Shadowlands Discussion (SPOILERS)

Many IRL civilisations have done it. Thing is, they tend to define pretty clearly what honour means. WoW doesn’t do that.

It’s an elf thing. Just ask Moridunum. :man_shrugging:

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In regards to my previous discussion about The Lightbound/Mag’har, looking back at it, I think my biggest frustration/issue with the storyline actually stems down to Eitrigg himself being completly senile/weird.

His quote of: “Heroes from my world once freed yours from the grip of tyrants.” Now Azeroth faces a similar threat" as a means to recruit the Mag’har, is factually wrong, atleast in the context of it all.

Sure, heroes from Azeroth came to free Draenor from tyrants, but it was BOTH the Horde & Alliance simulatenously who worked together, and the Tyrants was the Iron Horde itself, particuarly Grommash who Eitrigg actually says this too. He was litterally THE Tyrant. They were, particuarly Grommash, the primary atagonists and terror for both worlds.

Then there is of course the issue with how the threat Eitrigg talks about, is actually the Horde/his warchief itself, something that’s been proven to us now(with wasn’t a shock really). This comes after the Horde burned down Teldrassil and started a war of agression, which we now know(again, was hardly a surprise) was deliberatly done by Sylvanas for the sake of being evil.

He is litterally saying: “Long ago, we together with the Alliance rescued your planet from YOU. Now WE are doing the same thing, but worse and we like you to join us and help kill those who both helped bringing you down and saved Draenor.”


You’re reading what you want into it.

Eitrigg’s statement is 100% accurate.
“Heroes from [Azeroth] once freed [Draenor] from the grip of [the Legion]. Now Azeroth faces a similar threat [the Alliance].”

Where’s the lie there?

It’s not like orcs particularly care about Teldrassil outside of Sadfang. They were pretty stoked about it, so the mag’har would be too. Crushing your enemies utterly in a war? Sounds good to me.


honestly putting the alliance up to the same threat level as the legion is giving the alliance WAY to much credit.
try again mate.

Alliance wanted to nuke Horde cities first :point_up:

I love how they always hate the draenei. If not legion then draenei themselves gave them reason. I kinda wanna see what happens when a mag’ har meets a lightforged lol.

Nuke a few cities or nuke every planet in the universe
sure is a similar threat, yep.

The Legion had essentially no grip on AU Draenor. There were skirimishes and troubles around Shattrath, sure, but it was never a full on foothold since the Iron Horde effectivly stomped out Gul’Dans plans & left the Draenei to fend off the remains while simultaenously fighting them too.

Even when Gul’dan managed to coax Kilrogg into taking up his deal, Tanaan was by no means a full control of rest of Draenor. To say that the Legion had a grip on them to be considered tyrants ABOVE the Iron Horde, is a lie. It was also not the Legion that we fought off for 90% of the time there, or even went there in the first place, it was infact Grommash and his Iron Horde.

The Alliance have also not been a threat to Azeroth in BfA, Sylvanas has, the Horde has. And with the reason for this being very explicity in her service to the jailor and just causing as much collateral damage as possible.

In WoD, The Iron Horde was the primary atagonists and infact both morally and objectivly evil, particuarly Grommash. And in BfA, the storyline they went with turned out that yes, Sylvanas was that too and there was no grey motives arond the war. I’m not calling it a good story by any means, and it could have been interesting exploring actual problems with the factions and letting the Alliance play a more dangerous role, but that’s not what they went with.

Instead as it is now, Eitrigg was full of bs to the Mag’har, and the Horde were the bad guys recruiting previous bad guys(unknown to some, known to others).

Edit: Got a Reddit thread that further goes into the issues with, particuarly the Mag’har scenario overall and it also brings up Eitrigg being full of it:


From the Horde’s point of view, it might as well be the same thing. If the Horde comes to an end, the Horde comes to an end, who cares about whatever might be happening to other folks on other planets?

I mean, sure both are a threat to the horde, but outside of wanting to see the horde gone the legion and the alliance are about as similar as egg yolk and monster trucks.

if wanting the horde dead is all it takes to make the alliance equally as bad in the eyes of the horde then i suppose the quillboars are also legion tier threat, and the centaurs or the naga, or some grumpy red dragon still mad about the whole enslaved thing they did that one time…

No, because whereas the Alliance and the Legion can actually threaten the existence of the Horde, the quillboar, centaur and grumpy red dragons cannot. As for the naga, possibly, but with them for the most part living deep underwater, it’s hard for the Horde to get a good understanding of how numerous, united, powerful, etc. they are.

The biggest issue for me, because the Horde did used to be my favourite faction in terms of story pretty much up until around Cataclysm and has then gone a bit up and down, is the route Blizzard has taken and is taking with the storytelling around them.

They can’t seem to help themselves to make Horde the central agressors whenever there needs a conflict not driven by a force like the scourge or Legion. Preluding to BfA, this was seemingly going to change a bit, with the warbringers Jaina and things prior to Teldrassil hinting a bit at the Alliance showing off some form of both strength and legitimate danger.

But instead, it went the way things went and here we are as before. And it makes things a bit weird for me that the Horde is pushed constantly both as a direct threat to Azeroth(With Garrosh & Sylvanas) and just generally agressive, while at the same time leaving little breadcrumbs to that “hey, maybe the arent so bad”, but they seem to scared to comitt to it anymore.

As much as I have complained about plot armour on Nathanos/Sylvanas, with this storytelling the Alliance has pretty much as a whole a plot armour against being “bad”, since whenever a character from an Alliance race is written to be evil, they are made out as a mad traitor who acted alone, and thus not their fault.

‘Oh no, we tried to stomp out the Alliance but we totally failed and now they are fighting back. How dare they, they are as bad as the Legion!’


Yeah people who want to wipe you out are pretty bad. Horde didn’t start the war, they just escalated it, an eventuality that the narrative tells us was eventual regardless, and morally correct to happen as soon as possible.

False though, considering the Horde did start the war in BfA, with it being Sylvanas master plan all along.

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Sylvanas and Saurfang are not omniscient narrators. While Blizzard confirmed they will keep the A-H model (presumably because it is marketable) that is not something any lore characters would be aware of.

Sylvanas wanting maximum death was the only reason BFA happened.


Saurfang didn’t want maximum death, but he agreed that a war was inevitable. You agreed with me that it was, last time we discussed this. Anduin can’t/won’t control his warhungry subordinates.

Genn’s assassination attempt in Stormheim. The slaughter of goblin workers (escalating itself in Silithus, with the attempted deployment of the full NElf army). The Gathering which Anduin specifically noted was not a ‘ceasefire’.

All of it shows they were already at war. They were just biding time to recover forces before the next big salvo. Lets not forget how quickly Anduin turned around and had an entire invasion force deployed in Tirisfal (“rightfully Alliance land”…) either.

Edit: Forgot the Alliance spies that were infesting Orgrimmar. Just a bit of casual espionage, not a big deal.

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Didn’t the Horde start the killing in Silithus? I think I read something about that.

But I do loved Sylvanas bringing up the Orcish Death Camps in Lordaeron as a reasoning to Saurfang! Especially since the two Kingdoms most involved in it were actually Lordaeron(now her Kingdom and people) and Dalaran(now neutral)!

I mean sure, the rest wanted them all death; but thats honorable according to the Orcs so thats cool!

I think it’s not as inevitable as you imagine. If Baine had been warchief, over time they could have started to build a friendship and mend old hatreds. It’d take a while, but once the A-H confederation has been in place for centuries and almost no one is still alive who remembers the time of war (and the reasons behind it), you’d have much less of a concern for new wars breaking out.

The only weird or unjustified part was the Horde having her as warchief to begin with. She was obviously villainous from day one. Vol’jin letting himself be manipulated in such a grossly incompetent way, and Genn wanting rid of Sylvanas before she can get any of her plans in motion… What is the issue? Trying to assassinate Sylvanas is like trying to assassinate Lich King Arthas, except Sylvanas is even worse because Arthas still had some shred of humanity in him causing him to show restraint.

Nothing they couldn’t have stopped. I bet you 50k that if Baine had been warchief and wanted to negotiate a non-aggression pact, Anduin would be in on it 1100%. Any remaining loose elements trying to continue fighting would be way easier to rein in once the situation is stable (which it never has had time to become so far).

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