I hope the zone is sort of a two-zone design. You have the lush vibrant part and the barren desert part. And hopefully those are each the size of a zone, so the whole thing amounts to a giant new place to explore.
If it’s Korthia-sized I’ll be disappointed. I’m hoping for Argus-size at least.
Wonder if they’ll allow flying…Probably not.
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Got to love these forums, I can recall a period not so long ago where people were crying on the forums that Blizzard didn’t put enough mounts in the game. Goes to show that whatever they do, it doesn’t matter, it’s a whinefest on the forums.
loving the look of the new zone i hope its not just a small area
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Exactly how it sounded to me and what he said. All I hear is “you need to stay subbed for 5 months or you won’t see the whole zone” I’m getting bored of this style of gameplay.
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How do you imagine the storyline to play out without “timegating”?
Well, that is how Online games work.
Or do you want the game to be dead in 6 weeks?
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Idk why but i’ve got a bad taste in my mouth about this - Content thats timegated behind unlocking a language, which will likely be player power also. Dom shards clearly being brought into this patch with “we need to learn how to master them from anduin”, Tier sets which with the current reduced drop rate are going to be rough to farm, as you need two separate sets from raiding and m+. Only decent thing i’m seeing is the visuals and the story.
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I expect it to play out at my own pace, it may be faster than some or slower by others. I don’t want to wait like a weekly/bi-weekly/monthly schedule.
If there is enough to do in the world, even finishing the story does not stop gameplay.
Any trailers in chat? ModCheck
That’s not how online games work, Actually. I’ve been playing wow for 15 years. There has never been so much timegating and locking stuff behind systems within systems. Keep your head in the sand. The game should be fun where you have access to fun content. Not content you have to sit and “wait” for with doing 3 daily quests per day.
I unsubbed now and my friends will also.
get ready to spend a whole lot more time doing exactly the same grinding you’ve done countless times before people!
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As always the world looks fantastic and promising. Honestly its never the game designers and devs who dissapointed us. The lead designer did…
I hope they won’t destroy experiencing this artful masterpiece by timegating, loot scarcity and senseless caps again.
Exactly. Like how is this going to happen?
Because if it’s like this HUGE quest chain full of puzzles where you have to piece things together like it’s a friggin’ Rosetta stone or something? AWESOME.
If it’s a timegating or repgrinding system? NOT awesome.
I’ll see how this plays out, not gonna unsub for this, it actually looked interesting. But sure, if you don’t like it, you are allowed to go
They use timegating because they know people would burn through the empty soulless content in a day otherwise.
It’s because of this anti-MMO horrible theme park mini zone system of patches these days. They just don’t have the resources to make a fully realised zone that has real depth and lastability, so they should learn to be more shrewd with said resources and actually EXPAND the vanilla Shadowlands zones so there’s a reason to stay in them.
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most likely work the same way the maw vender did only instead of stygia you got runes.
Exactly that, people want things in 1 week, and then cry there’s no content. Can’t please everyone