Shadowlands Class Updates

I hope so :stuck_out_tongue:

Some of the stuff they announced is actually cool. Looking forward.

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There’s a significant difference between monks being able to DW/2H and DKs doing the same and DW survival and 2H enh.

Mechanically enh could 2H and surv can DW but since TBC (or legion for survival) those specs have never been built to work with those setups, whereas monks and DKs were.

So monks and DK are getting something back, enhs and survivals are technically asking for something new to be made viable. Huge difference.

Druids can wield one handed agi maces and daggers, that doesn’t mean feral and guardian necessarily need to be viable with such setups.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love a dual wield viability on survival, but it’s not the same, it would require big changes. Monk and DK is revisiting some old balancing they’ve used before.

2H Frost is back baby.


How is destro warlock getting nothing? By far the most boring spec in the game for the past 2 expansion and not a single change? It’s not april fools anymore.


I hhhhhhaaaaaaateee the return of Holy Power for protection paladins.

I used to play protection paladin a ton during WotLK, it was my second favorite class after my frost mage. I basically dropped the class after Holy Power was introduced and only got back into it when it was removed again.

It just felt clunky all the time to have to constantly look out for this extra resource when I wanted to concentrate on moving the boss correctly and checking my health, the one from my teammates and so on. Tanking is complicated enough without adding extra complexity for the sake of it.

And the developers apparently agreed, since they took this ball and chain around our legs away for two expansions, so I don’t know what rode them to bring it back now! The quote “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result” comes to mind.

Due to a full time job, I don’t have the time nowadays which I had back then when I was a college student, so I can play one class. I had really hoped that it would be the protection paladin this expansion, because it sounded like a good idea to get back into tanking and taking the class solo into Thorgast. Now this will probably not happen, because Holy Power was a terrible idea back when it was foisted on protection paladins back then and I don’t see it now having any chance of being less annoying and fun cancelling.

It was nice to have at least one tanking spec back where you had a smooth playstyle, could do a decent job wihtout always looking if your special resource was charged enough and felt like you always had a tool to control the situation, so the devs returning the class to this clunky and un-fun playstyle feels bad. I hope this isn’t a “Cataclysm 2.0” scenario, where the devs are mentally disconnected from a huge chunk of their player base and think that bringing back unnecessary complexity will somehow increase their suscriber count. Holy power sure didn’t make the class more fun back then and it is almost impossible to see how it would do so on its re-introduction. I hope this isn’t a nostalgia goggles situation from a class lead developer who happened to be one of the few people who liked Holy Power, either.

So, a big thumbs down on this change and I hope feedback to the devs is taken seriously this time and not just chucked in the bin. Please revert this design choice, it is a terrible idea.


Well, not really. Back in times it was common for hunters to wield two one-handers, because they were equipped primarily for stats. Given that current SV hunters have only ONE 2H-animated melee attack (which is Raptor Strike), it’s not really that hard to give hunters one optional animation without changing mechanics.

I get it that DKs and Monks are getting their OG core mechanics back, and it’s very cool, but dual-wielding Hunters were asked since Legion SV rework. And the only problem now is weapon restriction because of artifact-binded ability design that’s still in BfA even after artifacts were removed.

In the shadowlands lore panel they explained that it’s not really about magni CHAMPIOOOOOOON ! DA WOONDZ NEED YA HERE, but rather because we have a special link with Azeroth and this prevented the spirit healers from taking our souls to the shadowlands, and that’s why we don’t really die in game unlike the NPC’s.

This is also what allows us to go to the shadowlands without dying and escape the maw, unlike any dead soul in the shadowlands (and this is what makes us player unique to the covenants rather than being some fated hero single handedly saving the world like BFA)

Every single thing about druid looks good so far.
I really like seeing they’re trying a new approach on the niche feral. Especially with the snapshotting with new rotation on what sounds like a build up before applying rip, as it is the specs biggest strength and weakness.
Currently what I’d like to see is a revamp on sabertooth, as I feel like it dumbs down the spec. I don’t feel like there should be anything that does so your bleeds stay on the target forever, I feel like there should be more choice to min/max. give then certain situation whether pvp/pve. and even if it doesn’t bring more choices, at least it raises the skill ceiling.

2 handed enha was never a thing, even in vanilla enha was just an unfinished talent tree. If they wanted enha 2 handed, they would focus on that in TBC, but they went with dual wield. Yes in TBC arena, 2 handed enha was viable at certain ratings, but was too rng depended. Already many classes using 2 handed weapons, even more now that monks and frost dk will also able to go that way.

Personally, as long as we have more things to spend Holy Power on as paladins in regards to healing I’m all the more happy. I see some people hating on the holy power system – but it’s really not anything bad if it does not get traded for anything. If it’s like an extra resource that some paladins can use for extra spells then I’m pleased with it! But I want to make sure that it is not just word of glory & seraphim that we’ll use Holy Power on as holy paladins, since I feel that’d be boring and wouldn’t add much to the spec.

Not to mention the auras which will be super cool as we keep aura mastery; something I enjoy a lot right now as a Holy Paladin.

However, it does sound like protadins might not be as pleased with them having to use Holy Power, though. I think that the spec may have the littlest use out of it & SoTR was fun with its charge system.

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It’s not good for Ret either. They should have remove Holy Power for Ret too instead of re-adding it back for the other specs.


Personally happy with the proposed additions / returns to the ret spec so far, Ty for the updates.

Any word or discussions going on regarding retribution’s mobility in PvP? The return of emancipation would have been very welcomed, probably even for PvErs.


Rexxar is a BM hunter though.

Where is Leader of the Pack for feral druids? Surely this should be unpruned! Pls give.

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In their shining armor, Protection Warriors are seen as stalwart defenders, but behind the shield stands a coldblooded tactician. Protection Warriors can now tap into their brutal side

I would love if we there will be any chance in future builds we could get back Gladiator Stance as DPS? It perfectly matches their vision of the brutal side of a Protection Warrior that hides behind their stalwartnes.

Maybe not the hardest gameplay, it was basically a ApM build, but atleast it was something unique and for me enjoyable to play. I mean, shouldn’t Shadowlands be the Player Agency expansion? Let us have the choice to DPS with a Board&Sword build, it even miss entirely in the game.

Plz plox Blizz

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I really suggest against Holy Power. Yes, there are some people who like it - but the majority of people voicing their opinions clearly dislike it. When we first got Holy Power in Cataclysm, people didn’t like it. When it disappeared for Protection and Holy, you barely saw anyone at all complain - it was just Retribution that wanted it gone now.

And now, we’re back with everyone using Holy Power. It’s not fun, so please, just remove it. We don’t want to be rogues.


Surrender to Madness. They can’t understand that this will be either broken or useless. Oh wow, look at me, suicide skill, such theme, much wow. They love this crap so much that they will sacrifice any amount of common sence just to keep it in the game. Because blizzard knows better, right? I was expecting this to be the first thing to cut off
“if the caster fails to slay their target during the buff window, they succumb to the shadows and die” - what does it mean “target”? Binds to target that was used on or combat state? So you can use it on criter. Kill the criter and enjoy the buff for the rest of duration without penalties? Wording is awful. May be because even they don’t understand how it suppose to work.

P.S.: don’t even start “It’s just experiments/Alpha/Beta/Gamma/Zeta”. It’s blizzard. And we know how much f’s they give.


You know what would be the best?
If you could mog 2H <-> DW on those classes (and 2x 1H <-> 2x 2H on fury).
That’d solve the problem without the need to account for balancing.

Along with that, they should de-couple artifacts in a similar way (allow both coupled mogging like now and separate as well) and RETURN THE FRIGGIN’ QUIVERS as a moggable stat-less off-hand items.

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Time to give DH some tone-downs, right? You cannot have a single class with so simple rotation, and almost full toolkit of self heals, dispels, multiple stuns, let alone the additional tools in PvP. Also ability to use double jump to avoid game mechanics (i.e. Visions, M+ exploits from last seasons). DH is like a ‘one single class of perfection’ combined with strong ST and AoE damage without need to really choose.

All fun for DHs, less fun for everyone else, who is not a DH.

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