Shaman has too much cc

And these points are unique to shaman why exactly? Same is true of pretty much every other class and with less effort

yeah and if u have above 50 iq u will lasso then move behind a pillar while channeling the lasso, therefore making it nearly impossible to be stopped on it

yes and this is the pvp section of the forums?

swapxy does vs any melees making their life miserable, can confirm

no ele plays skyfury on human mmr because it gets killed off instantly

which is why above 50 iq shamans hex into root

what is “talent investment”

its played by default

its not complaints its called facts, read the list of CC u have, whatever u do u cant call it a normal amount of CC

just because ur not good enough to use it is a different story entirely

crazy educated opinions from a guy playing for 2 seasons in challenger, ah yeah nevermind

but back to the point

when im playing my resto sham or ele, if i want to make somebody not be able to play the game, i can, and theres little they can do about it

You can also wait until you learn to play your class on a decent level before arguing obvious facts, but hey, we can’t always get what we want

Sounds like just a salty DH that got outplayed by a good shaman and got angry “emragerd why cant I just mash ma buttonz and win like normal!” lol.

If you dont have near 100% uptime on a shaman as a DH your just bad.

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I don’t only play DH buddy

I play your class too, both specs

And 8 other classes

They are not, but they are what make shaman good since he can cross-CC teams better than most other healers and have full lockdown

An aggressive team will play with a shaman, a setup team will play with an rdruid or priest depending on how squishy/mobile they are

Thats pretty much always been the case tho afik? Resto shams are good at being aggressive and can cause a lot of disruption IF your team has pressure and your not forced into just spamming heals. Which is why Shaman is very good into caster cleaves but generally terrible vs melee cleaves. It has strengths and weakness like any other class but as a general healer, in things like SS where you dont have proper coordination with your team mates or the right comp it struggles fare more than most of the other healers especially R druid.

Yes, so you are aware that shaman is a disruptive healer and his strength is being aggressive.

So why do you argue that shaman CC is fine?

Why do you casually ignore all the other points? You can only really be disruptive IF you have pressure and the time to do so. Thats not the same as having too much CC.

You can start channeling a Lasso then run behind a pillar sure, but then does no one have any mobility tools to reach the shaman and stop it? Its a 5 second channel how much damage are your team mates taking while you channel it? How far do you fall behind on healing?
Getting into Hex range often means exposing yourself and asking for a kick/cc and can be dispelled by many dps anyway.
The cc we have is all avoidable and requires cross cc with team mates generally. Hex is a hard cast, lasso is a channel, cap totem if even played, can be insta killed.
Compare it to other healers like Druid that can instant stun/disorient into a clone, monk can stun/incap into whatever their casted one is called. Paladin can stun into repentance into blind or whatever its called etc etc.
Trying to land cc on enemy healer as a shaman is not that easy and essentially requires your team mates to coordinate in order to both let you land the hex, and to prevent your lasso being stopped afterward.

The ability to relocate totems makes your CC completely unavoidable and can’t be shut down if you play your totems right at range.

Have you ever died in a kidney shot? Cause that’s what lasso is equivalent to. If you can’t kill someone in a kidney shot then it’s literally a DPS issue.

You have healing spring totem and earthen totem, you need some retpocalypse level damage to kill something through that, this gives you enough time to cause an unstoppable CC chain that your team can capitalize and kill someone.

With relocate totem and a DPS that has a working monitor, you can set up cross cc that the healer has to trinket, be it root/stun on heal and lasso dps, or root/hex/lasso/knockback on heal if your DPS is able to stun their own kill targets. Point being you can adapt to any situation because your tookit allows it, so there is no point covering shaman healing cds.

Unless you are facing affl/assa affl/sp you aren’t dying to damage while enemy team is in hard cc.

None of that is unique to shaman though. You cant state that shamans have too much CC and brush off the fact that almost all of it is easily stopped by just assuming your team mates will always cross CC the other enemies and that enemies wont have abilities or trinkets to stop that cross CC either. I would trade out shamans CC kit for Monk, pala, druids etc in a heartbeat.

So shaman, IF you play cap totem, you can cap - project - hex -lasso a healer.
Firstly due to range limitations this isnt that easy to do, and there is a brief time when the cap is out that it can be killed. This also exposes you to counter cc when you go for it. You need cross CC from team mates to prevent either your Lasso or Hex or both being interrupted most of the time.

Compare that to druid that can run in, potentially even while stealthed especially in opener, and stun into disorient or vice versa into triple clone. Clone which can then also be spammed on the dps while DR on healer wears off and they cant be dispelled or broken.

Pala can run it at super speed with HoJ into blind into repentance etc

Monk can dart around and stun/incap/casted one can never remember the name

Compared to these the shaman cc kit is actually mediocre at best and isnt nearly as reliable or as doable without coordination and cross CC as the others.

The game isnt balanced around shuffle, and is balanced around 3v3. So you should track your team’s CD and you have to assume that your team will follow up your cc.

People dont break totems sub 2100 mmr

If you allow a paladin, monk or disc to get close to you to CC you, then thats literally a skill issue. They have to move in near melee range to CC, you don’t. You also have a range kick, only prevoker has a range kick.

Vs rdruid and holy priest it’s possible to be cc’d, but thats mostly up to how well you can predict an incoming chastice with grounding, or if you can root a druid out of stealth with rooting totem.

So to answer your point, while having CC isn’t unique to shaman, his toolkit allows him to CC better than most while being aggressive and punish bad positioning.

Back at you,

If you stay within windshear range which is less than normal spell range - skill issue
If you allow shaman to get close enough to lassoo you - skill issue.
Saying the fact that totems being killable isnt an issue because players at lower MMR dont do it is not an argument. Its also not a fact to begin with, plenty of players at much lower mmrs will destroy totems it depends almost entirely on whether or not their addon set up shows them which most do, at least anyone thats not a complete casual will.

Other healers needing to get into closer range isnt rly an issue since they generally have much better mobility tools to get to you. HoJ etc can be grounded, fear can be tremored but these all require the shaman to pay careful attention to the healer running at them and popping grounding at just the right time. Any healer with luke warm IQ will also be on the look out for this and deliberately bait the grounding then either just kill it with a global or wait it out. Same with Tremor even at my low MMR most priests that run at me to fear will wait for the pre-tremor then just destroy it.

or the shaman can static field somebody without a trinket close to them behind pillar, lasso them, and get them killed

but we all know u never tried to do that

low mmr dps brain issue. any rdruid who tries this on normal to high mmr gets immediately kicked, stunned and bursted

the game has a lot of cc stops, and shaman has more than enough of those

which u can ground

which will get kicked by a normal human dps who will also then attack the holy paladin because holy paladin is the easiest killable and cc-able healer in the entire game

this shows your complete lack of experience

if people play properly any healer who tries to go for melee CC will immediately get punished for it either via getting CCed or switched to and killed

this is literally why there are 50000000000 melee brain disc priests in shuffle below 1800

run the entire map to get ur crappy melee fear just to take 10 polymorphs, roots, stuns, fears in a row instead, trinket because u think u can trinket for fun, get cc-ed again then watch ur teammate die


I’ve met resto shamans at 2.3k-2.4k mmr.

They’ve tremored just as I’m about to fear, not before, plenty of times.

Only way I can reliably get a fear on resto shamans is if I chastise stun them, otherwise there’s a high chance they tremor the fear.

Unless you’re talking about doing fears that will achieve absolutely nothing, then I can fear them and it won’t even matter.

he’s talking from his own experiences on 1700

and if u tell him something he didn’t know, he will call it theory

So when i said the shaman CC could be stopped you said “nah but da crozz cc any dps will coordinate” but when i said druid and pala etc can cc suddenly its “no but any dps will stop it” … This is just dishonest argumentation.

Your repeated pointing out that im at low MMR is also proving my point… Im saying EVEN at my MMR more often than not healers that know I have grounding or tremor available will be aware of it and try to bait it. Grounding and tremor literally only work if their healer isnt paying attention, you have to drop it BEFORE they press their thing. So its up the enemy healer to be on the look out for it and simply not press their button if they see it. Its no different from spell reflects etc.

No offense brother, but it’s kinda sus complaining as DH about rshams. You guys almost made me unsub FOREVER at the beginning of S3. On top of that, you guys have a ST stun, AOE stun, fear, incap, and can’t be shaken off at all.

i mean not a single shaman spec is S-Tier right now idk what we complaining about.

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Guessing he got decent rating on a DH which is something a chimp could do and thinks that gives him authority to decide whats balanced and whats not lol

You have to do such a thing with fade as well if you’re using it against instant CC, such as priests fear. I still fade a decent amount of fears. Resto shamans at 2.3 - 2.4k mmr frequently place it just as you’re going to fear.