Shadowlands Discussion (SPOILERS)

I need that sitcom. Kael’thas and Garithos stuck in Revendreth, facing an eternity together in the afterlife.


Dammit it’s so good I doubt that’ll happen.

But someone could definitely make a neat comic about it!

the Maw.­­

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While it makes sense for his character; I think he might be in another dimension entirely. Revendreth is just one of the many “bad guy” places.

Why wouldn’t he be in Bastion? Isn’t the criteria just to be selfless, focus on duty, and strive to fight for something greater than yourself?

Garithos was utterly devoted to humanity. That he also was a jerk in general does not take that away.

Shiny angel place does not have to mean good and flawless right?

Compare to Kael’thas who betrayed his people for no real reason and joined the Legion, which is the opposite of being dutiful and devoted.

Yeah, and that’s the problem. There’s more than humanity in the Alliance, and he was openly racist to any non-human. That’s not a good guy.

Throw him in the maw.

Why do souls go to Ardenweald? What makes a soul best suited for them?

'cos from the wowpedia entry it kinda seems like souls are just used as life batteries to power up nature spirits.

“Whereas the Dream represents the spring and summer of the cycle of life, Ardenweald reflects autumn and winter. It is a place of rest and hibernation[1][2] where spirits of nature are tended to by the night fae, who retrieve anima from mortal souls and infuse it into slumbering spirits, rejuvenating their lives with the remnants of the old to prepare them to be reborn into the world of the living”

How many souls did Cenarius eat to get ressed in Cata?

Anima, again per wowpedia:

Anima is the essence of mortal souls that enter the Shadowlands,[1] the product of all of the soul’s experiences and actions in life. Great souls—good or evil—have a lot of anima, while those who have lived humbler lives have less.[2][3] It infuses the Shadowlands[4] and acts as the lifeblood of the afterlife, making trees grow and rivers flow,[2][3] flowing through creatures,[5] and connecting all the realms of the Shadowlands together.[6]

So if you live a full and great life, you too can be destined for Ardenweald where the faesatyr will take all of that and turn it into energy to power up dumb wild gods who got themselves corrupted and killed like idiots.

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As I said, Bastion does not have to mean good. It just means selfless, focus on duty, and strive to fight for something greater than yourself.

At no point did they say ‘Bastion is the heaven where good people go’.

None, because Blizzard hadn’t come up with Ardenweald yet back then. The intent was that the spirit of Cenarius was recuperating in the Emerald Dream. And that’s probably something they decided on for just Cataclysm, and before that he was supposed to be dead-dead.

Well yeah, but now we’ve got retcon and actually he was recovering in Ardenweald all along so we gotta go back Marty.

man imagine you live this great life full of hardships you’ve overcome and then get sent to Ardenweald and they’re like “okay now we’re taking your essence to resurrect cenarius”

What if that’s what happened to Grom (MU) and that’s why Cenarius forgave the orcs lmao

Isn’t it more like, your energy (anima) is used for the purpose of the rebirthing of nature spirits, while your “self” still remains in tact?

I dunno, it’s described as the essence of mortal souls. Generally when you take the essence out of a thing it kinda wrecks the thing, ya know?


Grom would have ended up in Maldraxxus I would assume.

All orcs should go to Maldraxxus.

Grom deserves nothing but the Maw.

Grom didn’t do anything wrong.


He redeemed himself by slaying the Demon who enslaved his people through his mistake.

Those we know who went there legitimately to the Maw would have no redeeming qualities at the end of their lives. Gul’dan, Arthas, Sylvanas for a moment, - Those who died doing evils.


MU Grom, while incredibly brash and kinda stupid, did have a change of heart and character and ultimatly did a good sacrifice.

AU Grom is a horse of a diffrent colour and a very distinctivly EVIL person. But we also don’t know if he died. If he did, then he goes to the Maw. Or AU Maw.

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Not really, he was tricked and lied to by Garrosh. He was even shown a vision about what he did, but not the full vision since Garrosh cut it short. He refused the Blood of Mannoroth despite certain loss.

His story was terribly written with Warlords, but the fact that he’s shown as Warchief during the Mag’har recruitment means he must’ve paid - somehow - for what he did.

You know Orcs don’t really care who leads them, right? See MU-Horde with Garrosh and Sylvanas. Aslong as he was strong enough to lead them, he probably didn’t need to atone for anything :stuck_out_tongue:

Man I think, from what we know now the AU Orcs are actually more peacefull then MU Orcs(unless they’re triggered by LFD) since they were capable of not warring with the Draenei for 30 years or so? Unlike the MU-Horde who start a war every few years :stuck_out_tongue:

Lets hope this is not going to be “One Shadowlands across all time and space”-shenanigans :frowning:

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