I’m not talking about switching here … the covenants as far as I know are not at war with each other … there is no need to choose any, you choose the one you wanna level up first but you should be able to get them all and just swap between their talent trees.
There is no reason why you shouldn’t … you get to experience all the stories, campaign quests, zones … and you get to test all the cool new abilities. This whole “choose one covenant” is like making a product and telling players you can only use a quarter of the product … you’re creating content and then you’re denying players experiencing the content. It’s just lose-lose. There is nothing that is gained by forcing players to “choose”. Nothing at all, you’re just butchering the game by denying the players content.
And no covenants are not an “extension” of the class, the class is not going anywhere … when the expansion is over, covenants will be dead but the classes will be there. It’s just expansion content, and when the expansion is over no one will touch the covenants or experience them … so why make your expansion worse? Why make it “smaller”? This is just wrong.
If I had my say, I would encourage players to play all covenants, it’s just more content regardless of what is “best”; that doesn’t matter to me at all. The whole game is about quests and character progress and here Blizz is just chopping off 3/4 of their game for whatever reason. They struggle to create meaningful content and then when they create meaningful content they don’t want you to play it!!!
Edit: I wanted to add a point regarding switching vs creating new toon … the thing is we already have a system where you end up leveling a new toon due to various reasons. Do we need to add another reason for you to switch?
Maybe you didn’t like the class changes for the expansion and you’re not having fun. Maybe, your spec or class is not well tuned: bottom 50% of the logs or you just realized that your DH vengeance tank is just too squishy cause its healing doesn’t scale with the damage taken unlike other tanks where their AM or passive mitigation scale better (this is yet to be fixed …) Maybe your class turned out to be very bad for M+ … or maybe your guild need you to play a different role/class … or you’re fed up with tanking/healing/dps and want a new class with a new role.
Do we need to add to those another mechanic that can cause you to abandon your toon and create a new one?