Shaman has too much cc

needs to lose lasso and static field


Are you trolling lol?


He obviously is.

im not. You think shaman cc is fine? youre crazy

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Lasso should root the shaman and static field should affect allies.

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Trolling? You DO have too much. Your toolkit is insane.


This is like saying mw has too much cc which they do have alot on different dr but which also are the most telegraphed so if any is not foreseen or stopped by any in opposite team then fault really falls on their own court. Is 15sec cd sleep walk too short cd cc from evoker example that they keep cast on move on cd or is it the peoples fault that play without kicks bind or addons to pay attention when certain abilities come back and they will attempt use them on your healer, this is all traceable and part of gameplay for one to pay attention on if we play it correctly.

I made separate pilar from omnibar of cc I want to track right side of all my characters somewhere in shadowlands and I think it increases my awareness on tracking things like trap or bash or pet stun and the like that are all very predictable gameplay if one pays attention and thinks few moves ahead. Youre not suppose to win arena rounds by only with pve rotations, that is the point of this. I wish we get rid of shuffle soon if people start thinking anything otherwise.

Shaman has to be removed from the game at all, totem that moves players away is too toxic and totems all toxic overall, hard to target them without addons.

Take initiative, get addons. Make some ui customizations, perhaps adjust castable cc for example as announced from addons like gladiatorlossa and the most importantly think game step by step as moves what the enemy is about to do and what is their aim they want to do to your team.

Shaman does have too much CC

it’s literally #3 most OP CC package after Mage and Rogue

Here’s a list of “fun” and “interactive” things Shaman can do to you

  • Kick you on 12s cd from range
  • Ground your spells
  • Thunderstorm knock you
  • Unleash Shield knock you
  • Unleash Shield root you
  • Earthgrab totem root you
  • Static field totem knock / grip you
  • Frost Shock root you
  • Lasso Stun you
  • Hex you
  • Frost Shock slow you
  • Knock you up if you dispel yourself from Flame Shock (all specs)
  • Capacitor totem stun you (twice in a row if speced in Guardian Cudgel)

honorable bonus mentions:

  • Burrow ending knockup
  • Earthquake knockdown proc lol

You can argue with theory, but you can’t argue with factological lists. The annoyance that Shaman can create against both melees and casters is hilarious

Having 3 different ways to knock you, 3 different ways to root you, 2 different ways to stun you up to 3 times along with a polymorph ability and a spell that eats like 60%+ of all spells in the game for 3 seconds that works behind pillars is true comedy gold


I have much more of a problem with the fact that they don’t ever cast.

Make them have to cast to do damage.

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Anyone can also make list of all the abilities from the game but leave out facts like that in game you cant have all of them same time. For realistical listing for rshaman cc example its lasso, cage, hex, capacitor and all of them have cd. I can think of dozen specs in df that has spammable cc without cd and also have more cc bloat than shaman on top of it. Dont know if it also need to be said that shaman is not really particularly good in current meta, neither heal or dps specs wise.

?? They’re in the top 3 of best healers. They’re great healers with so many tools.

First off. Grounding, Burrow, Static and Unleash are all pvp talents… No one ever rly takes unleash. They all compete with the healing tide pvp talent for resto, skyfury for ele and bloodlust for enhance as well.
Many builds dont run cap totem because it requires extra talents we just dont have to spare, and it DRs with other, better stuns from the other players.
Hex also requires 2 talents to get the spell itself and buff it to 15 sec cd, and unlike poly and fear, many classes can dispel curses. You also still get to control your movement while hexed which is a big deal.

Are you seriously complaining about the flame shock dispel knock up lol?? Dispelling flame shock makes you jump for 1 second which doesnt rly do anything since everyone always has instant casts available to use during that one GCD anyway. Plus it does like 80-100k damage which is absolutely pitiful. Theres a reason healers will spam dispel flameshock off cd because it seriously gimps shaman damage and has basically no penalty unlike dispelling vs affli locks or spriests.
Lasso is a channelled stun it can be kicked or otherwise stopped by any number of micro cc from your team mates. Since its channelled it also means we cant rly do much else in terms of damage while its being used.
Earthgrab again requires talent investment, and is on a 30 sec cd which just gets dispelled instantly or broken by any number of mobility tools melee have these days.

Honestly complaints of too much cc coming from a DH especially is ludicrous, you have no need for infinite mobility, stupid damage as well as multiple stuns, an instant incap AND a fear lol.

You can kill static, cap and grounding totems with one global any number of addons makes them easier to see same goes for healing stream, skyfury and healing tide.

No one uses earthquake in arena outside of maybe trying to hail mary catch someone out of stealth. It does pitiful damage and the knockdown chance is very low even when spending the extra talent for it which no one does. It also is a spender that uses maelstrom no one ever uses it over earthshock thats just reaching lol.


#4 2100 eu and #5 2400 eu

Rdruid, hpriest and even disc are ahead of rsham. Its not meta from heals and their dps specs are bottom tiers aswell since this season. I would suggest switch disc into hpriest and have it try, I made 2x hpriest 2.1 in current season and one rdruid, rshaman I dont even much bother play especially in shuffle where its too much work compared to druid or priests. Anyways, shaman is not meta not on heal or dps specs, theyre also not the specs that can cc you the most in df.

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No I prefer Disc, and I find it more enjoyable.

We’re talking about CC, not who the best healers are. Shamans have way too much CC.

You replyed to me claiming shaman to be one of the best healers which I showed that they actually are not nor are they meta for the current and neither is their dps specs. Its also made clear they do not possess spammable non cd cc like other classes or even have most cc of all of the specs that are the real problems in df. Anyways im done with this topic, good luck.

I mean, WoW is a game of balance and it doesn’t often take much to move any class in the game from low tier to S tier. Shaman does have a pretty heavy CC kit. If they were actually top in healing I think more people would complain about them tbh. I mean they literally have a root, ranged stun, channelled stun, hex, range slow, knockback, ranged kick, ground.
Some kits can be oppressive but I think if the class isn’t like S tier for other reasons, no one seems to complain about it.

End of expansion anyway so it doesn’t matter.

Totems should be purely cosmetic and only visible to the shaman himself. Also make Wind Shear 40 sec cd.


The argument that microcc can stop lasso is null and void when you

  1. Disable 1 player
  2. Can pre-root/stun a second player before you lasso
  3. Your teammate(s) can use their own CC for full lockdown and cross CC
  4. Can move into position for a knockback/more follow up cc

If you get lasso kicked or interrupted then you’re just bad