Shaman has too much cc

Can you not read? I said there’s ONE paladin in the top 100 3v3.

Paladins are not #1. Get over it.

Then stop going on about it and making false claims.

Anyway. Shaman CC is too much, period.

They are for shuffles #1 2400 and #2 for 2800. Why would you cherry pick for 3v3 top 100 statistics only when youre not playing any 3v3 self. I can read fine, thats why I corrected that they are infact best melees of the season and that this topic were about shaman cc actually.

I can’t believe there is still people who doesn’t know what sarcasm is… on the internet no less.

Funny how theres an awful lot of replies that are “yeah but were talking about shaman not other classes!”…
You cant complain about a class/spec having to much of something in a vacuum. Without comparing it to everything else and considering many other factors its a pointless claim.
Hell imagine someone said “affli locks are too squishy” and someone replies with… “eh they are tankier than almost every other class in the game, gives examples etc” then the poster says “Shut up were not talking about XY/Z this is about locks” lol

Totems should be purely cosmetic and only visible to the shaman himself. Also make Wind Shear 40 sec cd.

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