Orc stun resist racial has to go

i can imagine facing alliance enemy who can:

  1. remove poisons, diseases and bleeds and get immunity to them for 8 seconds which makes dwarf rogues the best rogues in the game. - stoneform.

  2. detect my rogue before i can detect theirs - perception.

  3. further increase my difficulty finding enemy stealthers since shadowmeld = free increased stealth level for nelf rogue/druids. - shadowmeld.
    3A. Nelf Shadowmeld+Sniper Training is downright broken OP no class can survive their wombo combo and nobody can touch them while they are stealthed, and even if they can, the hunter can still wombo combo and win the fight.

  4. get out of my roots, making gnome warriors the only race of warriors who can forego warbringer rune which is mandatory for everyone else - escape artist.

but sure, none of these things are good, because we’re in the business of complaining about horde racials to justify our losses.

by the way

i think you mean 100%. dwarf priest gets fear ward, so lol… oh and human priests get lay on hands.

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