Shadowlands Discussion (SPOILERS)

Sylvanas cannot and will not get a death from the hands of someone specific like Tyrande… Unless it’s Nathanos killing his Queen in a Romeo and Juliet kind of death as they go to hell for eternity together in a “Nobody can have her except me.” as the final F U to a community pretty much tired of her evil antics

Best we can hope is her dying Gul’dan style but having the Jailer dissapointed in her failure actually sending her straight to the very hell she was trying to dodge. I’m calling it. Bonus point if it’s Nathanos popping out of nowhere to take her place…

I could totally see Nathanos killing her with what they said to each other during the loyalist quest that when the time comes there can be no hesitation.

A line so vague it’s up to numerous interpretation so Blizzard can feel smug about it when they say “We had planned this all along hehe.”

I can see Nathanos killing her in a Jon Snow way. Doing it because she’s gone too far.

Please explain what Jon Snow did for those who didn’t watched GoT.

However I don’t see Nathanos ever killing Sylvanas unless the fate she’s about to get is far worse.

Okay, putting spoiler tag on this so people don’t get mad.

Spoilers for Jon Snow

TL:DR him and Daenerys(Dragon lady) become a thing, and he kills her in the end because she has a 180 personality change due to the bad writing. She pretty much flips from Anduin to N’zoth & Sargeras combined in the span of 1-2 episodes.

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dragon queen lady went cray cray so jonny boi stabbed her

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Ok. But Sylvanas has always been scheming, manipulative and doing dubious deeds.
Nathanos has hardly ever defied her will as far as I can tell… Best I remember being in BtS where we semi-vouched for Alonsus Faol and said that the Desolate Council was not a problem.

Thanks for informing me about the Jon Snow thing though. I doubt it will apply to Nathanos though.

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I personally just wish to have Nathanos killed of swiftly with Sylvanas. Both characters annoy me and they are heavily pushed by Blizzard as some sort of super couple with the power of plot.

I know they aint the only ones, but they are both so unlikeable to me, in a very bad way where I just want them gone, rather than a “Ohh, I can’t wait to see how it develops” like you want with a good villian.


Tyrande killing Nathanos off in Darkshore would have been perfect. But Blizzard decided that a barely named Val’kyr was “victory” enough for Nelves.

The very crux of it.


That entire thing annoys me even more since that whole interview where one of them said “Well Sylvanas can probably make new Val’kyrs now!”

Nathanos as a character is basically the worst of Stormwind RP, those kinda guys who walks straight up to random people and asks for a fight to the death, and then loldodges all of the emotes before they mount up on their proto-drake and flies away after a /e kills your character and laughs.

that’s literally every major lore character


This is true, yes. But the thing that makes it more stand out to me in an annoying fashion with Nathanos is that they also make him smug and quite openly out of story wants him to be a fan favourite because of some old vanilla nostalgia.

so you wouldn’t hate him if he were a nice ball of “UwU I’m so sowwy I have to fight you!”? I’m pretty sure we’ve got that quota filled already.

No, that is also really annoying. But I would hate him alot less if he didnt go away from every single fight he comes into just Shrugs “is that all?”.

They atleast try with some of the other characters make it look like they struggle atleast a little bit, atleast for a moment. Nathanos just waltz through everything like he has god-mode on while bragging about it at the same time. I generally don’t like that in characters.

He clearly doesn’t? Both the Darkshore fight and the Jaina fight he’s not coming away from it smug and calm. Instead he’s irritated by the losses and problems they faced, which makes sense since they lost those fights.

The Darkshore was though, not a loss at all. He still happily boasts how Tyrande was too late and how he completed his objective, and as we now know thanks to Blizzard, killing the single, barely mentioned Val’kyr meant absolutley nothing either. If anything, most of the Darkshore storyline was generally atrocious and written around Nathanos character rather than the Night Elves, that’s how it kinda comes across atleast.

Jaina I don’t recall so I can’t say.

What someone who definitely won and is smug about it sounds like:

Nathanos Blightcaller says: Witch! You shall pay dearly for that. Let’s move!

For me personally, I don’t feel that is enough, since again. He actually completed all of his objectives and got away mostly scots-free from that fight with the power of “ENOUGH!” and the Alliance gaining nothing from it.

Even the fact that it’s now canon that Alliance won both warfronts, it’s not shown ingame nor will it likley ever be.

While alot of characters in WoW, most of them have bad superhero writing, Nathanos for me personally represents the very worst of it, and I am really bothered by that they write the plot around him at several points, Darkshore being the stand-out.

So do you actually dislike Nathanos or is it just a proxy because you think NElves didn’t win hard enough? Because it’s kinda sounding like the latter.

except if you remove Nathanos from the plot of Darkshore nothing changes, so how is it written around him?

Like cut him out - instead of Tyrande fighting him they’re fighting the val’kyr instead, one dies and the other flees and…everything remains the same.

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