It’s nice to see that changes are being made but it comes across that there is a lack of understanding as to what makes these abilities or pets strong. Where are the Devs getting the information that these abilities or pets are a problem? Posts on the NA forums where the same player complains their Nocturnal strike missed vs an elemental is not the correct place to understand what changes are required but it feels like that’s what they are doing.
Righteous Inspiration
This ability is such an issue because there is minimal counterplay. The best strategy at the moment to play around RI into Bfb is squirky > stun > bubble > swap into an Idol running sandstorm and deflection. Sneaky Marmot isn’t a viable counter as Murkalot can’t properly be blinded.
If the 100% speed increase was removed then any cc would be viable to counter whilst also retaining some of the abilities usefulness.
Jar of Smelly Liquid and Weakness
Both of these abilities are too strong it’s just that Jar was on a better pet and hit slightly harder. The flat damage and speed reduction with 100% uptime is a joke. Compared to Rake both Jar and Weakness are on a different level. Dropping the reduction down to 25% is still problematic but definitely the better direction. We will be having the same discussion about Weakness the minute it’s on a decent pet.
Twilight Meteorite and Money Meteor
This nerf is probably the biggest insult to players at the moment. 45 base damage is still way above the other abilities with the same effect and cooldown. The lesser splash aoe abilities are all 33 base damage after being nerfed from 40 for being too overpowered. This should be the easiest ability to fix.
Stat reductions
They weren’t able to mess this one up luckily. Now at least every 341+ speed pet that relies on being faster than the opponent can be played again and compete.
Newer aoe abilities
Reduce the base damage on Great Cleave Void Slap, Poison Protocol and Great Sting. The biggest offenders are the dot aoe abilities as they deliver incredible numbers without any set up. It also pushes a sandstorm meta which requires minimal strategy other than use sandstorm on CD and other defensive abilities.
Fel-Afflicted Skyfin
This pet is probably the strongest pet without an overpowered ability. There’s hardly any counterplay when facing this pet so it provides guaranteed value every single game. The combo of dot, debuff and forced swap on a flying pet is too strong. I’d imagine removing Wild Magic and reducing the power would go a long way to helping.
Backline Healing
Nature’s ward, Imps and Photosynthesis are the problem issues where they can get insane value whilst on the backline. Being able to swap a pet to the back and know it will heal 1k health is crazy. The effectiveness of healing should be halfed to pets on the backline. The only other even slightly viable change would be to put cds on the abilities. Sunlight also scales too hard with these and a few other healing abilities.
Dazzling/ Moon Dance
These abilities should have cooldowns so that it’s more meaningful when they are used instead of straight away and whilst there is downtime in the match.
RNG base stats
I think it’s cool that there are slightly different stats for pets that may share the same breed but the more recent pets appear to be purely rng as to the stats. This creates an issue where you will end up with an extreme base stat combined with a breed that scales too well. If a pets type/moveset benefits massively from power (the most likely stat to cause an issue) and is also given a heavily weighted base stat to power and the p/p breed it will be too strong. I actually think that due to the massive volume of pets that every patch releases the Devs just created an algorithm to decide base stats and breed which is the root of the problem.