Shamans must be nerfed to ground in pvp

hello, are we geting fun ever on wrong faction blizzard?

Pleeenty of fun to be had, if you are not completely terrible and expecting blizzard to win fights for you through nerfs.
LMAO, so much for all your posts about shamans getting nerfed any second… two months ago.

See you in two more months, beg for nerfs harder maybe :dracthyr_lulmao:!

maybe 10char

Meanwhile Paladins in AQ40 tankset infinite mana, infinite heals with instant casts, unkillable, no dmg reduction % like other tanks…

aw evokek is back with his garbage bait spam

ranking to 14 again, so have alot inspiration XD
on wrong faction
yday pala told me when i asked why they dont heal like shaman hybrids do,
like dude we dont have infinite mana like shamans and he mounts and rush other flag.
wtb shamans

This is the norm. Its like 3 heals and oom.

Paladin healing sustain is based around crits givng mana back. Shamans dont have that, and thats make their healing spells cheaper and more available for all specs

exactly, paladins need to be nerfed in pvp

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Totaly, shamans need massive buffs. Roughly speaking all their runes need a buff.