Shadowstrike Oneshot

Yeah, and at the same time it feels like Blizzard hate rogues. This is not a fun playstyle for anyone (that especially includes the rogue players as well).

Im pretty sure its also shadowstrike, will have to check it when i get home.

Lol if that is true, then its even more ridiculous.

Yeah its def. 50% now.

Rogues about to explain how its a cheese build that never works:


Well with 3 coordinated players on your team you can see which direction the rogue is coming from if they are running this. You also kinda know that the one shot combo is coming because noone really plays this talent at high rating. Wont say it never works though, especially against most of the playerbase.

tl;dr thread:
Double rogue is a thing in 2s.

End of story.

The problem is vs some classes, I don’t think there’s much they can do, like a disc priest for example. They would have to literally not press anything until the rogue attempts the go.
The main problem is, they will (hopefully) fix when they redo talents in 9.1 but nightstalker+MoS+dagger is dumb design.

So that is fair to Deal a 31440 dmg with 1 ability and 9900 with the other so in 3 sec he deleted someone and then rogs crying about arms sorry.

They all can stf.u now so annoyed by those always broken specc crying when for once some other specc took there crown.

Sub rog is literally a ret now with cc.

I know u dont defend it u probably hate it urself


You cant think of anything that ret has that rogue doesnt?

ah i died from 90% to 0 in one kidney in shadowy duel through wall, trinket on cd cause of combust smokebomb earlier so yeah,

Hahhahahaa skill?

i gues i needed to pre BM it, but i mean shadowy duel is a cross cc setup in one ability with kidney on me can be used at litterly any time so how would i be able to see it coming.

I made the same mistake btw i trinketed kidney smoke and parryt and died 20 sec later in duel 96%-0 in 3 sec

I mean i could just trinket disarm but then he would kileld me anyway.

Rog is so disgusting op again.

I can confirm what Shadenox says, he did indeed get hit with a 22k execute. While having 31% vers baseline.

Mean while Warrior has been disgusting OP since the expansions launch. But sure, nerf Rogues more. Just because you personally have a problem with Rogues Rakar doesn’t mean they should deleted or made unviable.

I dont hate the classes but the fact that rmp players think there comb needs 500iq which isnt no comb realL needs that Anymore.

And the fact this comb is op for so many years.

Then they flame wareior kr else

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They flame Warrior because its broken in an obnoxious way while having alot of low skill utility. People flame Mages, Eles. Rets etc also. That doesn’t mean you have to constantly say its OP when its currently made the little play thing of Warriors. It has high burst then does almost no dmg at all and are forced to run.

Also setup comps in general are harder to play than PvE cleaves, that’s just a fact… you need to coordinate everything to land simultaneously over and over and any mistake causes you to lose that go. The mistakes are also generally more punishing in setup comps as you don’t really do anything without the setups. Something PvE cleaves don’t suffer from, you can just run in and spam dmg all day, disrupt setups (something a Warrior can do with ease at the moment) and eventually out last and win with raw dmg.

Yea and rmp os broken for 14 years so ur arguement? When warrior after 3 addons is good once

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My argument to that is its total bullsh*t. Rogue Mage is always good yes, due to the class synergy. But RMP isn’t always good at all. I remember 2 season from the last expansion for example where you would rarely see an RMP due to the damp meta.

That, too. But playing with a friend earlier it was 22k Mortal Strike, as well. I even screenshot’ed that one tbh.