Shadowy duel, wtf are you hesitating about

You’re right that I could kill somebody as quickly as a sub rogue could, being MM, however I cannot make them disappear for the other 2 people on their team, and stunlock them myself while killing them.

What I wanted to point out was that as a hunter I could stagger my defensives for stunlocks before: RoS first kidney, trinket second kidney, fortitude of the bear third one, then RoS is back, but nowadays it’s trinket or dead, RoS won’t cut it any more by itself unfortunately

I also do think our burst is nearly as strong as sub but the difference between us and sub is that we cant CC entire team while we do our burst, not even a person 1v1. And since we cant our enemies can connect to us easy and deny our burst and kill us easily since we dont have defensives aswell. So in order to survive and be ‘useful’ we need high burst and high dmg or MM becomes a dead spec with no burst, no CC and no defensives.

Rogues have all of that which makes MM burst look like a joke, and when they burst its not possible to counter it since they keep you in CC but against MM its counterable.

Before people used to create threads about MM being OP but they clearly have skill issues because they are not in CC and have the possibility to react and deny aimed/rapid. I have been telling this to the forum masses and convinced them all.
It seems they finally have understood my message since they dont create threads about us anymore but about sub.

To be honest I dont care if rogue have strong burst and infinite stuns since they have always had it since forever but the problem is the tools they have gotten over the years from corrupt devs, some of them are;
*Cloak (literal free bubble)
*2x vanish + able to reduce cd
*Gouge (only outlaw should have it)
*Shadowblades (they can reduce it now, should of never been allowed and stayed at 3 min)

Some of the tools need to be removed and the rest be put back for how it originally was for example only 1 vanish, shadowblades 3 min, remove gouge and shadow duel, and remove dodge from cloak.

I don’t chase you, you just pop up in every single topic about rogues and ferals. And in every single one you make stuff up or like above just plainly lie. You don’t even play with a feral so why lie again that you can do it? And nobody said you can’t win with Sub only that they are OP and for them winning is a lot easier than say for a feral.

You know that both can be true right? Something might be OP but you can still sometimes win against it? We had just recently the solo shuffle competition, there is a reason why a rogue wone and there is a reason why in I think 16 games he lost only once. :smiley:

There is a reason why Snuppy when he plays Feral at 2400 he needs to sweat a lot and outplay people like crazy with with multiple fake casts, multiple pre bears, amazing kiting. And as soon as he goes play his rogue at 2400 he does his burst rotation into shadow duel and wins half of his games and if that doesn’t work he runs around with infinite CC until he gets one or two CDs back and he wins the game.

There is a reason why Pikabo just recently had a solo shuffle on his channel where he actually got full lobby of pro players / AWC champions and he won 6/0 with every game was a win cause he bursted someone or killed someone in duel or was able to solo CC the healer for 20 secs :joy:

I don’t want anything from you, just stop lying and stop crying when people call you out for your lies :joy:

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I literally got to Forums like 5 minutes ago. 2 notifications about replies and guess what, both from you :slight_smile:

And honestly I don’t like your tone.

Why am I talking to you in a polite way and you allow yourself to talk to me like that? :thinking:
Me disagreeing with you is claimed to be lies. Do you comprehend there are different opinions on various topics?

I can play with ferals and I always welcome anyone to play with me. You may join me and we can do some 2s. And let’s see how we’ll do from there.

There already have been multiple nerfs since that competition.


No you making false claims about what Ferals have been complaining about for the last week is you lying. In every single topic where Ferals were talking about for example the video there was always a 10 page description of it and what happened in every single second.

And you just came here and called us all liars and you made up a fake story that we claim that the Rogue oneshot the Feral? And you claimed CDs were not pressed on time - which is also a lie. And you made many other claims which turned out to be lies.

This has nothing to do with you disagreeing with me and everything to do with you just telling lies that can be quickly verified.

No there is no “opinion” here. Not a single player said the Feral was oneshot in a single stun and you claim we did. There is no “opinion” here this is FACT. Claiming they didn’t use CDs when they did at 70% HP and a second at 40% HP is not an “opinion” it’s a FACT. And you are just a liar for saying this and wrong. You can have an opinion that 1+1 = 15 and your opinion would be WRONG or a lie if you really knew it ain’t 15.

Seems like not enough, cause Pika just 6-0 a lobby with pro players and every single win was due to oneshotting someone in duel or CCing the healer for 20 secs. We really need to get rid of duel it’s actually more toxic than cyclone.

You do know a game doesn’t end after a single cyclone right? If you see a feral Druid fake cast a double melee team sitting on him 10 times in a row that’s the definition of outplaying them like crazy. Being able to actually get away from 3 zug zugs as feral and not only get away but control them while doing that and end up with 10 cyclone casts while doing it is the definition of outplaying people.

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A quote please.

They were not. Original description was prebear predome. The dome was placed on 70% or something. That’s no “Pre”, sorry to break it for you.

Quotes please.

Quote please.

Quote please.

Uhm? Surprise, a best Rogue in the world had a winstreak? Wow, I guess? I had a winstreak of 10 games yesterday, nerf disc I guess?

You can create a rogue and try to oneshot me in a duel. Except you will not be able to, because all you can do is crying and complaining. Rogues nerfed will not affect your rating or performance.

Maybe, why not? Or make it Duel OR smoke bomb. Are you complaining about druids being underpowered or rogues being overpowered? I’ve lost track of your flow.

Thanks Jenovas, I would never think about this. Thanks for that sacred, secret, absolutely mystical information, the guide of Gods. Can you please teach me more? I mean, you definitely know a lot more about the arena. With a 41% winrate on 1400. Are your stats on other specs that bad also because Druids are trash in general?

Honestly, bro, if you think that juking a kick in 2024 is OUTPLAYING… I mean… I don’t know what to say. This guy might be good, I don’t know. And I don’t care. You’re saying that he achieved 2400, right? So it’s achievable as a feral, right? So you can do it too, right? Instead you chose to complain. It’s your choice.
Some people do things in life and achieve something. Others just cry and complain. It is what it is.

I even offered you a free carry. I’ll be able to carry you to your highest exp in like 3 hours. But you never replied. Do you know why? Because you don’t want to achieve, you want to cry. Prey mentality.

Dude you alright?

insert sigma chad meme music and you walking away

I’m not quite sure if you understand what pvp is, you sound like a riot employee. Just because a insanely talented pro player exists does not mean thats the average, you can go to the worst dps in any season and some mad man will have them in glad, even if the majority is far far below it.

Stat flaming, this is as toxic as you want it to be so there’s that. Also just because someone is 1400 rating doesnt mean their point is invalid, grow up. Rating means low to nothing unless you are the top 5%.

And to you:

  1. You play Balance
  2. Although in this scenario if he truly did say those things and it truly might have been the case, ergo you are factually correct. By using the word FACT in an argument will never end well, even if you are right. With that kind of argumenting you won’t get anywhere other than being called overly aggressive/defensive.

TLDR: You both are agruing about something subjective (tactics and ideal playstyles) while trying to be objective. This only works if every spec is played to the absolute max ergo no mistakes EVER, which is never the case, even for pro’s, so it becomes subjective. So if you could both be less toxic for the sake of being toxic towards one another, I’d appreciate it.

On the contrary. A tweaked duel and cheat death are “fine” when rogues cannot delete people in two globals. Ridiculous burst is more toxic than these two abilities. I am sick and tired of specs that can delete people without offering a single window of counterplay, because you’re already at 10% before you can react.

And ANOTHER LIE. From the ORIGINAL description.

“Rogue starts his burst, however Bean was not a fool and did switch on 100% prebear.
Priest gives him preshield.
Rogue shadowduels.
Priest gets him a dom.”

Where do you see anything about predome?

Second comment from the ORIGINAL
“That was prebear.
That was with barrier at high HP.
That was with Pain Supp as soon as he got out.”

Where is predome?

I won’t be even getting into the rest cause it’s a waste of my time. Called you out on the very first one. Took me 1minute. Just shows how easy it is to prove you wrong. So either you misread and were spreading misinfo or you were just lying. Both are bad, just saying.

Let me guess you play with a rogue and that’s why you claim everywhere that rogue is ok and every single AWC champion, top player, the whole playerbase is just wrong. :smiley:

Not saying i dont wanna see sub nerfed cause i do, i wanna see most classes nerfed but even then its no shock sub is free with how most people randomly burn trinket lmao

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Should I keep smashing you or is that enough?

Doesn’t mean. A 1400 with negative winrate is just unlucky/bad internet/cat pooped/girlfriend called/mom made borscht etc etc.

If you know what you’re talking about, you achieve results.

It’s always funny how the very basic loaders in warehouses talk like they know exactly how to manage the whole gigantic corporation. They always yada yada about their Director being stupid and wrong all the time. Don’t you find it funny?

Before making fun of people in dialogues with context unknown to you, you can at least ask for details. This guy literally wrote that he’s not going to play the game, he’s just going to complain on these forums. He also stated that I can’t play with ferals, which is a lie. I offered him a free carry to show that I can easily carry even him as a feral and that ferals are completely playable.

I never said ferals are OP or don’t need buffs. I offered some small buffs to ferals somewhere. I can look for it also (in case this guy comes in again and blames me lol). I also never said rogues are “Ok” and don’t need nerfs. Above I’ve quoted myself saying that rogues are not okay.

Enlighten me please.

You sound like pvp pushing is the only way to play the game, it’s not, most people do it for this thing called “fun”. Just because someone who isn’t literal god tier is mentioning that something feels unbalanced doesn’t mean it’s irrelevant, they are allowed to want to enjoy whatever lvl of pvp they are at. Why? Cause this is the average player, if you look at any pvp game with a high skill lvl you’ll notice that the majority of players are at what is considered average rank, yknow cause that’s what that means. Which means if you want that activity to be considered fun you might wanna appeal to those players too, just a little, cause in the end they are the biggest demographic. Not the people who “achieve results” like this is a world where rank is everything.

Bro you gotta calm down, we ain’t warehouse workers in a gigantic corperation who are trying to talk to our superiors. We are the customers who are enjoying the product, this comparison makes no sense and you sound like the most money is everything 14 y/o I’ve ever heard rn, maybe I’m misinterpreting, please feel free to let me know what you meant with this.

Genuinely I feel like you have a point you’re trying to make and I would love to know what that is so we can debate about it, but this is like really hard to not missinterprate.

This was a joke, I thought it was obvious but I appologize if it wasn’t. I intended no ill harm to you with this comment, just a joke.

I never said his words are irrelevant or whatsoever. This guy is allowed to do anything he wants in game. Except he doesn’t actually. He literally says I’m not going to play, I’m going to complain. Does this sound healthy to you?

However the dialogue was connected to a Rated Competitive Game mode. In any Competition in the world, rating, rang, points or etc etc means everything.

Let’s create a logical chain from your statement. So PvP rating pushing is not the only way to play the game. Rating doesn’t matter, since people do it for this thing called “fun”. So why not just play unranked arena? There’s a game mode designed SPECIFICALLY for those purposes. There are UNRANKED battlegrounds. I’m sorry, but if you queue a RANKED solo shuffle to “just have fun” and you “don’t care about wins or rating”, you’re literally griefing other participant who’s results are tied to yours.

In any competition in the world with a ranking system,

Chess, boxing, soccer, running etc etc etc.

Alright. I have 957 Raider.IO mythic score. I’ve closed Darkheart +5 I think or something.
Based on your logic, it’s totally fine for me to go into PvE M+ section and be like

Ok, you know nothing, you filthy 2.5k, let me teach you how to be a disc in M+ and what talents to pick. This and that should be nerfed, arms should be nerfed, fury can tank, MoM for Pudge is new meta etc etc etc.

That’s going to be fine and nobody has to make fun of me?

Am I understanding you correctly?

Well obviously you exaggerated to kingdom come to do the “Straw Man” technique, but even in the exaggerated for myou missed my argument, I mean within the logic of balance, you either intentionally or unintentionally forgot to add an actual reason for your fake statements which is where I would disagree, however if you were to instead write this:

Ok, you know nothing, you sweaty(you can insult me, but atleast thave some basis for it and not use words to intentionally spark a reaction) 2.5k, let me teach you how to be a feral(not that I ever told you how to play disc but I see what you meant, so let’s properly reverse the argument) in M+ and what talents to pick. They should actually be nerfed because I ran a key and for whatever reason they outdmged instert spec * and(this way you have a experience to relate to and possibly figure out why you might think this way, regardless of if you’re right or wrong) that should be nerfed, arms should be nerfed because he was second highest dmg(again missing a reason but let’s take this*, fury can tank alot because of their crazy defensives(not that they can or can’t, I honestly don’t know, but for this example so that you aren’t factually wrong), Feral for M+(idk where were going before) is new meta etc etc etc.

Like this there is something to talk about and not just insults with no basis, in this scenario I would say you are immidiatly wrong because there could be a reason behind you’re thoughts like: didn’t check ilvl, wrong talents for your spec, didn’t know mechanics are well as them so you missed out on dps, etc etc.

Like this we can have a debate, and not just insult each other like maniacs, but yes the last thing I would judge here is your rating on the matter, I might mention it when referring to my experiences but not to derail your argument.

I hope you understand my point with this as I’m going offline for a bit and will check in late so I won’t be able to respond for a bit in case you write a response.

That’s all fun and amazing. But that works in a perfect Unicorn World with rainbows.

Origin of this story is me saying that in that clip they’ve mentioned originally is no good example, because players played terrible in there. I gave multiple explanations on how they could’ve won and why they lost the game. As you can see, that didn’t work. Feral lost = ferals bad, need buff. Rogue won - rogue op need nerf. That’s the logic here unfortunately.

I agree that that logic is less then stellar, but i have to stay out of that seeing as I didn’t watch the clip and I’m not informed well enough to have an opinion as grounded as both of yours outside of I play feral which makes me bias.

I simply found that you weren’t discussing anything, one side was calling the other side a liar and a straight up ignorant player and the other side felt like it was kinda just saying “lmao skill issue”, which are both not amazing and cool tips.

It wasn’t what you were debating about it was how you both chose to go about it, but the more I talk to you the more it seems you are fairly reasonable and probably got caught up in the heat at that moment, so I have no more to say, so I’ll refrain from interrupting you two.

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I can understand everything, you can even call me names, but calling football a soccer?! That’s were the line is crossed! Unacceptable and unforgivable :triumph:

You are a hunter why you need a CC? Skill issue
(I used your idiotic arguments you used to cry about Feral Druid I hope you got the point though seems hard as you can’t even get simple math stuff)

can you tell use how to not “randomly burn trinket lmao”? should we keep it to duel? or smoke bomb? or the first deadly go with all rogue CDs? what about in SS, can you trust your healer to not “randomly burn trinket lmao”? do you just trinket and then if healer also trinkets lmao then its gg because of rogue pure skill?
teach us please

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