Despite them being disappointing I don’t necessarily want them tossed out next expac (frankly, I’m tired of blizz tossing expac systems out every time we go again). Improvements would be nice, and they’ve made steps towards that. Iteration rather than removal is generally preferable.
Ideally once they’ve got a better grasp on the systems it’d be easier to give us new ones.
Island Expeditions never sat well with me because the “advanced AI” cheated which meant that any engagement with the enemy team took 5 times as long as it would’ve done against an AI team with actual player ability cooldowns. Looking at you, island expedition hunter pets with infinite no-DR stun and instead pet rezz that follows you across the entire island.
I just hope we’ll actually see some changes being done to classes in Shadowlands. Sure, it was kind of funny at first how three expansions in a row practically forced you to relearn your class/spec, but after being saddled with a rotation that feels incomplete without the Artifact abilities in BFA (yeah, it works, but it’s not fun) I would like something fresh.
True. I would like to see them make a Warfront that actually has a PvP aspect (this is really what I expected from them in the first place) or at least as an alternative mode. It’d be fun to have to contend with other players when you’re trying to get wood/resources, and would be made even better if you could loot these from players’ corpses.
I like them being easy tbh. Nice and straight forward, can’t fail due to teammates being too dumb to breathe, and a good catch-up mechanic for alts. Also, easily grinded skins
Literally nothing to complain about in my books
Normally I agree, but I think the ilevel split of 15 ilevels per difficulty is detrimental to the patch-to-patch experience by invalidating gear so quickly.
In my ideal we’d lose LFR*, combine normal+HC into a “normal” midpoint and give mythic an ilevel cap/scaling until all the Cutting Edge chivos were given out. So instead of each tier being 60 ilevel spread we’d only have 30 - Normal and Mythic.
*LFR would be replaced by a ‘Story Mode’ which gives no gear but lets you experience the bosses/story as your character for the purpose of story quests. AI mobs would assist to give the ‘raid’ feel and you’d get to queue with friends in case you wanna experience it together.
Honestly, I feel some people put too much emphasise on hate when it comes to expansions sometimes. I’ve not hated any of them. They’ve always been ups and downs with each ones and a few more solid than the rest. Even WoD that I would put among the worst, because of the wasted potential, I greatly enjoyed the dungeons we had and raids prior to HFC.
But there’s a best of both worlds that can be applied here as with most content that gets regular play. Instances, raids and even island expeditions have difficulty options that until recently Warfronts just weirdly didn’t have.
Yeah I can appreciate this.
The iLvL issue is an annoying one, but for Warfronts in the context of everything else having other options it seems mad for them to not have had them as well.
tbh I’m not really sure what I’m arguing for here, since they later added heroic
I was generally underwhelmed by Warfronts and a big part of it was the lack of any kind of challenge, but it did also come down to it just not being all that interesting either in terms of what you were getting up to. But not every piece of content is going to be a winner like the dance studio.
Maybe like Elenthas said they can iterate in the future, but I think we all know they’re just going to drop the concept and move on.
A few months late, but what the heck;
Yes, this is the one thing that really makes me look forward to Shadowlands. Finally, an instanced activity that is untimed and gets harder the further you go.
Just hope they won’t do anything crazy like they did with Visions… I mean, who is to say the great minds at Blizzard won’t say “You can run this only two times a week! Have fun!”