Shadowlands Discussion (SPOILERS)

He wasn’t very tricked though. Visions aside, we are very -clearly- both shown and told that all atrocities comitted by the Iron Horde, including Ner’zhul doing void sacrifices and very openly defiling their ancestors souls etc, was -ALL- 100% Grom’s idea and also forced upon Ner’zhul, with the threat of completly annihiliating the Shadowmoon.

Grom was tricked into starting the whole deal, but he was in complete control of litterally everything else and did things that are very much war crimes and as far evil you can go in WoW’s lore. Such as the corruption of the dark star, Draenei genocide without Legion influence etc.

The Mag’har, as I argued earlier and before, are following in his footsteps out of pure spite, and is an evil race, compared to the MU Orcs.

Okay, you know what?

Your mom. :frowning:


AU Grom also seemed to have a change of heart in the intervening timeskip years.

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He seemed to have had it already during WoD when you free him from Fel Lord BigMuscleBoi.

‘‘Draenor is free!’’ and all that.

He’s still very much warmongering though. And I consider the Mag’har to be bad/wrong side of the AU Draenor conflict when you look at how it started and what they have been doing since.

The Lightforged(or what they were called) only took to arms when the Mag’har tripled down on refusing to give up void and shady practises and attacked them for daring to suggest to them how to behave. And alot of Draenor’s hinted destruction to the landscape is the orcs doing from the war.

They went to war because the Draenei forced the Light on them. Some willingly did it, while some were captured and forced. What did you want them to do?

If the draenei didn’t like what the orcs practised, they could’ve just fudged off THEIR world and go back to their own. Oh wait…

Orcs said it was because of the Light and the Lightforged tho… So who is wrong and who is right?

Sure might be easy to blame the Orcs, since they usually start all the bad things done to a planet… But we don’t know for certain on this since we know that complete planets, who turned to the Light, became crystallized D:


You may as well throw all the orcs in the Maw then.

And that seems pretty racist. And racists go in the Maw.

that’s a yikes from me bro

“Convert to our religion or we’ll kill and/or brainwash you” is apparently the good side to you? The Lightbound were objectively the aggressors.

Yrel says it is. She’s a bit insane. Grom, who the player is meant to understand as the good guy, says it’s the Light, which matches the interviews that previously talked about what an entirely Light-filled world would look like (desolate).

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In Warcraft?

That basically means that everyone going to the Maw is not a malfunction, but working as intended.

The brown people, else it’d be racist.

I think he meant the WoD-conflict and not the Lightbound/Mag’har conflict?

Wait; didn’t and entire Lightfilled planet turn into some crystal? Like everything on it became crystallized?(thus basicly frozen in time, instead of desolated?)

Is this better?

Yeah, I made the decision. Racists and union busters go straight to super hell.

It’s kinda the same thing - lifeless and barren either way.


I suppose so…

Not a faith worth awaiting either way :frowning:

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Not at all. But the Mag’har has proven themselves to be a threat that requires almost no catalyst to start, and we only have their word that the lightforged are the big bads, when that was never shown. The AU orcs own agressive nature and love for generally chaotic and bad forces such as void magic has been shown.

But yeah, you’re also correct in that from Blizzard’s own narrative that storyline was meant to be fairly simplisticly “Orcs=Good, Light Draenei=Bad” with no further clarficiations.

*She and I did mean the Lightbound/Mag’har conflict too as Elenthas pointed out, but I can be/probably wrong in my view on that considering what Elenthas pointed out too. But in the WoD conflict, Grom and a majority of the Iron Horde was indeed evil, fully aware of both their actions and consquences, but thought it was ok because “we strong orcs.”

Is Draenor actually just The First in disguise? We’ll never know.

It’s even better than that. I feel like your assessment is more accurate than anyone realizes. Like, anyone remember that Naaru in the Mag’har scenario actually casting a “freeze time” spell? Not the kind of magic you’d normally associate with Naaru or holy magic, right? I even got a like from a Blizz dev on twitter when I pointed this out (and I know, that doesn’t have to mean something necessarily, but…).

This is slightly headcanon-ish territory, but: I like to think of arcane magic as “the building blocks of reality”, in a sense of space as well as time. That would also be why time works differently in the Twisting Nether, or other magical planes like the Void, the Shadowlands or the Emerald Dream (I think this part is in fact canon). So basically, anything that warps reality and “corrupts” it with its influence, whether that is fel magic or the Light, will also twist time. Since the Light is all about order, purity and a singular vision, crystallizing a planet and almost literally freezing it in time feels pretty apt. This would then also be why a balance between the different magical forces is desirable. If one gains too much power over the others, especially its polar opposite, it will inevitably start to draw reality within its own plane, with all the (often horrible) implications which come with such a transformation.


Tfw draenei glass entire PLANETS

This menace cannot be contained

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They really are Protoss.


The secret behind the draeneis apparent immortality finally explained?