Shadowlands Discussion (SPOILERS)

Unless his soul is trapped in the Maw.

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I like how they’re careful to say “might not”.

Given Blizzard’s track record for “wait and see” statements, especially regarding Sylvanas, I expect the most boring and obvious answer: namely, that she wanted the lantern so she could subjugate Stormheim val’kyr and specifically Eyir.


Ohyea, fair point! But we know for a fact Vol’jin ain’t trapped though since the Horde were capable of interacting with him,

Perhaps they realized they ain’t as good as a storyteller as they think they are!:joy:

Also Shadra and Hi’reek.

Wait and see what Sylvanas is up to for all of BfA…and then we still don’t know.

Thank you Ion, very cool.


Ion’s so annorying. I’d like the stars to save wow.

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if I can’t have a house in the afterlife then where can I have one

In real Life.

Blizzard so much needs to do it and add guards to it or maybe real people to guard it and you pay them with gold or with points.

no :sob:

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Yea and those eaten by the Drakkari! En those destroyed by the Amani?

Also we’re still some Wild-Gods in the minus, so perhaps we’ll see Ursoc!? Ashamane! Aggramar!

Who are destroyed by Amani?

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Jan’alai, Nalorakk, Akil’zon and Halazzi were all bound to priests back in ZA. Not exactly clear how ‘destroyed’ they were after we murdered their possessed avatars (twice).

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Well, I assume their spirits are still existing.

They help us in Wrath at least, and I dunno how lore accurate the updated Zul’Aman dungeon is. It’s the old raid with replaced Zul’jin. And even then, it’s the same tactics. :^D

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He seems like a special case, though. Considering people can be raised into undeath, I’d say it’s possible to return from the maw, but not escape it when you die. It’s an inevitable fate (for now).

My honest fear is that they’re gonna try to Kerrigan Sylvanas with à la Illidan sauce.
That’d be really the most angering solution to this situation especially when throughout the whole War Sylvanas’s logic has only ever been self serving and it’s not like she had a greater goal in mind.

Whatever she thinks of “freeing” us from is just deflection to mean to be a lazy justification to make the clueless person to think “Oh, she’s an Anti-hero”. She’s far from it… Heck even Illidan while having done evil deeds and often worse than Sylvanas’s at the very least had given us an insight of how terrible the Legion’s might truly was, the threat was tangible and the damages to the universe was unfathomable…

Just get rid of her… Heck have Thrall pop once again and steal the 1% health in an epic cinematic for all I care… Just stop it. We know you’re no great at making any ubber villain feel that deep Blizzard, all the rest is just fluff to fill in the blank until we loot her corpse.


Atleast pre-Legion they didnt pretend illidan was some epic hero. Everything he did was for selfish reasons, primarily power and to try and get Tyrande to fawn over him. Even fighting the Legion was ultimatly for selfish reasons rather than for the good of the cosmos. That his actions might on ocassion help someone else was just a side-effect.

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You mean TBC stuff? Blizzard admitted that TBC Illidan was a complete mistake and not at all how they wanted to portray him.

What makes you think that?

The Illidan Novel does set some things pretty straight after that. War of the Ancient Illidan was indeed only doing it for his own benefit, saving his kin through being a Legion double agent was just extra for personal fame and get the girl.

In the Illidan Novel after that, does make it that destroying the Legion being his focus. Indeed he was merciless and would have done anything to accomplish that goal. It does have an nice exploration of him being angry, tempted by more power, regretful (rarely) and while he still loved Tyrande, he got over that failure by that time. I liked how he felt that the vision from Xe’ra was ego-stroking him “You were on the right path all along” only to break that “Choosen one” trope in Legion.

Legion Illidan though was an absolute travesty. The Xe’ra vision were straight from the hidden textbooks of some fanboy… Honestly I hated it.


Well, even in wc3 he had a more villianous role.

His motivation for fighting the Legion primarily comes from a personal grudge against them and that he considers Sargeras his own -personal- rival. Kil’Jaden to some degree as well because he failed him. Power is also important to him, it has always been even before the legion first invaded. And when they did, it gave him an excuse to seek even more of it under the pretense that “It’s to fight the legion”. He has also pretty consistently tried to get into Tyrande’s pants or get her to swoon over him for “doing what must be done” and acting broody.

And as Ranying put it, for fame and cred. Even the little crystal we get at the end of Argus is to make people revere him. If he truly only cared about fighting the legion for goodness sake, he wouldn’t have left you with a crystal to show to everyone to go “I told you so, im good, you’re not suck it losers.”

I hated the Illidan background quests. I didn’t even finish them simply because they were not only boring but just demonstrated how awful Illadin was as a person while the wind chime insisted he wasn’t so bad. Not a fan.