Shadowlands: A Look at Covenant Class and Signature Abilities *Updated 5/13

Dont worry they will for surę upgrade raider io to show what convenant person apllying is part of.


Please either;

  • Make them cosmetic flavour abilities that don’t do anything
  • Separate class abilities from the covenants entirely, make it easy to swap between (so you can keep covenants as a whole, just make sure the choice doesn’t impact gameplay design, cosmetics and storyline quests sure but not mechanical gameplay)
  • Scrap it now and work on something new before it is to late

Currently, I’m looking at great things like pvp vendors, massive unpruning, improved quest ui to make it easier to filter the story advancement from side hubs, then I’m looking at the covenant ability and the only real thing that comes to mind is a negative

“There’s always something”


You had me at “appears at the targeted location”. If it works like the grappling hook but with more shadows and edgy stuff, I’m all for it. I don’t give a damn about simming high, give me 1 moar teleport!!!

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it comes down to spec, I se you play marksman so yeah probably rng can be annoying, then again as Bm hunter, I dont even realice I have any rng most of the time, becuse it is pretty irrelevant realy.

but then again for me I am not gona go bis unless it happens to be the covenant i like, I am gona go for what I like not what people or some site tells me is bis.

If these signature abilities are so different, and we don’t want to lock each of our characters to one specific type of content (and spec) we will need to be able to switch abilities easily. It would work better like essences.

I hope they realize azerite trait locking and then complicated and pricy reforge was a bad idea, tho essences worked well apart from some pve vs pvp acquisition, where you had to do what you hate to become competitive in what you like.

Yea but i mean Venthyr look PvP focused spell.
getting RNG in PvP is a joke since you can’t pray on RNG to win a arena match ( we see with corruption how trash RNG is ).
A PvP focused spell must be designed with 0 RNG.

After all this passive rng:
yesterday i killed a rare (3M hp) with a caster by only meleeing it (i was eating), because corruption and essences killed it before it killed me.
Probably we should leave behind this rng, won’t be fun after 1 year.

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Corruption RNG is the reason why RNG should go. No one got fun in it and in arena all game was trash in S4 because of that.

The abilities in general sound really cool, I especially like Echoing Reprimand (the Rogue Kyrian ability), but I’m very worried about them being bound to a Covenant. It’s already clear that the different choices are optimized towards different types of content and if you partake in several, it’ll most often feel bad because you took the wrong one. Considering that Blizzard said it’ll be a real chore to change Covenant progress, this will have a huge impact on performance driven players and, as cool as the abilities sound, that worries me greatly.


I’m in a bit of an awkward situation. I don’t particularly raid super hardcore so I won’t need to pick the most powerful covenant, however I also feel that there is something to be said about people who do raid Heroic and Mythic, who do push mythic+. I don’t necessarily share their concerns but I do emphasise with them. This expansion was supposed to be about the return of player agency, I get that. We can see that in the customisation options, in the way we are able to select a specific legendary and work towards it. However tying the covenant abilities to a specific covenant that also has questing and cosmetic rewards doesn’t seem right regardless of how hardcore a player you may be.


The sad part is that you FEEL that way.
No, you don’t need to pick that one. Not unless you’re doing the highest forms of progression. And if that’s the case; tough. That’s your choice. Live with it. Or don’t. :man_shrugging:

Also; these abilities are NOT, I repeat: NOT, the only abilities you’re going to get. There’s also the soulbinds. If Blizzard do their job right, it will balance out overal.

Case in point: I’m picking Night Fae as my covenant. Their fantasy appeal to me. In the preview the hunter Night Fae ability is ‘work in progress’, yet that doesn’t matter to me; I will pick the Fae, regardless. :man_shrugging: :sunglasses:

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Oh stop it already with the simms and min/maxing, which is the best ability for what situation. You are the reason why we don’t have unique classes anymore! If you get to decide, every spec should play the same, the only difference is visuals.

People have been asking for more RPG elements to the game and now that Blizz is introducing one, people complain that it is too unique, that ability is better than that other one. Geez, go play CS:GO or something.

Peace and love to all :pray:


Blizzard Please stop not listening.

Untie the Covenant DMG abilities from the power progression. You will regret it. Please
It will be a desaster And with my mythic Characters I will be forced into a Covenant that does not fit my style.

Please Blizzard dont commit this mistake.

It will be a mistake. You wont be able to balance it.
Please Please I beg you as a Player for now over 10 years PLEASE DONT COMMIT THIS MISTAKE


It would be really nice if that was relevant but I can easily see a situation occur where you on your main would need a different covenant ability to be viable for PvP then you’d need for idk M+ dungeons.

I fear that they will miss the balance of ‘it’s a small difference’ and come closer to ‘this is your only real good option for this type of content and you’re gonna fail without it’

Thing is, we can’t tell this for any class until all abilities for that class is known.
I like the idea of unique covenant rewards, just not power, that’s a disaster waiting to happen. You could say make it easier to swap covenants but that would defeat the purpose of having covenants
I’d rather see them separate the core class power abilities from the covenant grind themselves


IF that happens, they will dish out nerfs. It will be okay. Stop. Worrying. :blush:

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Yeah but will they do it in time?

Won’t the nerfs come late as they have done with Azerite traits for some classes, several weeks in, when you’ve already invested several weeks into getting a covenant, which you then have to break down and invest into another one only to hope they won’t do it again?

Blizzard doesn’t have a good track record of balancing things out, I’m not fullblown worried, but there is a mixture of concern and skepticism
That said it feels like they really are taking the testing a lot more seriously this time so hopefully if this becomes an issue they’ll have fixed it before launch

I get what you mean and you have some good points, but

I just hope these covenant powers are not that OP that you are not viable at some content without a specific covenant ability. That would be a disaster

Well, I think that’s fine. That teaches people to just PICK WHAT YOU LIKE.
Don’t get caught up in the sheep behaviour. I like that that kind of behaviour gets punished. :grin:

Choices matter.

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It’s a fear yeah and I intentionally stated it as that. I don’t think it’s likely again based on how they seem to be taking the testing more seriously this time around if you listen to their plans

It’s just that if there is ever a time and place that’s good for voicing these concerns this thread is it, so I’m voicing my concerns.

Yeah but what people like is different for person, nothing wrong with that but there’s a few things this can go badly;
What if what you like is actively determined by what is the best option?
What if something is changed to the point where another covenant, outside of power provided, suddenly sounds like something you’d like more then your current one for whatever reason?

I also don’t think it’s a boon to punish people who see the fun in efficiency and minmaxing, that will just chase off those people and leave less people in total. There’s all types of players and they should all be respected and valued to some extend

Now I’m a tank personally so for me the choice will be more around utility or damage mitigation then actual damage dealt for the ability so that already makes it more interesting and while they might nerf/buff damage, utility spells will mostly keep their function but what about the end of an expac where those things start mattering less because of power creep and you’d like to go for damage then?


Please make these a talent row.

Binding spell’s to a covenant makes sense in theory. It doesn’t in practice. There will be a PVP covenant, an M+ convenant and a raid covenant. Doing a piece of content without having the right skill is just sub-optimal. It will become a requirement for PUG’s similar to Raider IO at the moment for M+.

Please just make these level 60 talents.