Shadowlands is far from being finished

Read my post again lol

I agree but by releasing it as it is they can then find out how much players are willing to put up with, possibly reducing the fixes needed.


Every expansion has had bugs, I think it’s unrealistic to find none. I hope all the big things are fixed ofc.


Yeah i mean big bugs… like if you do the Legion starter quests where Thrall makes bridges, well let’s say on the PTR he puts them wrong and you have to cross an invisible bridge and not trust the visual cause you end up in hot molten fel-lava.

That would be a minor bug tbh, annoying but whatever.
I’m referring to big bugs where abilities do not work at all, or have the wrong values, making them UP or OP.


I think most people aren’t concerned about bugs.
They are mostly concerned about clunky speccs, dead Talents/ talents that only worked because of some azerite traits and essences.

Unbalanced covenants, 1 week soulbind CD, broken conduits.

The systems are unfinished and class changes often show how little they know about the classes they need to fix. (See unholy changes)

Edit: look how extrem the downtimes are for arms and unholy


I think different people have different concerns tbh. There is never a one size fits all when it comes to the playerbase. They fall into various camps of what concerns them.

Aye, the launch is far too early in my humble opinion. It should have been late November or early December at the earliest. We’ve had worse content droughts before.


Well don’t you think something is just Broken if quite some talents aren’t used since 4 years.
Or for example, aren’t you as a fellow ret concerned that we don’t have one conduit that supports our AOE?


She looks like a Battle-ready Barbie Doll.

I’m not sure this needed to become personal.

Paladin frequently get a raw deal, we’ve had well respected members of the paladin community give feedback about the issues with our class and it was disappointing to see most classes get a blue post the other day and we didn’t. I believe druids also didn’t get one.

Some tuning they do before launches and others they unfortunately do once the game has gone live.

Regardless of how good or bad Ret turns out I will main it, my guild have the option to bench me of course if it becomes an issue. I play what I enjoy rather than FOTM. I understand FOTM classes are important if you are a guild going for the R2WF or are a serious CE guild.

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Late Nov/Early Dec does not change much imo on what they can do in a single extra month and i don’t think is a good idea to make people wait in a super boring/super alt unfriendly pile of :poop: of a patch for even more time just because “we had worse content droughts before”.

Don’t get me wrong, I just wanted to make an example, paladin is not the only class with these kind of problems.

I also will main it (since tbc) because I despise to play fotm.

Otherwise I also will play my Warrior and DK too.

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I’m ngl this has been since classic :rofl:

It’s always been a thing there’s always been major bugs and problems around expansion launch’s.

The difference is nowadays the problems can be quite complex. But I’m ngl ive played every expansion launch and suffered very few bugs. Let alone “major ones”

I think the term Gammalands is more fitting!
Gamma comes after Beta as the last stage. It also makes a pun in Greek cause it is both the name of the third letter of the alphabet and also means the F-word. So it is F-lands


Please show some respect to the Blizzard employees who are doing their best working day and night to make this game ready for YOU during a pandemic. So ungrateful.

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That is the fault of the management and the marketing department.
If they had just said: “It will be ready when it is ready” without a solid release date instead of whipping the employees into finishing this in time for the fiscal quarter, the would not be any of that “doing their best working day and night”.

If you like so much to think of the little guy who overworks for a meager salary for AAA game giants then you need to be concerned about how they are being managed and not if that the customers should not expect a stellar release.


I’d rather start SL on 1-1-2021 in a good state, then play a failed launch so the CEO can show the shareholders how many copies he sold so he can get his big fat 2020 personal bonus plan check.


Nuh-huh. End BFA already this expansion is a mess (to say it nicely) and 8.3 is one of the worst patches ever made. All the systems are horrible.

Be it next month or in January SL won’t be ready anyway because of the billion useless systems that they keep adding

should be delated into 2021 and take the time thats needed for the expasnsion to be good and finished and not wait until 9.3.5 for fixes that shouldve happend during beta…

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And then they talk about how theyve learned and wont do again and do betetr,but then repeat all the flaws but like 5tomes worse.

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