Shadowlands: Watch the Eternity’s End Developer Preview

i feel bad for you pvp guys.

We’re talking about a game that many people here are passionate about. I’m not sure why IRL stuff matters in this thread. Being upset about the way the game is being designed is fundamental to ensuring that changes get done, or at least open a constructive discussion where the devs can see both sides of the coin. Like, sitting there going oh, just chill theres more irl stuff going on, perhaps there is, but right now that doesn’t effect me. This does, so i’m going to be verbal in a hope that constructive discourse can be held, where something perhaps comes from it.


which came first: the chicken or the egg? at least now we know it! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


in wow lore at least

I’m not telling you how to feel about anything.
But I saw several things that COULD be interesting. I’m reserving judgment for now until we get more specific information. But they mentioned unlocking world content activities and such and I like that sort of thing.

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Was just a suggestion, you can explode if that makes you happy. I also love this game, and good criticism is all good, but not the cry baby replies. You can think like this, I think different, all good. Take care!

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yeah just the secptical side of me, i will remain open minded until the finer details come out…

but right now at this moment i am not convinced.

At the very least the zone(s) looks less depressing than most of Shadowlands. :blush:


yea that is true, i did get a bastion vibes from it though.

While tier sets dont look that great, there is at least one good new thing about them: “collecting distinctive class armor sets via raids, PvP, or Mythic+ dungeons.”
Wont be locked to only raiding.

i would imagine the ilvl will be dependant on the content though.

I think Blizzard tends to have a fair story angle on it.

In The Molten Front it was a matter of waiting for the seed to grow. That took time. You did some quests and came back each day and the seed grew little by little. And after some weeks it was fully grown!
There’s a story to the passing of time here.

In other cases, like Suramar, it’s a simple matter of doing missions and attacks on a daily basis as any army would do. You can’t just fight an entire war in 1 day by doing everything really quickly. You have to respect that time is a part of the story and the daily tasks are supposed to reinforce the sense of a long siege.

And it’ll be the same in Zereth Mortis. You have to acquire knowledge. Or rather, your character has to. And part of the story is of course that it takes time to learn all there is to learn about Zereth Mortis. So you’ll come back day after day to acquire a bit more knowledge and explore a bit more of the land. Standard explorer story, right?

I can respect the criticism if the time-gating is ridiculously arbitrary, but I don’t really see where Blizzard’s outdoor zone design has ever really suffered from that. There’s usually a good flow where every time you go and do something, then you get some rewards and make some progress that feels appropriate relatively to the duration of the patch.

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Hmmm :face_with_monocle: where you got that from ?

Everyone can feel like a hunter now. :rofl:

Not enough, oh well i will stick to Tbc

Under “Class Tier Sets Return” section.

Exactly what i wanted to feel!

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That is fantastic :+1:
Might open possibilities for broken combos. Like 2 raid piece + two dungeon piece. (maybe)

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im more interested in the “and much more” part…

cause so far pretty underwhelming usually when companies use “and much more” its just for meaningless pointless things which they know people wont like so much or not be bothered about.

i hope for their sake they got something hidden which is big and awesome.

i wont resub until i know more about that though.


Its the main thing i wanted when i heard of tier sets coming back.

I dont think that “much more” will be that that much more :stuck_out_tongue:

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Just some more stuff.