Shadowlands Class Updates

It’s not good for Ret either. They should have remove Holy Power for Ret too instead of re-adding it back for the other specs.


Personally happy with the proposed additions / returns to the ret spec so far, Ty for the updates.

Any word or discussions going on regarding retribution’s mobility in PvP? The return of emancipation would have been very welcomed, probably even for PvErs.


Rexxar is a BM hunter though.

Where is Leader of the Pack for feral druids? Surely this should be unpruned! Pls give.

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In their shining armor, Protection Warriors are seen as stalwart defenders, but behind the shield stands a coldblooded tactician. Protection Warriors can now tap into their brutal side

I would love if we there will be any chance in future builds we could get back Gladiator Stance as DPS? It perfectly matches their vision of the brutal side of a Protection Warrior that hides behind their stalwartnes.

Maybe not the hardest gameplay, it was basically a ApM build, but atleast it was something unique and for me enjoyable to play. I mean, shouldn’t Shadowlands be the Player Agency expansion? Let us have the choice to DPS with a Board&Sword build, it even miss entirely in the game.

Plz plox Blizz

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I really suggest against Holy Power. Yes, there are some people who like it - but the majority of people voicing their opinions clearly dislike it. When we first got Holy Power in Cataclysm, people didn’t like it. When it disappeared for Protection and Holy, you barely saw anyone at all complain - it was just Retribution that wanted it gone now.

And now, we’re back with everyone using Holy Power. It’s not fun, so please, just remove it. We don’t want to be rogues.


Surrender to Madness. They can’t understand that this will be either broken or useless. Oh wow, look at me, suicide skill, such theme, much wow. They love this crap so much that they will sacrifice any amount of common sence just to keep it in the game. Because blizzard knows better, right? I was expecting this to be the first thing to cut off
“if the caster fails to slay their target during the buff window, they succumb to the shadows and die” - what does it mean “target”? Binds to target that was used on or combat state? So you can use it on criter. Kill the criter and enjoy the buff for the rest of duration without penalties? Wording is awful. May be because even they don’t understand how it suppose to work.

P.S.: don’t even start “It’s just experiments/Alpha/Beta/Gamma/Zeta”. It’s blizzard. And we know how much f’s they give.


You know what would be the best?
If you could mog 2H <-> DW on those classes (and 2x 1H <-> 2x 2H on fury).
That’d solve the problem without the need to account for balancing.

Along with that, they should de-couple artifacts in a similar way (allow both coupled mogging like now and separate as well) and RETURN THE FRIGGIN’ QUIVERS as a moggable stat-less off-hand items.

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Time to give DH some tone-downs, right? You cannot have a single class with so simple rotation, and almost full toolkit of self heals, dispels, multiple stuns, let alone the additional tools in PvP. Also ability to use double jump to avoid game mechanics (i.e. Visions, M+ exploits from last seasons). DH is like a ‘one single class of perfection’ combined with strong ST and AoE damage without need to really choose.

All fun for DHs, less fun for everyone else, who is not a DH.

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Historically – yes.
But in Hunter Class hall he marked as Survival.

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Shaman has been really hard to understand update over update… Finally they are taking it back to the essence that made me play elemental back in Cata.
Meanwhile I miss Resto mana restoration with lightning bolt :frowning:

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WW Monk definetly needs a few buffs overall to be able to dish out as much dmg as we could with tod in bfa, theres no way we are gonna have enough dmg with xuen unless we get something else.

Yet the only class change shown so far were two talents becoming baseline, and outside of the hunt broken charge the covenants abilities are pretty mediocre

Wonder if dh will really be this strong in shadowlands seeing what other classes are getting…

Maldraxus rogue ability : stab a bone in the target and leave a dot on the target until it dies. Use it a second time on a target and destroy all bones you left on enemies to burst your target. That’s just amazing.

Druid Night fae : Fire 16 abilities in 4 sec based on your spec. This could be amazing especially if you use it along other cds.

DH on the other hand… Venthyr ability : “Leave a dot on a target, which can proc in aoe with your 5min cd” Well, wonder why I expected anything beside a boring ability and a built in aoe which you’ll basically proc without even knowing it

Typical havoc ability I guess

I hate asking nerfs to classes and I very rarely even walk that line, but I feel ‘something does not work well’ with Dhs. Most certainly i do not want them to be nerfed to the ground, but I want them to need to choose aoe or single target, self heal or stuns etc like i.e. DK has to choose - a stun or a long grip with reset, or even extra movement speed boost. DK has to choose. DH is mobile behemoth with seemingly no weaknesses.

But of course I cannot focus on just DH here. Blizzard often messes up the card deck with start of expansion and now when we strip classes from the temporary powers like azerite and essences - we have left whole different set of cards in our hands.

I guess protection warriors can forget about gladiator stance.

So far the mistweaver changes look, let’s say mediocre at best. There was a reason why the healing orbs were removed, it just doesn’t work. I don’t think a second Revival is a good thing as well, even less if you make dispell boss mehanic again ( Restless Cabal and Il’gynoth).

The upgraded WotC isn’t bad but we first have to see the cooldown it has and mana cost (since excuse me but 25% mana on a spec, already having mana issues, is a bit too much). I won’t even talk about how bad is our covenant ability ( and it shows you kinda lack vision about monks in general since nothing related to monk class abilities has changed since blizzcon, this isn’t an Azerite piece to stack 3x Work In Progress) .

Total agree with the mog stuff. Even if hunters are never given dual wield viability, fact is they can, so it should be a mog option. I agree with this for all classes except mogging ranged to melee etc.

Regarding what I said earlier about viability, it’s not that straight forward. If a class can DW and 2hand for the same spec you have to balance how all their abilities scale with each setup, balance “weapon strike” abilities so they factor in both setups and additionally AA damage, as well as differences due to enchants etc. Monks and DKs have had this attempted before so it’s less work than putting this in place for a class that’s never had it before like Hunter, animations as the least of the concerns, it’s about making it so one setup is not utter trash to the other (they’ll probably never be perfectly in sync), and that requires a lot of tampering and fiddling. As said it’d be cool for hunters, I just don’t see it happening but it would be awesome if I’m wrong.

So far i really like the Monk changes, the only thing i see that could be problematic is the ToD Change for Windwalker, changing it to where it only will become an Execute, will hurt Monks already bad Single-Target performance even more and Xuen in it’s current state will not be a good replacement, since even the 6% damage increase from Hit Combo outshines Invoke Xuen. Either keep ToD as it is, and only tweek it, or buff Monks overall damage to not rely on ToD anymore.

Marksmanship hunter not viable again in M+ and MDI YEY,

Still Trick shot is in the game, still Marksmanship is not viable.

MDI team take like 9-12 mobs, how the Fword marksmanship is limited to 6 target max ??
MM hunter multi-target deal the same damage than any class bewteen 3-6, after 6 and under 3 he’s totally not viable.

Come on blizzard you don’t go in Hunter EU forum ? Listenning feedback ?
We asked MM hunter viability from a long time in M+ and PvP and we given option how to make it viable and nothing done ?

I hope Blizzard listen quick the crying help of hunter before it too late.

Or i may stop MM hunter and be gone for an another class in Shadowland. I already forced myself playing BFA in PvP Being not viable as MM hunter and being benched too in M+ because of trick shot.
I don’t want an another BFA unviability again

Yea, DH tank nerfed to ground.