Shaman updates incoming next week

I’m relieved !
Now to see what those changes are really about.
I hope all the beta feedback will give birth to a Totemic rework (for Enhancement).


I’m also relieved I think the constant whining we did has finally worked :smile: I’ll take it

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dont be so sure !!! they will probably give 1 % buff to damage and call it a day!

im so sceptic about these news as for 10 years they did nothing to rework shaman - defensives are complete garbage, stormbringer on 2 sec that do not work together with other skills … yeah that i really wanted nothing but passives with awkward visuals. Yeah my sweet ELE you are dead

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Lol elemental is in a good place really

chnaged Shaman to shaman

major news :slight_smile:

I am slightly hopeful that there will be talent tree updates and some ability bloat on enhance gets removed.
I dont have hope that pmw will be deleted but well…

the changes could make shaman worse as well, dont forget that

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I believe the scariest part of this all is the fact that those changes will be coming to live with the prepatch. Meaning that for good or bad we’ll be playing those changes in less than a month on live.

They listen guyss!! They listen!!! Lets see what of the major requests will be implemented for ENH…

  1. Meaningless button bloat fix?
  2. 2H for so long requested?
  3. Defensives?
  4. Poor Visuals?
  5. Worst burst window in history? (Assuming paly has 50% uptime wings)
  6. Fix how totems synergy work?
  7. Fixing AOE and how stupidly fire nova works for like a decade?

Lets see…

Ahh for got to add. Procs!! Procs EVERYWHERE!!!
Cast SS has a chance to cast Lower power SS + stormblast adds minimal Ele dmg for each proc + Tempest strikes adds some minimal dmg as new number + flame tongue + Meaningless WF proc. All these by casting one ability…

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Firenova works fine , a frostnova is uncapped and a firenova always hits 6 targets cause we know a nova of fire loses interest if there is a 7th Target XD

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we need to lose the gcd bloat.
enhance is like the new uh dk at the moement

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Hopefully they killed primordial wave and gave us better dog form and ascendence form

Seeing how they changed Skyfury Totem activation by tying it with Primordial Wave, it’s here to stay.

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well for ele it isn’t as bad to use generally speaking. at least it gives a flame shock while ele has issues spreading flame shock already.

enhance on the other hand… just terrible to use. was already like that in garbagelands. Chain harvest was much better for enhance in the first place.

Its good news in the sense that instead of posting what each of us thinks is a “shaman fix” they will lay down the groundwork where we can debate what we like or not of their design.

Which I think its much better than nothing.

Now. Hopefully, they listened to key feedback about WW. Maybe, they will listen to our feedback next week and we will get a better talent tree.

<< Sniffs Hopium >>

Ahh yeah !

Just rework enhance tree let us play 2handed enhance amen

flat 30% damage buff incoming.

As a resto sham I would like to see an external like monk coccon, br, button bloat trim and flame shock spreader!

And also the use of life as a trigger for ancestor maybe can be replaced as life doesn’t feel well in m+

I am affraid we will get disilusioned by the changes…. In general the typical Shaman player enjoys (assumption). To have many many skills and totems… and enjoys having some challenge in their DPS specs?

With what we have seen its fair to asume we will loose several totems and skilloptions? And get more simplistic rotations?

In general we had the most flexible talent trees, with quite a lot of playable builds (when doing non high end mythics… i always tought that was the reason for not getting huge changes, the class was where it ought to be?

some do some dont.
I hate the current iteration of elementalist because it takes too much brain power to operate without crazy dps loss in m+ while watching a metric ton of other stuff while I could just play ret pala press 1 2 3 be top of the meters and be immortal…

if I have a complex dps rotation, then I should be top of the meter by a fair margin, especially if the utility of the class is also crap.
Unfortunately enhance is very complex and is more or less bottom of the meters in aoe.

wished we had for enhance season 1 or 2 set for more build options , enjoyed it to swap around storm and elementalist , s 3+ 4 made only elementalist viable , yes there is a storm build , but talent pathing feels off and playstyle

I actually tried to play storm in S4.
It looked like that in a dungeon like brackenhide which tend to have bigger pulls that elementalist can handle, so a dungeon that would favor storm’s aoe capabilities.
Worst part is that because of S4 set you still have to play primordial garbage in storm build…

in storm build I did between 300 - 350k dps overall with massive ST drop offs. (lol 180k ST)
In elementalist which i am not even good at, I did 550k overall and had 250-300k ST dps

storm build is so dead it is not even funny. I mean with storm pmw feels terrible to use as for some reason, I tend to get DRE procs right after I used lightning bolt because of pmw and then I have thorims lb activated instead of CL
