Yeah exactly. I actually liked WoD but that’s the thing that was bad in WoD.
Just when we got out of Beta in BfA we’re about to get another beta testing to do?
Nothing to do except pvp i can take unfinished SL more then this abomination called bfa
They had all of BFA and it still wasn’t fixed.
Dunno. BfA is finished. Production-wise it’s all there. In terms of quality, then more wants more, and Blizzard can always do better. But there’s nothing missing from BfA.
If you take an expansion like WoD, then you actually have an unfinished expansion, because a lot of the planned content never made it into the game, or was cut short.
Shadowlands appears finished, as far as the box product goes. All the content is there on the Beta now. What remains is the constant, neverending demand for better quality. But players will, and should, always want more quality.
Remember how Blizzard fired 1000 employees a while back to save money? Everything since is either unfinished or recycled (8.3, all “new” zones are recycled as well as the visions).
But that’s not really proper cause and causation.
Activision Blizzard laid off a number of employees across all its subsidiaries, also Blizzard. But they didnt lay off any developers. They cut people from eSports, community relations, marketing, and other non-production focused areas. And then they even increased the number of actual developers.
This. Between the content drought and people going stir crazy due to the pandemic, any content - flaws and all - is starting to look mighty appealing to quite a few gamers.
There’s also the matter that in comparing this point in BFA’s lifespan to that of Legion, the latter just had more tangible goals for completionists to contend with.
Sure - some people had completed the Mage Tower on every single class/spec combination available, but by far the majority of people were still giving that place a go right up until the weekly reset and the BFA pre patch. I have not experienced anywhere near that level of excitement and interest for the Horrific Visions.
Where is the proof they didn’t fire developers as well?
Night fae is still broken on the beta. It was broken when I got the beta months ago.
In the media. It’s always a buzz topic when Blizzard developers leave the company and become ex-Blizzard, because people want to know what they’ll work on next.
But no developers were laid off by Blizzard, just non-developer people.
“looks at thread title” i’m shocked.
October is going to be hardcore crunch for Blizzard devs…May the light help them !
Besides, I do think it’s quite early and I would have prefered a November launch instead, even if it means longer pre patch.
when was the last time we got a finished expansion on launch though? Cataclysm?
Every expac starting from MOP suffered from major issues on launch.
MOP: daily quest overload, poor Valor system (rewards gated behind reps, you still need to spend points tho!). Mediocre first tier of raiding, broken PVP (such as triple BM hunter comps)
WOD: fell flat on its face shortly after launch, never recovered. Even though classes and raids were very well developed.
Legion: 7.0 has horrific. Full of grinding, with broken legendary system (getting the leggo actually INCREASED chances for another one, this produced players having either none or 3-4 of them in a short time!)
BFA: 8.0 was essentially an open beta. Endgame systems were barely developed. Things supposed to replace tier set bonuses were just random damage procs. Gating higher difficulty gear behind further AP grinding was a major issue too.
Expansions usually became good in x.2 patch and then x.3 patch was OK but lasting far too long. I don’t think Shadowlands will be any different.
9.0 looks like a fustercluck that is impossible to balance and many people will be mad. Because not only the top 0,1% min max their characters. People playing heroic raids or +10 keys also want their char to perform as good as it can. And each month we learn about new busywork and grinding, even though this expansion was supposed to have no such mandatory content. And it turns out that it does - and that’s in the most un-fun zone released in years. A zone where you can’t even mount up.
And yet… WoW’s launches (vanilla not withstanding) have overal been more stable and playable than most other mmorpgs out there.
WoD’s Garrison wanna talk with you.
This x200. I’ll take an unfinished product with new stuff to do over BfA. I’ll even take a few extra weeks of pre-patch if needed. I want to try sub rogue, I want to see how the changes to MM feel etc.
I’m basically just doing Loremaster, and I should really get me last 300 kills to 50k HK… After that I’m kinda done with WoW altogether
Tried to fill up time with Among Us, maybe I should just install Diablo 3 again…
Systemands* or Betalands
Id way way way prefer the expac gets delayed adnd acutlly gets finished and we get a good expansion released. and not have to wait until last patch of the expac for systems/stuff they shouldve been changed in BETA.
Maybe the issues from alpha will then be fixed in 10.0!