Shaman tank when retail?

Shaman tank when retail?


amen bruther! o7 Great to see that this is such a popular topic, it might just happen.

I really wanna tank but I don’t wanna switch off my main shammy, shaman is too dope. And having access to all roles on 1 toon would be awesome!!

I think I’d main a tank if shammies could do it, but now it’ll have to be an alt colossus warr, the rest are not my type

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Midnight maybe?

They trolled us with a shaman npc tanking in tww dungeon, so i got hyped a bit for it, that maybe 11.1 we have shaman tank talent introduced, but seems not the case.

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Given the absolute mess of a talent tree Druids have with 4 specs…

Im not sure I want a Shaman Tank.


Its because of the “Forms” and big portion of it Buffs forms that you won’t even want to play + abillities that you won’t really want to press because it will leave set form not because you have 4 specs … resto druids are fine because they dont really care about those as most of the active healing/casts(Dps) happens without any forms for them .

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So? What that proves is that the limitations of a spec are multiplied when you have 4 specs. With the current talent trees.

An obvious case would be defensives. You would need to put those talents in each of the specs. Removing other talents or creating bloat.

Another obvious case would be utility. It would create a ton of problems. As is the case with Druids.

Others do i guess.

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Everything in life has a cost and nothing is free. Or in other words, everything has a consequence. Both good and bad.

I would like a Shaman Tank too. But I don’t want to pay the price for talent trees that cannot be balanced for all 4 specs. Or be in a perpetual state of “bad” regardless of what Shaman spec I play.

That is what people forget and that is what you did not understand from my post.


No, you don’t need to even ask why.


Btw, as I look over the Shaman talent tree rn, I don’t see any talent nodes or anything that would “break” the idea of a shaman tank, i.e. make it giga op or something. Can you?

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Not rly, they can also change the talent tree or just give shaman tank only passive talents if needed.

Lot of options exist.

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