SL will never be done
Too many systems is tipping the balance
Blizz havnt learned
“Keep it simple”
Add more fun stuff to do rather than “chores”
Gief events, new campaigns, more story for the lore, neew classes,races, more dungeons/raids/pvp BG´s. id rather see this and implented more often than waiting for big patches every 6 months or an expansion every 2 years
Id love more of that,just make the classes/specs complete when hti max lvl and keep as just gear no borrowed power systems of any kind. And use the world introduce events/wq’s(that arent just all kill 1 big mob or 10 small mobs).
And make the world be a llivign /breathing world,make it relevant make you have reasons to visiit old places and use old items/reagents and whatever. And update the world and cities and make each city have al the nescatieis and each can be use das your HS location without misisng out on major stuff that evry city SHOULD have.
Also for threats and such and all get betetr writing for characters and respect them,and for threats dont go overboard and have us defeat full titan(argus, Aggramar was fine was a avatar) or fully unleashed od god.
ANd dont dump major threats/characters for shock value or deal with them in 1pacth like its nothing.
I could rant for like entire day abotu what i find isuses /how they handle warcraft/world of warcraft and setting wrong/bady.
I dont really get it either.
And its not the ideas that are bad for classes/specs nowdays cause like demo lock is good/amazing fanatsy that fits warlocks alot. Execution(espcially in legion) is really bad.
And Imo Legion totally chanegd how game is being designed/direction. ANd for the worse.
Like clasci ro anye xpac from bc to WoD or not,ateast It was same egenral diea/direction or warcraft/WoW.
Legion did 180 on almsot evrything. Started all the extra systsems more rng layers then ever before,borrowed power and the cant ever be done with something. And aso more timegating of stuff like reps.
The last time we had any rep at all we could just grind at own time was Wod’s rangaari/saberstalkers(forgot name) from tnaan jungle (was also laughing skull but the tanaan rep is the latest)
Like if cant play druign week in apst yu coudl make up for it durign weekend but playing more/going all out,since legion basicly doesnt happen for almost anything at all anymore.
Even if your time played is same or higher youl still be behind casue stuf fike reps is here are your 3 50rep dailies/wq’s for today and thats only way to get rep and if ever miss a day your always a day behind.
Of if they need a cetrain stat like haste/crit alot do design(ala firemage) they need to give inspec bonuses for that(like firebal having higher and higher to crit after a non crit) and/or have alot more of that stat baseline.
Whcih is also what blizz shouldve done wiht pvp preset stats in legion but they gave almost evry spec compeltly wrong amounts that what makes them play/function well.
Cause blizz does stuff liek oh ? youre spec needs like 40% haste and like 70% crit to feel good and relaibly work? here have 50% base mastery with innsane mastery scaling and you haste and crit baseline is ike 5% onyl and you need double amount of other specs to get same %
You know what I just realized? How Will this even work out with the diminishing Returns now for stats?
This amplifies the problem even more XD
Jesus blizz devs really don’t know how to design well working specs / classes.
Maybe they make good raids / dungeon / areas etc. , but in a lot of the changes you see how clueless they are.
Even more arrogance and ignorant when there is so much good feedback for the specs, they totally ignore…
One Example: everyone loved the arms cleave, it made sense, use ww on three targets, then cleave for a big dmg “boom” and for 2 target cleave sweeping strikes.
Makes sense right?
Aaaaaand they ruined it by making it replace sweeping strikes when you talent it now.
This is way worse and boring to play.
And what they did they do the last week’s?
Give rend a +dmg crit debuff.
It’s not like arms has huge problems with rage starvation or anything…
Theyre doing the dimising returns cause people could egt over a 100% or even 150% range for some satst in 8.3 al due corruption stacking;
But sl’s wont have corruptions at all so theyre it for nothing. And if has to be DR on stat scalign should be for the really high 70/80% + before starts. at all.
And to tone down on the powercreep aswell which led to all the squishes, NONE OF WHICH SOLVEDD THE ISSUES BEHIND IT.
Like onyl the mop to Wod squish was 100% neeeded as before legion wow could only support 32 bit cap instead of 64. But still theyre not fixing the issue behind of why squishes are neeeded and i bet bye dn fo sl’s we wi be at almost smae ilvl as bfa anyway(atleats in 400 ivll range).
And something blizz should learn is to look at Diablo 3 and how it shows giant numbers.
So instead of 1million as 1 000 000 it should just show it as 1000 K or 1M.
which is aslo a reason/excuse they used for the squishes the numbers are to large to be easly readable in a flash when on screen,
yet Diablo 3 whcih has way way way way way way higher numbers solved it ages ago with somethignr eally simple adn easy.
And i think the devs can design good (or atleast decent) specs/Classes if given time for it and if dont throw evrything out of wiindow for the borrowered power. Casue theyre so afraid of eventually having to prune cause to many stuff(which is largly preventable aswell).
I think if they would just keep working on them over years/expacs the classes/specs would be atleast decent/good even if not amazing. But it cant happen if they throw away all their progress constantly.
I’d assume that Diablo has better support for those numbers, without having a bunch of extra years of legacy behind it. I agree that short numbers are a possible solution, Mik’s Scrolling Battle Text already uses this for example. However, I prefer smaller numbers as they are easier to understand contextually. Higher numbers mean a higher difference, which implies that the scaling of gear is more towards exponential rather than closer to linear.
When gear scales much, much faster at higher ilvls, you get bigger problems with PvP level and gear difference, which leads to weird scaling solutions.