Which class identity is cooler?
Well that is up to you.
Monks are better on gameplay wise currently.
I personally prefer shaman because monks are mop thing and all related to pandas is negative.
Even tho they have most interesting healing spec.
Are they cooler?
Shaman ofcourse yes i’m biased
Depends on the race for me. For example I find a pandaren monk cooler than a panda shaman but a Dwarf or Draenei shaman is cooler than monk.
I have seen some cool pandaren shamans around before with the straw hat and lighting theme going on.
The troll looks cooler then the orc, but damn puny, you’ve just made up my mind with those gifs. It’s a sha man.
Zappy boi
Monk of course
Da spirits be talking ta me now mon. Sorry.
No contest tbh
Some can definitely look cool, just saying my personal preference if I had to pick one of the other.
I saw a monk kick the mountain and a shaman making blue noodles in the sky.
Whatever makes you feel better
I’m biased, because monk is my favourite class, but the way Brewmasters hold their staff is so sweet.
If you’re going for melee dd, I have to say two-hammer shammie is pretty close, but nothing beats zen flight or summoning a giant zappy tiger.
The Monk:
- Fights with no weapons because of super bravery and martial arts skills.
- Wears light armour because is unafraid of death, but does not dishonour combat by doing so in frocks and dresses.
- Can remove the banes of poison as well as disease unlike the shaman who cannot understand how poisons work.
- Circular kick to stun all enemies for resounding victory
- Can paralyse a foe with a cool gesture at distance
- Punches quicker than you can blink
- Is very zen and generally a good person
- Flies on cloud instead of using animal or vehicle for lowest carbon foot print -> ethically superior being.
- Mist healing is very soothing like a nice sauna, unlike throwing water at someone which is very startling.
- Can tank, because willing to step up and “get down to business”.
- Becomes even better fighter when drunk
- Probably knows one or more of the following excellent and civilised cultivations: origami, feng shui, tending rock gardens or reciting poetry.
- Holds staff in position which is a secret to all other classes.
- Very profound and speaks in riddles which increases wisdom factor and makes them impossible to interrogate.
- Unlike the shaman who talks to stones, for monk “the stone is the talk, or maybe I am the stone?” such zen wisdom befuddles even master shamans.
- Can use swords. Shaman do not understand how to hold a sword - sign of their lack of knowledge and civility.
- Can use a wand like the most intelligent and respectable of classes.
- Gives good lifestyle and dietary advice to friends.
The shaman
- Wanted to be a druid but couldn’t afford shapeshifting classes.
- Talks to stones because nobody else wanted to talk to them at school. Now it’s “their thing”.
- Throws water at people, gets confused when they get upset.
- I like a child with a new craft “This is my totem”, no, that is a stick with a leaf, but well done.
- Cannot understand poisons
- Afraid of tanking as it might ruin their carefully cultivated bohemian facial hair/hairstyle.
- Can throw lightning, but does not adapt the posture of a superior lightning spell with waving hands and hips.
- Wants to save the planet, by asking the planet to rupture itself and spew lava for them.
- Wears heavier armour to mask lack of superior physical workout regimen.
- Talks to the wind and fire and water. Unlike the monk who is the wind and fire and water.
- Wishes they were best friends with a glowing lightning tiger, a super hench cosmic ox, a sparkling beautiful crane and wisest of all serpents ever. Tries to insist that being friends with rock people is as cool as this.
- Can return to their spirit bind location, but cannot separate their spirit from body, unlike monk who can separate, and teleport spirit to their monastery.
- Calls Chi “Spirit” because has difficulty with exotic languages.
- Has difficulty using powers on foreign planet or plane. Watches with envy as Monk still fights with 100% power whatever the circumstance.
- Repeatedly adopts vegetarian diet which they dial back on “maybe next week” is their mantra.
- Only knows how to play the drum.
The choice is yours.
What I like about the monks is their connection with August celestials, they seem super cool to me.
Personally I’ve always liked Shamans…