Shadowlands Unpruning of Classes <3

Even better when they only just realise until too late and you have to race the cast bars! ^^

Still, a lot of abilities returning will be new for new people but also might be hard to remember to make best use of with old players ^^

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A.K.A Rentals. It’s just another shade of Legendary/artifact with a new name. Stuff we lend for an expansion.

I am tired of lending powers, to feel stripped down at the end, when all my stuff needs to be handed to some sword or what ever we will funnel our azerite into in the pre-event of shadowlands.

Sometimes, at least every second expansion, they really should give us a new talent row. And a decent one too. Or at the VERY least change the talents that no one ever takes.

Bloat is bloat.


I tought that community prefered MOP’s gameplay style than pre cata. As a main ret paly, I’m quite scared about what they are about to do.

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The community isn’t one voice. Some would like to go back to a MoP playstyle. Others don’t. They will never please everyone.

A consistent complaint is that they pruned too much. So getting abilities back is seen as a positive to many.

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I’m sure non of us are too worried about having to pick up and bit of thought for our rotation. What’s scary is the possibility that Ret Paladin drops from the DPS we love to merely a utility DPS role.

retail is not classic

I don’t mean a bot just reapplying buffs to 40 people over and over! I am just saying it would such a great tragedy if a lot of our power was taken from brute force and put into group-play ^^

Don’t worry about it, paladins have only 1 dps spec and they won’t forget about it unlike Shamans, since Shamans have Elemental they ignored enhancement but they can’t do that with Paladins.

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Shame that Shaman couldn’t see even the same level of balanced focus as Warrior’s Fury and Arms have had in recent months… Fingers crossed we go into SL with all specs being decent!

None of us likes having the piddly searing totem back, especially so if they tie it to dps mechanics. Would be a really big step backwards.

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Remove class abilities, new expansion add them back. Look guys, we are providing content! We are working! We are not just after your money for minimal effort, promise.


Until they buff it out the flipping roof out of nowhere! Haha, nah I do think some of these returning abilities are just pure nostalgia fodder.

That’s obvious. But if done correctly. I don’t see the point of bringing spells back only for the sake of bringing back iconic spells. For instance, hammer of wrath for Holy Paladin ? I don’t get this point.

This is what I fear the most. I’m swithing to warrior next tier, but I think it might also be my main for Shadowlands…

We’ve been either low tier or lower mid-tier for 10 years. I don’t expect Blizz to buff ret one day.


I really miss one-handed fury warrior, even if it would be just cosmetic.

Two two-hander is just stupid.

I really hope new abilities/spells are viable on end content and pvp, not just vanity.
I actually miss time when I did not have enough keybinds. (Well, sensible keybinds. Since technically you can bind everything)
I keep filling my bars with toys and stuff to make it look more occupied.

This unpruning is a promising start. We will need to wait for the beta to gauge the changes, but let’s just say that for the first time after Mists, it at least begins with the right idea.

My favorite announcements are the news of unpruning, but also the idea of designing classes and not specializations.


it aint about complexity. its about choice, Flavor and Returning the feeling of playing a CLASS and not a Specialization, they Removed Class Choice and Flavor intrade for Specc Identity, which has Failed with the Majority of the playerbase.

i wish people would stop Proclaiming complexity is the reason this needs reverting because it isnt. the Class Design has gone South due to the Concept of Lack of Class Identity behind, they removed ALOT of stuff that made classes what they were and Replaced them with the feeling of Being a Completely different class when Swapping Specc which is Ridiculous because u choose ur Class Not the Specc.

Guild Wars 2s Complexity comes from it being Half Manual Mechanics which means u can Dodge and more actively not on a stat proc. also the Abilities change with What ur weapons ur Using. With active choice. which gives you a TON of control over exactly what abilities u have and Combining them. Which opens Choice which brings Complexity.

WoW lacks ALL those Mechanics, so its choice and more has to come from somewhere else.

I am so unsure about preordering it…

One one hand, I want to reward Blizzard for making all these changes the community begged for since at least WoD now…

But on the other hand I really have (and i feel like these are justifiable) trust issues with Blizzard…

I think I will wait and see. But I really got my hope back^^

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tbh, I’d Suspect Blizzard knows they’ll have to Release More information til they Get everyone in on the Preorder.

Wouldn’t be too sure about that. They said classes will be unspecced at Level 1 and DKs will also start at level 1. They also said from Level 1 to 10, we will have common abilities that will later be available to all specs.

Right now, with weapon limitations, this wouldn’t be possible.

One of the spells all level 1-10 DKs will have will be death coil as showed on the slide. But what will the Level 1-10 rune spending ability be?

I see no other way than lifting weapon restrictions to make this happen.