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A couple of people already told him how things work, and his points are pretty much invalid but he keeps screaming like a chimp and berates anyone who disagrees with him. This dude never had a good word to anyone and not going to accept your opinion. There is no point in talking to him. I trully don’t know what he wants to achieve with this post. :smiley:


I am not sure if that is a fair comparison, as Arcane intellect only increased the damage of healers and casters while giving nothing beneficial to anyone who’s main stat isn’t intellect. Shaman buff in comparison has much more value to the entirety of the group, as it not only gives Mastery that everyone scales to, to also giving a bigger boost to melee in your group.

Shaman buff is the case of the buff being more for the group’s benefits, rather than the personal buff to every shaman spec. Arcane intellect gives a bigger personal throughput increase, but it comes at the cost of half of the specs not really benefiting from it, which is likely the reason why the numbers for it are higher compared to others.

I think Blizzard did not design this for Resto and Elemental at all. This was just a small upgrade of Windfury to raid buff status with a bit of Mastery thrown in on it, so melees are still the ones who benefit from it. Mastery was only tacked on so everyone benefits to it to a small extent.

Still waiting for anyone to tell me why Mage, Monk, DH, Warrior, etc benefit 2 or 3 more times than Shaman from their own buff. How about you enlighten me?

I have bad words for those who come at me with bad words, if you expect me to respond nicely and wish them a good day to people making fun me and disrespecting me with things like “think before you talk” and an aggressive tone then you’re delusional as heck.

It is indeed an unfair comparison, unfair for the Shaman of course, because while not all classes benefit from Arcane Intellect, the ones that do, Mage included, get a much more powerful buff. Not only that, but also Arcane Intellect buffs healers which they always are on any party or raid group and they are without a doubt the most important members.

I also need to remind you all that we have been living in a caster meta for years, largely thanks to Mage, Priest, Druid, Paladin and of course Evoker due to their strong raid buffs.

And that’s a problem for the Shaman because of all the mentioned above, that’s why I made this post.

It is there mate. I don’t know what to tell you. Learn to comprehend text or idk.



If you want hyper focus on how a buff affects the caster itself, so be it. Everyone here is telling you, it’s not a good idea to tune buffs with that sole argument in mind and then provided with multiple examples as to how things are balanced in context of collective play.

My most benevolent sir, I once again bid you the best of days, and do remind you, there are no bad words, only hurtful intentions! Good luck to your future endeavours.

  • Developers’ notes: To make our raid buffs more equal across varied group compositions, we’re reducing the effectiveness of Arcane Intellect and Chaos Brand from 5% to 3%. We feel this will help to improve the balance of caster heavy versus melee heavy groups when participating in non-raid content.

Turns out I wasn’t so wrong after all :slight_smile: Literally they made this a day after my OP, still work to do but it’s a step in the right direction.

Now you just have to wait for Shamans to get nerfed into the ground because what they bring is do powerful atm. How do you not see this is a bad thing?

Yes I agree, let’s go back to the part where shamans had no raid buff at all and were not brought to raids at all unless you needed one enhancement for windfury.

U really dont know what u are talking about it seems, also its not exacly straight 2% mastery its 2 % of your TOTAL MASTERY wich is a big deal for some classes.

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Main stat and, to a degree, versatility, are INFINITELY better than mastery on any character, and they just nerfed it for the exact reason I’ve been saying thru the whole thread which you didn’t even read. Now give them time to acknowledge Shaman buff is underwhelming and wait for the buff.

Please learn the game before talking.

That only makes shaman raid buff OP. Being OP is never a good thing for a spec.


Its not underwhelming its good enough tbh. U think it is but its not. U also forget the part that it brings for melee. They cannot make it more then 2 % because that would be OP.

I’m not asking for more mastery for the allies, I’m asking for it to be stronger for the Shaman itself, be it more mastery, some spell speed or anything that makes it decent for 2 of the 3 specs, because currently it’s :dog::poop: and only Enhancement gets real benefit from the buff.

I’ve lost count how many times I’ve said that and how many times I’ve compared it with other (and better) raid buffs…

If that is what you are complaining about, the raid buff has nothing to do with it.

Raid buffs are designed to be a buff to the party you are in. Not to the shaman itself. So what you have to consider is : what is the DPS of the WHOLE raid I am in with, or without this buff.

If you are concerned about Elemental and Resto’s performance individually, then they need tuning. For example, an across the board flat % buff. THAT addresses spec tuning.

Op arguing with raiding shamans with twice the achievements :sob:

You’re comparing it to Intellect as if intellect affects everybody beneficially.

Your whole premise is just a whine with no real substance behind it.

People have posted how big it actually is, you know with facts and data and stuff. It’s far from ‘useless’. Just admit you learnt something and walk away. Or walk away.

Also you’re talking about a RAID buff, making it better for shamans (what!?) thats what class balancing is for…


Shaman has way better group buffs or even utility than say some like rogue or hunter. Skufyry is huge, grounding is huge, self res and ressing others after wipe is huge… Too many to list honestly :sweat_smile:

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By that same rule you wouldn’t be able to talk either as you are ilvl 483 with no pvp or pve score.

Also there is no correlation between achievements, knowledge and right of speech and debate in a forum. Go back to your cave.

It affects the most important components by A LOT, the user himself and the healers, that’s why it got nerfed yesterday.

Big for who? Definitely not for the Shaman, because again, Elemental gains a miserable 1.1% or 1.5% at best if you count the random overloads.

Then again Mage pre nerf got 8%+, and Warriors, and Monks, and yare yare.

You guys are obsessed with the word “raid”. It literally doesn’t matter, it is a buff for the class itself which also happens to buff the party IF you have one.

It’s beyond stupid that the class that benefits the least from the buff is actually the user, there is no other class suffering from this crap.

I was 2nd best tank on Stormscale alliance back in wrath, and I’ve still got more achievements than you and I’ve pretty much missed two whole expansions

Yes, they saw your post and instantly nerfed it. Don’t mind that the reasoning is completely different then yours.

Seriously… a lot of people already told you that the other 2 spec is benefiting a lot more then you realize. At this point what you do is squirming or trolling and nothing more.

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