Shadowlands: A Look at Covenant Class and Signature Abilities *Updated 5/13

For you maybe. My vision of perfection does 20% more(its infernal proc for destruction) than when im with iris. Actually tested it recently.
And again we are not talking only dungeons here. I like to raid and do M+, i fear that if i take the raiding one i will do much less in dungeon runs and vice versa.

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They be mad to make a very hard to change choice have same impact as freely changable essences.

There will be m+3 players who would reroll covenants for 1% performance gain.
I plan to stack :popcorn: x 3

Why follow them?
I start with mobility, than m+, than solo Dā€™s, then last

Donā€™t lock players to one covenant.

Itā€™s not a ā€œmeaningful choiceā€. Itā€™s a nuisance that will force players to pick either something they want or something that lets them be better providing discouragement either way.

Not to mention the frustration it gives to players who play one one character.


They were mad when they removed tier sets XD. And like i said if its not that big of performance booster its fine , but we fear that the abilities alone will be too much of a game changer not to mention the talent tree that comes with covenats on top. Even if the talent tree offsets the power from the pure ST abbility and compansates with strong AoE passives (wich lets be honest is unlikely) there still will be a best to worst covent depending on spec and class where differences may vary to uncontraloble amounts. Do you honestly think that they can balance all of that for 36 specs and only have 1-3% performance differences between them all ?

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Donā€™t look at my pala avatar, I am warlock/rogue deep insideā€¦ I would love sheet show here.
But I still think sadly the reality is that there will only be one or two broken cases, fixes in a month or two and then the rest they will be more or less balanced in betweenā€¦

And i was a pally before i was a warlock XD. But back to the topic at hand, speacking for myself i dont know if i will be playing 1 or 2 moths if its a s^^tshow. BfA has been extremly taxing to me and im just finishing my to do list before i go on a long deserved break in waiting for shadowlands, and dont get me wrong im veery hyped for SL. The tower, zones, covenants (cosmetics and story), dungeons and raid seem very cool to me and i cant wait to play them, but if its a simming nightmare like BfA is im out right after i hit 130 or 70 or whatever it is. So far with the covenant power proggreesions and the substitution of corruptions with whatever it is, its looking like an even worse s^^tshow that BfA.

And again not talking about broken classes, we are talking about covenants not really beeing a choise. By the looks of it they are just as impactfull as talents or essenses and not as flexible.

The lead developer is a blood elf demon hunter? what is even going on with that overpowered hunt thing?

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Iā€™m loving these.

The fact that these abilities are powerful, and affect your class to a huge degree is interesting and cool.

Player agency and customization will always come with a price, and as long as the power balance is within reasonable range ( The Box Plot ) then I think itā€™s not only fine but insanely good.

Aslong as everything is viable and able to progress then it should be fine.

You guys have made interesting impactful and game changing abilities built on player choice.

Now comes the next hard part.

Incorporating player skill and how much players can draw from their skill.

To give an example, letā€™s use a patchwork format, a hectic cleave format and heavy aoe format and balanced reasonable dps affected by player skill should be like this, were the dps minimum is new players / casuals and the dps maximum is the cutting edge insanely good players and the scale is in dps.

PatchWork Format:

Kyrian : 1000-7000
Venthyr : 3000-10000
Necrolord : 500-8000
NightFae : 2000-9000

Hectic Cleave :

Kyrian : 5000 - 13000
Venythir : 7000-20000
Necrolord : 7000- 15000
Night Fae : 8000 - 16000

Heavy Aoe :

Kyrian : 12000 - 50000
Venythic : 10000 - 35000
Necrolord : 20000- 45000
Night fae : 15000- 40000

You might have noticed that skill differences take huge play here, and thatā€™s how these things should be balanced in my opinion, ofcourse these numbers should never be the case because Iā€™m not a dev, theyā€™re there to show a point.

That players shouldnā€™t feel like they can never be able to do anything to pass a person with another covenant ability in dps under any situation no matter what

And that feeling should only be present at the top of the top, as in at World first mythic raiding where guilds will stack the best classes even if they have a 1% advantage anyway.

There shouldnā€™t be a situation where someone vastly less skilled than me be doing more dps even though we have the same gear, and only when two players that have reached the skill cap ( Which should be super hard to reach imo ) were the discrepancies start appearing and they shouldnā€™t be THAT big.

Iā€™m loving this update, itā€™s a risky move and I love it, Iā€™ve always wanted to feel unique as a player and have meaningful choices that heavily affect my gameplay.

Itā€™s an MMORPG and customization is all that matters, Iā€™m doing it in BFA ( picking whatā€™s more fun to me ) and Iā€™ll do it in shadowlands, BFA did something amazing that has been swept under the rug.

Players can totally go different crazy builds, and the builds will ALWAYS be viable, although they can only last until a certain M+ level but they are viable for mythic raiding.

Iā€™m playing with a Hpala friend that refuses to go glimmer, we are smashing +17s and 2 chesting them easy, this is what the game should be like.

Players able to choose and pursue what they like.

I love the fact that we can do that in BFA, only problem is the base design sucks, which I hope it isnā€™t in Shadowlands.

Again, thanks for the awesome decision blizzard, and hopefully this works out cuz it is looking like fire, the good type <3


Bleed dispel reks Necrotic, so thereā€™s that.

Admittedly, as a paladin, I sorely WANT Kyrian to be my best choice, but I donā€™t think the bias has kicked in yet.

Covenants are for the most part going to be a rather bad addition to the game.
The spells we can see are so vastly different in power and even more so when you explore more than 1 type of content within the game.

I have mythic raided, pushed very high keys and been rather high rated in arena all in the same ā€œseasonā€ I very much enjoy being the best I can at all these types of content and with covenants being fairly hard to change iā€™m kind of getting forced to pick an overall decent covenant, rather than picking one because I enjoy the archetype or the appearances and even the lore.
I also will have to make a decision before I choose one of what my main content would be, whether be it raiding M+ or pvp.

Also I will have to play around the consistent balance patches and be hoping the one I had to choose stays the best.

To the people saying your class is still viable in these contents, you are completely correct, however this game is highly competitive especially for a DPS
why would a group take my average covenant rogue in m+ over the rogue who picked the best one for it.

My last point is iā€™m glad though the abilities are more focused around the class mixed with the covenant rather than it all being about the covenant, Something about my rogue exploding a bright blue and yellow light didnā€™t seem very rogue like to me ( Blood of the enemy )

Iā€™d like to see none punishing ways of changing covenants just like we have with class speccs, talents and essences.

TLDR: covenants hurt multiple content gameplay, make the simple to swap


People seem determined once more to remove fun abilities because they believe that the only way to play this game is the way people from method and limit play it .

Players want choices but do not want their choices to matter , which seems strange to me .

I hope blizzard pushes on with this , but makes sure that with time and a reasonable grind ( perhaps with rep ) we can have access to all four covenant abilities while having only one of them active at a time


Paladins Venthyr ability sounds cool, but I wonder what they will do with their Necrolords ability. Looking forward to future updates. :slight_smile:

How is this even a thing?Have you learned nothing from the mess that azerite is?
Its so obv some of em are busted and wil determine which spec you will play for it, do i even start if this gets enabled in pvp?
Look, if i want a clown fiesta of a game il go play an asian mmo.
Just make specs/classe more interesting, add new skills talents etc and ballance around that instead of yet another stupid borrowed power system to grind for AGAIN


Night fae rogues should spawn a poison fart cloud that deals dot, job done


Do not tie abilities to the covenant, only cosmetics and story.
I want to pick my covenant based on aesthetics and story instead of freaking abilities.
Stop oversystemising the game

I do not want to have to look for guides on which covenant is best for each class instead of my characters theme.


no, u

The wheels are already in motion, now if only they could reduce the amount of rng rolls per char to reduce world lag

You need to look up what no u meansā€¦

I donā€™t need to do anything but sit and wait til may for chance at beta

I believe that covenant choises do matter with them providing only cosmetics and story. I mean i will not only do all 4 of them on my alts all to them on all armor types to get all the mogs.
Power proggressions will take that choise away for alot of people.

I suggested something simmilar , with doing your main covenant and unlocking the cosmetics and power that comes with it , then moving on to a second one unlocking only the power, only one covenant can be active at a time.