Shamans must be nerfed to ground in pvp

one class cant at same time heal, tank and dps. its not fun. or atleast give us mixed faction soloqueue. so horde feel some of its own medicine.


We do know how that feels. Cause you guys got paladins who are massively OP in PVP as well.


Paladins are arguably better in pvp, but I don’t want them nerfed either

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well, they are not, not eaven close.

How do you know? Do you play horde as well?

Shamans so OP, my buddy switched over to horde, he said AB gives him 250k honor per hour, capped for the week in 2 hours. Yeah shamans no OP

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yes, playing shaman

True, paladins need to be nerfed.


Fear not! Blizz only just started nerfing paladins :heart:

Nah, its a god class. Better buff them more.

Imagine playing a shammy, its really bad. They are suffering. Like resto is a crap, chain heal spam, tanks are also ugly as hell.

So let em be best in PVP, im okay dying 10x times from one shammy in openworld, he is a god class and i appreciate it.

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Blizz logic:

paladin does toomuch of one thing, nerfed.
shaman performing well in all aspects you can mention, not nerfed?

shamans in current state do not die to melee against a firestar spec which revolves around FS/Riptide/Shield Mastery/PS/Way of Earth. You can literally see those running in goblin towns just tanking the guards as if they were mosquitos. If you want footage, just go to youtube and search “ziqo shaman sod”.
paladins even as prot cannot even remotely do the same.

shaman players got it real good currently, it is mental how people are this deluded and say paladin needs a nerf when their hero class just does everything you can mention better.

shamans just need to press buttons as if they were born apes to achieve any value.
paladins need to plan out when to use what ability and thus it is already a harder class to play to get value out of. Is this seriously so hard to understand?
Everyone agrees that shaman is an easier class to PvP/PvE with compared to paladins, which straightup struggle in PvP and have crutches in one form or the other.
Either infinte mana and :poop: heals or good heals and :poop: mana sustain. Shamans do not have any of that crucial decision making.

With that kind of thinking, ferals should be absolute monsters in PvP lol

Shamans are fine,
except the Build with the Way of the Earth Rune.
Thats ridicolous OP with -def gear and even much to strong with Elemental gear and spec. Not very fun to play, but if you like rock every 1 on 4 engagement. This is the way.
This is what makes some shamans, who are specced like this incredible tanky and “op”.

RetPaladins could use a mana buff or something like wotlk Art of War that makes them be able to heal w/o spending incredible much of their low mana pool.
I’d give them something like shamans shamanic rage or remove the -heal restriction from the boot rune Guarded by the light(?).

Mages neeed alot, lol mainly defensive stuff.

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on that thought, their dots do more than moonie dots, which is just how sad this damage reduction is. Rather than individual nerfs Blizzard decided to just blanket nerf everything which affects Shamans the very least.

the storm earth and fire rune isnt, the wolves are far from fine and burn isnt. literally game breaking everything. if talented shocks are on a 5s CD.
Like an undergeared and underleveled shaman can kill any 60 in raid gear. Are you kidding me? They are currently running in BB, Everlook and Gadgetzan and face tank goblins whilst killing people and staying near full HP/Mana.

It is simply OP, there is no discussion about it, even if you just do a 1v1 you are most likely to win due to your tools and ability to just shut down most things done to you.

This kind of imbalance is why Alliance PvPing is just demotivating and unfun. If paladins could do this and horde pvp in turn becomes the same as current alliance PvP, you would also want to just keep asking for their nerfs as we do for Shamans on a very consistent and vocal basis.

literally all of this, i would rather have perma mana than an active damage reduction as we got BoP and Bubble if that makes sense.

You lost me here, you do know that a good mage only loses to BOOMI right?

in a 1on1 maybe, but in BGs they get rekked 1st and forever.

By the time you manage to get savage roar up, and 5 combo points for a bleed, you’d be dead at least 3 times

dont need savage roar for that, mangle + bleeds = more damage than boomie

you must be high lol

try it, you wont be disappointed.