Shaman offensive abilities removed?

False alarm. Move on!

Haha, yes :ok_hand:

Resto is a healing spec not a DPS spec.

I also think you should add resto to your title.


sure so is holy paladin, disc priest and mistweaver monks. But that doesnt seem to stop them from doing more damage than the dps in some instances. Not sure what your point here is. If healers are reduced to healbots that drastically reduces the fun in playing a healer.

Edit sorry resto druids too. lol. Basically every other healer but resto shaman.

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Never played Holy pally or misty but Disc is a DPS/healing spec, it’s the basis of it.

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Funny because they added DPS abilities to holy priest+disc.
Healers need to have damage abilities, otherwise we will go AFK when there is nothing to heal.


See my previous reply. Holy priest does some damage but it’s still meant to heal others not DPS.

Heh, yeah. He had me worried there for a second.

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There is no previous reply from you.

What is this answer? Are you for real now?
So resto shamans are for healing, while resto druids pop 3x their dps. Cool right?

Also my Hpriest pops 50+ ST dps in M+ around 27k overall with 30k+ HPS done overall in my usually spammed 15-16-17

Look again.

Homogenisation will ruin this game. If we do that then lets just have one spec per class.

Edit: It’s not difficult, one spec should do one thing and if you want to do something else you change spec.

Only as much as your are.

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You must be trolling right?

"Homogenisation will ruin this game. If we do that then lets just have one spec per class.

Edit: It’s not difficult, one spec should do one thing and if you want to do something else you change spec."

Look im not trying to say a resto shaman should be doing the same dps and have the utility of dpses or tanks, of course not. Specs have been established and they are what they are in wow. But if wow is trying to be a competitive game, which it is trying to through mythic + and arenas, healers need to contribute more to the fight than just healing or people are going to stop playing healers. Nothing is more boring than spam healing with nothing else to do. There’s a reason why shaman is one of the least, if not the least played class in wow. Especially in bfa. It has basically everything other healers have, but worse. Its clunkier and slower to do everything. Making it even worse isnt going to fix anything.


Flame shock been there since classic though ? So your point is ?


But aren’t they also buffing the healing side while removing some DPS abilities, making it a batter healer?

Tradition hasn’t always been the best thing, in the game or in the real world.

Cars used to be death traps, now they are not, that’s progression, the game should have it too.

Rdruid is by far alot better in terms of healing inside M+ by all classes.

Now its position is threatened by Hpala alot that is not as great and doesnt even have the slightest toolkit Rdruud has, because of its: DAMOOGE.

World first kills done with healers that actually can dps alot, Disc/Hpala.
Removing dps from healers is a death sentence to the spec.

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Do you even play the game in any type of instance form ? SL is meant to be adding not removing again .


So raids aren’t going to need healers?

I never said remove all DPS from healers, they should have one or two damage spells, not the full arsenal DPS specs have.

They do, but we heal only when we have to.
After this we should be dpsing when there is nothing to heal. Otherwise personally i feel im a bad weight to my raid.

Also, when there is absolutely nothing to do hybrird DPS cast their healing surge, wild growth,shadow mend ETC ETC


I’ve done that myself, DPS have limited healing spells, just like healers should have limited DPS spells.

Making healers good at DPS ruins the DPS spec.

Yes but OP said:

I didnt run to check if they do remove them but if they do, as said before its a death sentence to the spec

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