Shaman has too much cc

Exactly, think DH can do it with their backward leap thing as well iirc? All comes down to instinct, skill, experience and no small amount of luck with timing from both players.

You can though, because they do. That’s a fact.

Maybe quote the full sentence and not just a part lol do you work for CNN by any chance?


Shamans have stupid amounts of tools, and are incredibly annoying to deal with. Defending them is just silly.

I would rather fight a shaman over a warrior any day. With your seemingly infinite charges, leaps, stuns, a fear, and spin to win that has little counter play.


4 spells

all 3 second duration

2 are dispelable

1 is 2 min cd


every single melee has the same cc or more, except ret and ww

the problem with most shaman players is that their kit is usually higher skill cap so they get gapped in their games from failing and then lose and complain

but resto shaman specifically is hard to play because if ur teammates are stupid then u lose automatically regardless of how good u play

Dude give it up. No one is ever going to take a demon hunter complaining seriously, let alone about shamans lol.

Root totem, Thunderstorm, Hex, Static Field, Earth Grab, Lasso stun, Frost shock. Like, plenty of ways to stop a Warrior. I don’t know how you can struggle with the amount of tools you have.

It’s not a complaint mister challenger

It’s called facts

Trying to pull a “no you” is pointless

When somebody loses an arguement, he starts pointing fingers at other things

If a kid calls u fat for being 110kg, the kid isn’t wrong, but if u call the kid stupid, because he’s a kid, that doesn’t change the fact that ur fat and that the kid is spitting facts

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You listed both earthgrab and root totem… you realise its one or the other right? So one root on a 30 second cd that is dispellable. Frost shock? Seriously? Its not even taken by resto shamans and for the others its just a 50% dispellable slow on a short duration which means nothing these days.
Thunderstorm - charge look your back in.
Gust if talented - charge again, roots you mid jump so you dont even gain any distance.
Static - kill the totem - charge/leap again
Somehow you dont have any of those off cd? Spin to win or stun.
Hex? - Reflect, charge and kick, stormbolt, fear etc etc, and is dispellable by several dps, can move while hexed which then breaks to all the aoe usually going on and leaves you next to the target anyway, and if your gonna say “root them when hexed” then your counting a combo of two abilities as two separate ones.
Lasso is about the only reliable way to get a few seconds of breathing room from a warrior but then you cant do anything else while channelling, plus it can be kicked by any of your team mates (which locks out of nature so no healing) or can be otherwise stopped by any other micro cc from team mates.
Warrior is in an extremely strong position just now as is DH.
Just look at LFG do you ever actually see anyone asking for a shaman whether its resto, ele or enhance lol? Were a second or third option at best for modern comps.

You’re forgetting there are more people in arena. Stop defending shamans disgusting amounts of CC.

Sigh, im done arguing with people who’s counter argument boils down to “nuh uh”.

some people are so attached to their spec that any criticism of their beloved spec is seen as a personal attack. Shaman has an insane toolkit. Its listed a few posts above, why cant you acknowledge this?

Its too much man

cant wait for your reply…uhhh that or that class has much stuff too uhhh

i dont careeee this thread is about shamanssss

also quite convenient and not exclusively to you is comparing own class to the very best specs that happen to be good into your own spec haha

dont worry bro, blizz isnt reading any of this. Shaman wont get any cc nerfs, dodged a bullet. All the defending and gaslighting for nothing, unlucky

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That is one of the dumbest responses ive ever seen lol. Obviously you have to compare to others when criticizing a class…

sure bro, lets compare shaman toolkit to disc priest toolkit. Im looking forward to the mental gymnastics that is needed now to justify shaman cc hahaha

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So by your own words you admit shaman who you claim has “disgusting cc”… Isnt even “one of the best specs” lol?
Which I agree with, shamans havent broken from B to mid A tier for long as I can remember

oh no, my class isnt good into 12 other classes, what a shame. I guess i will demand buffs from now on

yes very right. I admire your reading skills. Its about shaman cc not shaman overall performance

And performance especially from healer specs is largely about what cc they can do… So given that theres several healers far above them in performance kinda defeats your argument.
Well, I use argument loosely cos again it just sounds like “nuh uh”. You havent actually said anything of substance.

well then, in order to keep them balanced numbers have to suck. good numbers + cc too op then

your “arguments” are listing how shaman cc can be countered

news flash, every single cc can be countered with something. amazing discovery