Shadowlands Unpruning of Classes <3

like we DH know whats that with our haste going >100% regularly
laughs at other inferior mortal classes

Kinda like that shamans have totems again, hopefully more than just 4 only…

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Perhaps, though looking at the current state of the game, I’d argue that priest with their poor mobility is also a class that most sorely needs something to just straight up negate CC because everyone else has other, more consistent ways to negate that.

Not sure if spriest needs it per se admittantly, but I dont see that being a huge balance concern either. Their balance or imbalance will stem from tankiness and/or pressure through rot/burst, not from being able to SWD a sheep.

Well in return we get an expansion yet again, without a new talent, new spell or any growth what so ever - unless we get some rentals later on, like in Legion and Bfa :roll_eyes:

Sure. We’ll see what they choose to bring back or add to the class. Unlike Paladins, Warlocks, Shamans, or Rogues, then Priests don’t have an entire row of similar abilities that were pruned. It’s more individual bits and pieces that have disappeared as all 3 specs have gone through multiple revamps and redesigns over the years.

Still a bit iffy about it. My fear is that Holy and Shadow will lose some of their uniqueness and become too alike as they basically just exchange abilities with each other, and ultimately all Priest specs become Discipline – which is the one spec that is supposed to be about Holy and Shadow.

The whole class fantasy idea probably works well for some classes. But with Priest I feel it’s such a spec-oriented class that if you mix it up too much, then you just dilute the fantasy of each individual spec.

But we’ll see.

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you would be amazed at what tickets and forum posts do
was this debate over classic forums and ppl ware talking craap (not surprised due to the fact they are all fanatics there), anyway, made a ticket asking support to clearly define in their pvp/pve “griefing” what is and isnt “banable”
after 2 discutions and 2 weeks, the blue pinned post was updated and includes a specific thing i have asked them to post “is walking in a player aoe to trick them into pvp to kill them considered griefing?” now there is a nice blue pinned thread in wich states “altho dihonorable gm’s will not intervene in certain situations… including tricking players ito pvp”
so blizz actually uses our feedback.

And I have argued with an actual developer during raid test in Draenor beta.

It’s not that CMs do not read what is posted, but you have here someone claiming as if whole dev team bases their opinions on their posts and feedback. I am sorry, but …

Yeah, well … No one, but Vinzora belives that their posts are solely reason why Blizzard makes expansion features.

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I wouldnt worry about that personally, especially with shadow, considering they need to be at least somewhat competitive in DPS and conversely I don’t think blizz wants a healer spec to be even remotely on par with the DPS spec on that.

Some inbetween-patches might have periods that go against that notion, but I think in the grand scheme of things, thats how it’ll go and how they’ll want it to be.

Holy and disc might become a bit too similar, but I just want any healer spec to play on priest personally (that isn’t a gimmicky atonement bonanza), so not too bothered about that either.

hunters had the ability to self heal since vanilla, a talent point called spirit bond in the BM tree, granted it wasn’t much but it was something they had as opposed to mages/warrs/rogues who did not have any kind of combat self heal (apart from consumables)

Aw, bugger… Shattering Throw is back. Seals save me! D:

My friend (who hates paladins) is super excited to have this ability back :rofl:


The burst was just insane without globals but if they tuned it down I would rather have globals reverted without retarded burst

It was fine for PvE but very unpleasant to die in 2-3 seconds in PvP

ye at least u know what i mean

Actually based on their language I’m getting the very bad feeling that they’re going to use “unpruning” as an excuse to remove spec diversity, thereby shrinking the number of playstyles by two-thirds.

I plan on playing the “Will they remember?” game when if I need to Bubble against a Warrior! :sweat_smile:

is this mean we will have 50 spells on our screen again :slight_smile:

Many Priests forget so lets hope Warriors do too!!

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yes you’ll have 50 spells and use 3 :stuck_out_tongue:


Theres a lot of shadowlands specific spells we gets. From the covenants, covenant specific and class specific.

And I have to agree, more buttons is not equals to better gameplay. Its just bloat. I am not looking forward to searing totem returning. It shouldve stayed gone.

for me, the entirety of the new announcements were on one side, and them saying we’re planning on focusing on class instead of spec was another thing entirely.

That ALONE made shadowlands worth it for me.

I’m still not prepurchasing though.

Pre-purchase is a bad habit that i won’t take part in. I’ll just buy the content the moment it arrives instead.