Shadowy duel, wtf are you hesitating about

this ability keeps losing me games i’ve been winning for 2 minutes, then the rogue presses this and deletes my partner in that window. Either make rogues not delete anyone on sight or delete this shtty ability.

edit: as I’ve written this i’ve actually lost a 1v2 as mw/fury warr with the rogue just dueling the warr and killing him through frenzied regen, with my cocoon up :slight_smile: BLIZZARD PLEASE ARE YOU FOKEN BLIND OR WHAT STOP JOKING


Yeah, it’s the most infuriating ability in the game

  • “Shadowy duel” must be removed. No explanation needed :smiley:
  • “Veil of midnight” must be removed. Why was it added in the first place when rogues were already tanky?
  • “Thief’s bargain” must be removed. How is that even still in the game? reduces the CD of vanish by 20%, and vanish reduces the CD of all other abilities when used… just wow

The 3 most toxic PVP talents


we both know that didnt happen. No rogue is going to cocoon + lifepool + frenzy up in one duel.

Other than that i agree sub has too many tools. shadowy duel should lower the sub rogues dmg by 30-50% during that time.

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It’s debatable if it “didn’t happen” because there were videos circulating on youtube/twitter of a rogue killing somebody in duel with pain suppression on them from full, so I wouldn’t count it out completely.

I was myself killed once from full health with Roar of Sacrifice on, so the rogue somehow managed to do 1mln damage without critting… :smiley:

Edit: I assume it was the 40% version of pain sub, but still…

There was a clip of Rogue doing so to a Feral druid. Except they forgot to mention that Rogue actually did it in like 15 seconds, cooldowns weren’t pressed on time. And while healer was literally brainlagging in meleezone CCed.

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To be honest I think it should have been an Assa only talent. Sub and Outlaw were already close to immortal prior to the rework, and even now are very rarely targeted due to their natural tankiness. Assa used to die to air, and somewhat still does as it is the only spec that does not have a single spec specific defensive option in its tree while Sub and Outlaw have numerous ones.

Adding spells such as Veil of Midnight to the class when there is already a great difference in survival between the specs can only have two outcomes. One, it doesn’t change much, the tanky specs remain tanky, the fragile ones remain fragile, or two, it helps the fragile specs be a bit tankier, but then it also buffs the tanky specs and they become unkillable.

It was a bit shortsighted to give a spell to all 3 specs to enhance their defense when there was such a big gap already.

No it’s not, even if you do a target dummy rotation you don’t go through Cocoon + 30% damage reduction, and that’s not even talking about the fact that you then have to kill your target.

Sometimes I read stuff on forums… apparently Sub can do 3M worth of damage in 5s, according to people around here. Why does no player at relevant rating do it then ? Are they worse than the 1600 dwellers somehow ? Please.

There is no other version of PS.

Yes, because with Shadowblades you send 21 CPs worth of Evis and 7 CPs worth of Secret Technique plus a couple fillers in one single stunlock. It’s so many powerful spells that it doesn’t really matter if they crit or not.

Now the real question is: do you think that a 1min CD usable while you are CC’ed yourself should really be enough to survive the ENTIRE SPELLBOOK of another spec ? The answer is no.

Like look, you play Hunter right. If a MM Hunter pops EVERYTHING on me and I just Feint for a 20% wall, I die in 5s too. BM Hunter ? Same. SV Hunter ? Maybe 6s.

The same applies to almost every spec.

People need to learn that the damage Sub does is not broken at all, you just need to learn what to trade for it. What is broken is how often you can deal that sort of uncheckable damage while making it hard to counter due to Smoke + Duel (all that being on a 1.5m CD), and while being near immortal between those moments.


cocoon up, i meant it was ready, just to point out it is pointless to have cds ready when u cant use them.

and also on that note, yesterday I had an arena happen, where I used cocoon in the opener, it absorbed 24,5k dmg and then disappeared and rogue IK’d. Guess some weird server lag, but that was an arena loss.

Another cool story how immortal-noskill-nobrain-rogue wiped out raid of 40 gladiators under all defensive abilities by pressing one random button.


lol you are too optimistic… even if they remove duel I am pretty sure they will give Sub Rogue another obnixious tool in the next xpac its always like this

Yeah, sub definitely lacking in consistent damage throughout the whole round, it’s true. You can clearly see it in the last Pikaboo video, almost every round he was last in the damage done, except…drum roll, round 4, that has ended in less than 25 seconds, because of the shadowy duel.
So I’ll completely understand if they take away shadowy duel, take some damage from the burst and put it in some consistent damage abilities

Here’s the video to make it easier

Another one

Does every sub rogue can do that? Obviously no, is Pika the only one who can do it? I highly doubt that as well

Sub just needs to be binned, respectfully. But at the same time: All solo queue shuffle has done is feed players bad habits, until I stepped into shuffle I’ve never seen so many trinkets being randomly thrown by DPS players.

No we did mention that he did 2mln dmg in 15sec into a feral in bear form with pain supp, with barrier, with regen, with renewal, with 3 shields, with a flash heal, at 100% prebear 2v1 cause the rogues healer died. Cooldowns were used on time, barrier at 70%, pain sub at 40% after duel ended, pre shield, prebear. Stop making stuff up mate, only proves you are wrong.

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Okay-okay. Rogues are unbeatable. I think I’m just a chosen one. I might swap my nick to Neo, because I’ve been beating every single one while not making stupid mistakes like stacking to the kill target with my brain off. And yes, ferals are the worst spec in the game, absolutely unplayable. Did I miss something?

I just don’t understand what exactly do you want to hear from me? As you chase me in every topic. Feral maybe could use some slight buffs. Rogue is already getting nerfed pretty significantly this reset. Does it mean? Absolutely not. They could’ve won easily if priest didn’t throw the game. He chose to lose.

Best part of all:
Anyone is brooming how burst damage in this game is alredy high…

And they decide to introduce hyperburst into game in form of shadow duel rogue, its level above high burst, i dont understand logic behind.

The funny thing is with my low lvl rogue I usually use as CC, if the partner has HIGH burst dmg. (for example MM)

To healer:

SAp (6 sec)
~5 sec kidney
-Blind (3 sec)
-Shadoy Duel 5 sec and we just watching each other
-Gouge 4 sec
-Shadow Dance Cheap Shot 4 sec again

Its nvm that the bro uses trinket or not, we turned him out of the game.

Maybe uf they keeps range and i can stun in Smoke Bomb would be more disgusting with it, but actually most of the games I cannot use this spell cause the killtarget dies.

(and I cant play rog so i let ppl do dmg who has dmg) :smiley:

Rogues would be completely fine if you were able to kill them.

But you can’t.

In every other online game assassin / bandit / rogue fantasy usually means you are squishy but do a lot of damage / easily kill people. That’s the literal class fantasy. Turned into a meme in WoW.

Just nerfing numbers for Rogue does nothing. Same for Resto druid. When your kit is “too good” for the game, actual talent changes need to be done and things need to be pruned.

Things like Duel and Cheat death shouldn’t exist. Give them more damage to compensate. Talents like these literally change the outcome of every game.


its so fun how they have more deff cds then arms and dh combined idk how a rog actually dies sometimes

100%. Cheat and duel shouldn’t exist, They have too many survival tools… I mean they can delete people in a cheap shot sequence, let alone a shadowduel as well.

Disagree, let 14 y/o’s play, that’s so sweet. :white_heart: