Shamans are broken beyond repair in PvP

still taking Ls from alliance when you a. play a meta class in priest and b. play UD. Suprising you whine about stoneform which is just bad compared to hardiness.

wow every 2mins you cannot viper sting or do VP dps on a dwarf priest, shamans are still more broken with totems that remove poisons and diseases.
wow every 3mins dwarfs have a magic effect that immuns them to 1 fear so they do not have to trinket your own fears, dispels from priests and shamans just screw that one over. also UDs literally WoTF every 2mins, 50% more often than a FW dwarf priest.

Iceblock, r5 trinket, a decently timed selfdamage effect (SWD/Skull) you were saying?

walk around it, literally the simplest thing, if they truly care to kill you, they start moving.

dispersion, PWS, Barkskin, Iceblock, Bubble, Shield Wall.
You get noob checked by hunters basically.

because apparently every nelf hunter is smart enough to use it that you come across? the reality is simply that not every nelf hunter will use shadowmeld in openworld.

Cry me a river, it’s just a fact that SF is niche, WoTF and Hardiness are infinitely more useful against rogues/priests.

Your every post regarding racials literally breathes “horde racials are infinitely inferior to alliance racials”. You don’t say it, you mean it by posting it.
Painting me as a liar or dishonest person isn’t gonna help your case.
You compared rogue races and you paint alliance rogues time after time better than horde counterparts.

It doesn’t beat an orc rogue who can straightup resist one of your stuns (and save trinket for the next stunlock) and beat any alliance rogue or paladin.
Any class is more frustrated at an orc who can simply resist a stun and just keep on going as if nothing happened. Perception and Stoneform are just niche.

because now we assume in every wPvP + BG situation a rogue will magically appear behind a warstomped target and beat anything targetted into the ground.
This is not the case for the majority of games and matchups, you are not being realistic at all. And even if a rogue is around they can waitout 15s and then CS, actually simple if you use your brain.

racials dont mirror, they are similar, there’s a difference which you fail to realize.

not the full story of why they dont go for it. Rogues currently opt for dagger spec and warriors usually go for axe or sword, basically they got better options.

To call these bracers free when in reality they require 250 engineering is hilarious. It has a 10min CD and allows you to be immune for 15s. WoTF has a 2min CD and allows for 5s of fear immunity.
Anyone with a braincell is gonna say WoTF is just better, those bracers a scuffed version of WoTF, in an AB game you can use those bracers once. Those bracers existing alone make any fear less viable to play with.

explains why somany do not play troll in PvP then.

trying to uno-reverse back lol, am i the only one mentioning how good SF is only against warriors/rogues/priests? yes? okay.

It’s the common opinion, ally racials do not prevent nor remove stuns or fears. Horde ones do.

ah ofc because paladins are close to providing the same utility, dispels, damage and instant healing that a shaman has. All of which paladin isnt gonna be close to providing. Or the fact that horde simply got the better racials and abilities to deal with CC.
There are hardly any alliance pvpers compared to horde pvpers.

better than facing any class with actual mobility as a FC, which all will stall harder than a paladin.

still the same themes there, shaman OP, pvp being BS, racials.

And this is 100% of the horde players not willing to admit that their racials are broken/OP when compared to alliance racials in PvP. Horde players are spoiled brats who never heard of a no from their parents nor anyone.