Because there’s not ‘just 2 types of players’ in WoW.
Many in between type players ARE affected.
No that’d be YOU. And that would be a way of playing that hurts the genre as a whole. So yeah. You figure out which one of us is ‘more right’.
Liar. You just keep disregarding facts. On and on.
Did I say ‘all’? Did I imply that?
No I did not. Just many, many people.
You can try and keep spinning this whole thing in your favor. Doesn’t matter to me, because I’ve been re-assured in my opinions. Why? Because the devs feel the same way. And that is a comforting thing to know.
Being vocal doesn’t mean you’re right.
Being vocal means just that; being vocal.
Also; ACTUAL numbers are unknown. Because only the fanatics are vocal atm.
That was for different reasons. They admitted those were mistakes.
This is different. This is based on a very basic genre philosophy.
And this is not based on RNG. This is based on choice. And the consequences of that choice. So, a very different situation than the past couple of expansions.
“It’s RPG” excuse makes no sense. In TES, the most famous wRPG, you can join all guilds (covenants). There is nothing about RPG stopping you joining multiple guild unless they are direct enemies of one another. Such a lazy excuse.
and even when talking to preach ion accepted the fact that the people affected negatively out number the people affected positively by locking things in so harshly. and then tried to just push the blame onto the pugs.
i have literally stated at least 15 or more times now i am just trying to give players a choice, if you wish to play a specific way you have that choice, therefore they can play exactly how they want to play, i just want everyone to be given that choice, unlike you who is saying that that choice should be removed from the majority, who is being more restrictive here, the person who wants to restrict things for everyone or the person who wants to give everyone the choice.
do you actually relise you are trolling at this point, or are you doing this on purepose,
ill say it once more, I AM TRYING TO GIVE LITERALLY EVERYONE A CHOICE. there now its in big letters so you can see it,
you literally quoted 3 letters the forums cant even tell me which part of my response you are replying to there, might want to actually quote something substantiative so that i can see what you are even talking about
but if you so many players care enough to be as vocal as they are there is clearly a very important problem that is not being listened to, or to put it more correctly, being completely ignored.
so they understand that they are making mistakes and yet continue to just do the same thing over and over.
the RP value of a paladin weilding shadow magic, or that very well known lore character that is an arcane DK right?
how about the give us the consquences of multiple choices throughout the expansion, because as i suggested before, the only way this will work is to give us the choice to change purely the ability, or to just put them onto live servers and then literally never balance them so that players dont feel forced to swap, which plenty of players will feel forced. and thats something that will never change.
Oh? I don’t remember that being said? Have a timestamp for me on that quote?
Ahuh. A choice to ‘play the optimal way’ or ‘get out’. That’s not much of a choice.
Certainly not an RPG choice.
You are literally NOT. I’ll quote myself yet again:
Read it. Understand it. Accept it.
Or don’t and move on to another game, because it is Blizzard’s intention to make WoW adhere more to those RPG basics again. Down with the ‘optimal movement’, yay for freedom.
Oh right, now they’re ignoring you… Ok, sure.
It’s getting more hyperbole by the minute with you.
Ehm, what part of the word ‘different’ don’t you understand?
Different. Meaning; not the same.
No. The fact that if I want to play a Paladin with a certain ‘kit’, I should be able to without being shunned by half the playerbase because ‘I’m not optimal’. That very basic RPG philosophy. But I guess you wouldn’t understand that, because WoW is only a bunch of numbers to you?
There you have it. That’s the mindset they want to get rid of.
Exactly that. And I agree with it. That sort of thinking shouldn’t be a thing.
It’s limiting. It’s not fun (imo). And it doesn’t fit an RPG (and don’t get me wrong: It fits some types of games perfectly, sure, but not RPGs. Not WoW).
Anyway… I see where this discussion is going, because I simply can’t talk to you on any adult level. You are going to get obsessed again. And rude. And you’re going to break the forum rules again and you are going to blame me and report me (how did that last report go by the way?).
literally no, a choice to play optimally or to not play optimally which ever they want.
just wrong, at what point in the lore of this RPG have their been arcane DKs, when have their been shadow paladins, realistically a shadow paladin is a DK. so right there you are completely breaking the whole RPG concept wide open and destroying all the fantasy ideas.
for 9 months now since blizzcon there has been plenty of people telling them the issues and that this system will not work for a lot of players, they have made zero changes. hence ignored.
but thats also something they have been pushing for years and its a mindset that they have caused, so trying to get rid of it now is a bit too late, they are the dev team and they have pushed systems that try and force people into playing certain specs, they left aff as the only decent spec for the entire first patch, destructio nan demonology did about half of the damage that affliction did.
they could have put some balance changes in to change this, which they didnt, they waited untill the 8.1 patch before making any changes, and all that they did then was increase destruction damage by 5% which was essentially meaningless,
if they are designing and making the game built to mean some classes/specs are kinda useless they then cant expect people to just be okay with taking useless classes
why should i be forced to leave a game and community that i love because they are making bad design decisions, how would you feel if they changed things to give players more choice and then when you didnt like it someone told you to just stop playing,
because i know for a fact that has happened in previous threads where you have not liked something and someone just told you to stop playing and you acted like they had just shot your cat or something and you were incredibly offended by it, and you are now just proving that you are a troll
what else do you call someone who complains that im using facts i cant prove when i use the experiences of other players that i have seen or heard, and then when i try and limit it to my own experience in order to not claim facts i cant prove, im only limiting it to my own experience and there fore im selfish, so i just cant talk from either side at all, that its literally the definition of trolling.
Ah aye +1 OP.
I just commented on another thread about this.
I feel we should be able to swap at any given time and keep our progress, kind of like reputations?
I’ll gladly grind all the goodies for each Covenant on my main, than have to go through alts and grind with chars I am not too fond of.
If you wanna play Maldraxxus for the day, sure, swap to them and do their quests, progress with their reward track and get some goodies, test their abilities etc.
Bored of Maldraxxus? Go Revendreth and keep your Maldraxxus progress frozen until you pick them again, etc.
I like systems that encourage the player over systems that punish the player, so on top of that i would add some unique reward that can only be earned if you stick with your covenant choice for a really long time.
You are wrong and she/he is right. How many warch WF or MDI doesnt mean anything.
If you go to wowprogress and count all the guilds that killed more than 3 nyalotha mythic bosses or done a +20 key, you can calculate the amount of people who has to min max.
Even if you assume only 2 million are playing the game you will find that a extremely small portion of the playerbase their choice of covenant will prevent them to do content.
And all this is based on the assumption that all the covenants will be bad at almost everything, which we have no reason to believe.
So yes. Its true that this will only affect the top few percent.
im more than happy to stick with a singular covenant the problem is that the power of the other abilities will be too much to do that, all we are asking for is for the abilities to be removed from the covenants so that we can use them like they are talents. so that we can play the way we want to
i diagree it will only affect the top few percent, i think it will genuinly impact every single player in some negative way, the impact will be worsened the higher up the ladder you go, but it will still be present for everyone,
even if its just a matter of someone seeing another person playing the same spec as them using a cool ability and wanting to test it out, or even seeing someone do good damage in a specific scenario and wanting to test it for themselves they are just told they are not allowed to, even simple things like being able to play with the different abilities in torghast so that i can have fun with them all, im just being told im not allowed to have fun.
that is all that we have been asking for, anything less is way too restrictive unfortunately,