Shadowlands Discussion (SPOILERS)

Bit of both. I disslike Darkshore, but I geniuenly didn’t care for Nathanos at all ever since he became a primary character in the story.

And yeah, that still happens. But the fact they felt the need to put him in there annoys me, since they also felt the need to put him actual harm and then just use the trope of loldodge “enough!” that they even made fun of Legion.

I would have felt better about it if they didnt include him there, or if they actually put him in a fight he can’t win, have him face those consqueences, not just escape away because the writing says so.

That’s not a thing unique to Nathanos though. Jaina for example takes on all the heroes of the Horde single handedly, escapes and is supposed to be “badly injured” but also not really injured at all the next second because turns out she’s actually fine

Edit: She literally teleports out with an equally cheesy one liner


Yeah I’m not excusing Jaina’s power either. Especially since they’ve made it canon she can apparantly teleport everywhere with how many people she wants, such as straight into Orgrimmar.

Isn’t it like canonical that if you know a location, you can teleport there?

She’s been to Orgrimmar a few times. That’s not that hard to believe.

It’s an overarching symptom of the current writing, not so much the usual spiel people regurgitate about Danuser(?) loving Nathanos as some kind of self insert. Just looking at the man’s twitter history, the dude has been fanboying over Alleria and the void elves far, far, far more than Sylvanas and Nathanos put together.

Like I posted somewhere else, people like to make boogeymen out of various writers but truth is it’s just Blizzard itself


You’d think there would be some limitations though? Such as leyline instability, and perhaps wards set up by the Horde’s mages. Because if not, then how is the war not over already if Jaina could just teleport the Alliance army straight into the undercity of Orgrimmar and take everything from there.

Yeah I’m well aware it’s not just him at all, the issue is as you say with Blizzard themselves, particuarly the head figures thinking that they know what’s best, most likley from a very callous market testing.

Nathanos isn’t a self insert, he is just a trashly written character. Sadly like many of Blizzard’s old familliars now. Since they don’t flesh out the new ones very much aside from a few exceptions.

It really feels like Jaina can only communicate in one liners and quotes she read online.

Thing is I’d still unironically prefer Blizzard’s writing to whatever biased fanfiction the players would write if they were given full narrative control over the setting. Just look at Moonguard-US and the various RP private servers. Every single time it just devolves into the main DM’s preferred bias trumping everyone else’s preferences.

Except me of course. I would make the best lore rulings if I had the power over Loreology’s twitter account, but I’m also not one of the [low] normies

Inside you there are two wolves…

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I’ve never seen her teleport an entire army myself, but I have never played the war on Alliance side. And isn’t her teleporting in and out of Orgrimmar seen during the end of the war?

I’ve seen portals be set up to transport massive amounts of people though, which seems to be the way. Even Khadgar sets up portals in WoD. And I’m under the assumption that he is more powerful than her, he should be anyway.

Big agreement honestly. I mean, I’m not a writer myself and my own ideas if I had creative control would most likley not be liked by others and vice versa. It’s quite a good rule to have for writers, don’t listen too much to the fans ideas.

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It’s what she’s most famous for.

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Sure, but I’m just saying I’ve never seen her do it. At times I feel like it’s exaggerated due to people disliking the route they’ve taken her.

Doesn’t she do exactly that in the Battle for Mount Hyjal? I’m sure she’s done it a couple of times in Warcraft 3 as well.


Okay, but I’m subtly asking for a recent incident.

She does it in Wrath when she teleports Varian out of Undercity?

I don’t remember anything after that.

Since it’s somewhat relevant to the discussion at hand, I’ll just leave this here:

Lady Jaina Proudmoore is a skilled practitioner of transmutation magic. She has developed a powerful variation of the popular mass-teleport spell that is capable of moving a significant percentage of her army with minimal effort. This spell helps make her extremely unpredictable on the battlefield.

from ‘The Schools of Arcane Magic - Transmutation’. I can’t link it, but it’s available on WoWpedia.


The most recent incident where she does teleport an army is Wrath which was many years ago. In her other uses of teleportation, it’s smaller groups ranging from 5 to like 20+ but not abouve that, and a ship of course.

However, that was kind of my point too. She has been shown to have that power, as well as teleporting fairly accuratly straight into the undercity of Orgrimmar with company. So what is stopping her from just doing that with an army? Or an infinite number of times with smaller groups.

The fact she can teleport anywhere at will, even straight into the enemy’s capitol and secret prison, is the primary issue with it, not the numbers.

Who knows, it is reasonable to assume that teleporting a large army will be picked up by any mages guarding the city. Teleporting one or two people is likely far more subtle.

Spoilers: The reason Kyrian look human is because when Garithos got to Bastion they were so impressed they all wanted to be like him.


Why would Garithos want to work alongside some strange holy owls?


Memeing aside, lorewise I reckon he’d be in Revendreth due to his own pride and xenophobia, and the fact that he was a complete imbecile.