Shadowstrike Oneshot

Yeah, really warrior is broken in obnoxious way, that last warrior that killed you, he literally jumped out of stealth to 1 shot you while cc-ing you.
Oh, wait, when he messed up, he ran around, got invisible again and came back with full CDs…
At least make a difference between powerful and obnoxious and frustrating to play against. mage + rogue is both.
Rogues and mages and their twisted logic, pathetic…


Describes your argument perfectly. Oh well, have fun.

The “mistakes make you lose” meme is long gone.
These are probably the most forgiving comps vs mistakes as they can reset over and over, unlike other comps. Not to mention the various “escape” mechanics they have.
You can’t realize how ridiculous that logic sounds, just watch some other streamer, top player, all you’ll hear at least in 2s vs your setups is cursing, frustration and “can we play the game after all?” type of stuff.
Rogue + mage and RMX has been the definition of frustrating and obnoxious stuff in wow design for 15 years, and here comes a mage, and says that one of the most forward and straight “in your face” opened and re-active class is obnoxious.
Yes, you are pathetic. At least have some dignity and don’t talk crap.

Yeah so nobody cares about the 2s bracket, the game is “balanced” (if you can even use that word atm) around the 3v3 bracket. You think Rogue Mage is the only things people find frustrating in that 2s bracket at the moment? I see more complains about the amount of Warriors PvE winning in that bracket than Rogue Mage.

You and your entire argument of “But Warrior doesn’t have stealth or big burst” is laughable btw.

You still don’t make difference between power and obnoxiousness.
People whine about anything that they have troubles winning against. They whine about rogues, mages, paladins, warriors, druids, warlocks, monks (except for MW, poor things)…
And it also happens in 3s, I just gave 2s as example as there it’s magnified. And actually more people play 2s. And, do you really think the game is “balanced” around anything at all? If there is any, balance, around anything, at all, it’s PvE.
There is no balance neither in 2s nor in 3s.

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Not at the moment, but the game is generally balanced around the 3v3 bracket, not the 2s bracket. Its been this way for a long time.

If something is to powerful it can 1 shot you with its CDs through def CDs imo. a few classes can do this atm, Ret, Mage, Ele etc.

Obnoxious is high dmg that you can’t really get away from and an answer to almost everything you throw at it. I’d say Warrior fits this category very well… I’d also argue Ele fits here too, but thats just Mage bias.

No, obnoxious is not high dmg, I’m done discussing this with you, it’s pointless, you just don’t get it, as a lot of people who play rog or mage, probably don’t. Whatever floats your boat.

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Sure sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.

U know what helps me sleep.


I like vanilla chai tea near bed, really nice in winter :smiley:

Or green tea

Ingame it shows 50% for both.

There one nice 1 shot macro for rogues.

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Are you guys actually running into these oneshot rogues in 3vs3 or are you frustrated about that build just for the sake of it? I have seen a rogue play that thing 0 times during this season in a regular comp and once I have faced triple rogue (which they lost because we didn’t just let them freely build up and open).

To this me topic of oneshot rogues seems a bit overblown when I consider the fact that it has been non-existant issue for me during the whole season so is this actually a legit, re-occuring problem in 3vs3?

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t like that shadowstrike talent and most rogues here seems to agree with that. Don’t really buy the idea either that “rogues are defending” this because to me it seems like it’s more like the opposite.

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The amount of modifiers is quite a serious issue in this expansion. When the abilities deal average damage baseline but then deal 10 times that damage with procs and modifiers, then something clearly needs changing.

The damage distribution needs to be looked at in 9.1. Right now too much damage is loaded into burst cooldowns and modifiers than in the baseline abilities, which creates a feast-or-famine gameplay for many specs. I think most of us can agree that this kind of gameplay is damaging for the game as a whole, not just PvP.


I mean its 2 different team not 15 different warrior…

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To you mage and rogue seems frustrating to play against, that is fine, and I get that. It does not mean everyone feels the same way or that warrior is not frustrating in a different way.

Personally I find it way more frustrating to play against a class that can braindeadly train you with unhealable pressure while at the same time being extremely tanky and also providing the entire team with utility so they almost never dies. It gives small room for any opportunities to win, and even when you play the matchup better than the enemy team you often lose. To me that is obnoxious.

Rogue in particular has many counter plays and can easly be shut down. I agree however that their weaknesses diminishes while playing with a mage because of the amount of peeling they can do to help the rogue get away.


I’ve talked to many friends and different people, and almost always the answer is - rogue and mage, and especially rogue are the most obnoxious and frustrating to play against.
And it’s not from yesterday or this xpac. I get it, people don’t like warriors to be in their face and often some feel that as frustrating, but it’s not like anyone else is not getting the same with rogues or mages. The are always on you too, or, even more frustrating, when they don’t want to be, they can do it. I won’t mention here all frustrating things in the mechanics of those classes, I think they are known to the majority of people.
Rogues may have counterplays, but so do any spec, and rogues in particular have a lot of ways to control tempo, which also covers for their weak sides, coupled with a mage especially, as you’ve also noted, it leads to one of the most unfun moments in this game.

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It has to be dependant on your friends then, because I could very well answer to this that most of the people I play with find Arms, WW, and all Shaman specs the most annoying and obnoxious to face in the current season. There is also a consensus of “facing rmp is actually easy because you have a clear win condition and they can’t just mongo pve you all game”.

So … this is an opinion. Because it is yours, or your friends, does not make it an absolute truth.


Well most the other Players you play with would be if I bet correct mage and priest players.

With expection of rmx, every other player who plays PvP would say rogue/mage is indeed the worst and most disgusting thing you can face.

The problem with rogue/mage is and always has been that you can’t counter it if played expectionally well. People might say right now warrior, but this also can be played around when you just focus the warrior. Most of the warriors strengths are for his team.

Since everyone isn’t perfect you can win against rogue/mage. But take the context everyone in this game plays perfect, you would not ever win against rogue/mage.

So if we take a logical approach while it is still an opinion you could guess that for the majority of the playerbase facing rogue/mage is indeed obnoxious.

You know you shouldn’t win even though you do.
It has been broken for 15 years.
The only thing you can do is predict against rogue mage if you don’t have a trinket at hand, otherwise game over.
Everything happens with instants which means there is basically no counterplay > blink/db combined with cheapshot/kidneys to cover which means almost everything happens in the same global. It’s basically like Thug but just in a improved and stronger version.

I really wish they made it that you’d be unable to queue as rogue/mage similar like double healer/x etc. Just to see how different the game becomes.