top of Mirror Images and watch the fireworks. It’ll completely lock up to several people down. So if you’re playing a more defensive mage setup or you’re doing BG’s, this ability will be incredible. Anything else? It’ll be useless. If you tune the damage to be good, it’ll blow everyone up in PvP. If you tune the damage to be bad, nobody will take it in PvE. You’re gonna have to separate this one out.
Deathborne: Pop it on top of your major cooldown. Boring. Next.
Shifting Power: This spell will probably do absolutely nothing. The best use I can think for it is to fool an enemy to interrupt your nature school. If it’s very, very strong it might be good in PvE as well on add control fights, but compared to the 3 others… yeah, it probably won’t be that great.

In conclusion:
These are the exact kinds of abilities I desperately hoped you wouldn’t add. It’s bloat, it’s confusion, it locks you into covenants, it may lock you into making multiple alts of the same class to enjoy all aspects of the game.

You’re adding in spells that you know are broken. Why aren’t you adding anything that affects moment-to-moment gameplay or diversifies rotations or is just cosmetic or does something a little more interesting? It’s all a bunch of massively powerful cooldowns. That’s what it is. Cooldowns. The game doesn’t need more cooldowns, it’s got more than enough even after the prune! My mage has almost twice as many cooldowns on retail as it does in Classic, and mana means nothing. Why is this a thing?!

I really have to ask myself if you have learned anything whatsoever. First you prune all this stuff because it’s breaking the game, then people complain they have no utility and the rotations became flat and then, instead of spicing up the rotation and adding some interesting small utilities, you put all the massive cooldowns back that broke MoP again?!

I know I’m really harsh here, but this is absolutely stupid. There is no way in hell that this will end well.


Please reconsider on making these abilities not locked behind the covenants, and make them something like talents where you can switch between them in rested xp areas. I am not looking forward to beeing /w “ventyr ?” when queing for a M+ run only to be declined when i answer with no. Dont tie power proggresions to covenants, the mounts , story and cosmetics are enough to make the choise matter. You are removing real choise for people like myself that enjoy different types of content and want to perform to the best of their abillities. I am by no chanse a CE, 3000 rating , 9000 io player but i want to not feel like i made the wrong choise with my covenant or be locked out of content because i didnt choose the right one. I dont have faith that you will balance the skill tree that comes with covenants either so please reconsider.

EDIT: So i gave it some tough and the key phrase “borrowed power” kept poping up, which has been trown around regarding the legion artefacts and the HoA , so make the covenants exactly that borrowed power. By chosing a covenant still keep us locked in to it with cosmetics and the story progression, but let us level up or whatever we are going to do with them all , I am not saying keep all the abilities at the same time but activate and deactivate the covenant power by talking to an NPC over at the covenant hall™ , so lets say you want to do a M+ hop by to the venthyr before you start your run and ask them to borrow their power, you are raiding later tonigh sure just dont forget to stop by the necrolords and ask them for aid before you start punching bosses. In terms of power progresion how it will work is you level up your main covenant unlocking all its goodies (power,tmog, mounts,titles whatever), after you are done with it you can choose a second one unlocking only the power they offer , done with the second and move on to the third etc. This imo will still make player choise matter, will make it an actaul choise for the people that care about performance, will increase play time on your main and still insentive you to do them on alts for the cosmetics, will not lock you into 1 single type of content,it will make them easier to balance and will be more respective of peoples effort and time, it will also give us an oportunity to experiment with the soul links without having us roll 4 characters from the same class. The reroll covenant option where you start over that Ion mentioned in an interview is a terrible solution and does not respect our time and effort. I hope this enough feedback for now and i hope SL will be good.


Everyone was asking me why level more than 1 alt from each class. Well guess now I will be getting a pretty good benefit out of it



when you will depend on torgust progression and legendaries crafting in SL?
You won’t change your main just for the covenant ability if the time investment into these two will be big



Paladins aren’t that far away :sun_with_face:
But the import change for us is shattering throw return for warrior

You are right i wont change my main, ill just stop playing the game.


I really dislike the idea of Covenants giving any spells passive. My reasoning why is basically they will become another Artifacts, Azerites that we lose at the end of expansion. For 2 expansions we actually didn’t get new talents or new spells that are baseline I feel it’s time to do it now. I want my character to progress and develop like it did in from Classic to WoD.

Also Covenants are so cool and give such epic rewards that it would be silly to lock them for players because they will pick covenant for the best ability. People care too much about their performance. I’d love Covenants to be class halls/suramar quest chain from Legion. Solo content that I do whe my friends are offline for fun and because I’m interesting in it not because there is a spell I need.


Hey it’s really only high key, glad, mythic raiders pita
For me and you ( if that’s your main ) it’s not the biggest deal.

Also there will be other changeable perks in each covenant.
Was it a followers which you can soul link to or smth?
So it’s not clear yet what’s bis and what’s not

Its not about me or you at all, like I said a few posts above, it will be about hte people you atempt to group up with. Look at raider io for example i personally dont like and i dont use , but dungeoneers use it and will decline you once they see you are lacking said score. It will happen with the covenant abilities as well, you will start seening people asking you when you aply to a run if you have your AoE covenant, or for a raid do you have your single target covenant.

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Soul linked followers will have bigger impact on that I presume, and you can change those

Its the same issue, are you in the right covenant for the content you are applying for or not.

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For me a fact that it will be third expansion without new spell or talent row and another 3rd party source of character customisation already sucks.

I’m fed up of doing PvE because a power I need is locked behind it. Even though people complain about it during whole BFA they keep doing it. Why?

Why can’t we get another MoP:

  1. Choose your progression path: PvP or PvE
  2. To other for fun because you have free time for it but if you can’t it’s not a big deal.
  3. Do solo content when friends are offline but if you can’t it’s not a big deal as it doesn’t affect your PvP performance.

In PvE people do all the content not because it’s so great and fun but because rewards are too good to skip them


I plan to whisper, hey I have tank spec :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hopefully the return of the vendor is real