Shamans must be nerfed to ground in pvp

Could ask you same thing, coping and defending your op class, i mean, i get you. But still. Imagine id they add shamans to more skilled side aka aliance, forums would fall down from horde tears

We all know it wouldent help, alliance “pvp mentality” where the normal is to throw games.

Thinking the shaman class will fix that

Its called L2P mister, and alliance aint able to improve at pvp nomather how much handicap you give horde

Duno man, did u play clasic wow fee years ago, aliance were dominating bgs, with insta queues, good times, without shaman nonense that we have now

They were dominating AV because they could premade it.
I know i know.

The other bgs? Not so much

I played ally and it was horrible. After a while horde even dominated AV.

And now ally is dominating BGs as well. Paladins are overturned, and ally has so many hunters. I have hardly won any bg the last 2 days

The only thing I am defending is the truth, against all the made up bull :poop: that you and others like you keep bringing up.

Where’s the data for Shamans being more numerous in PvP than Druids(that are available to both factions)?
How did you reach the conclusion that alliance is the faction with more skill?

You just throw made up :poop:, with “i feel” type of proof and expect others to accept it or debunk it for you.
You know what that is called? Trolling.

That’s not true, you are ignoring the downsides because you only see the damage output in a perfect 1vs1 scenario.
90% in PvP isn’t perfect and 1vsX.

All a shaman can do 1vsX is healing himself forever, but while doing so he cannot built any pressure.
Again, he has no abilities to avoid or reduce damage like other classes that’s why they do less damage but have higher survivability.

While a shaman is a self healing, tanky damage dealer in solo PvE, his hybrid strength is not good enough in PvP. Any role is better than a shaman unless he goes full damage as part of a group. Any DPS who get heals and can focus on his main role doing damage is good.

You need to stop comparing 1vs1, this type of balancing will never exist and has no place in BGs anyway.

Resto shaman has a MUCH better toolkit than holy paladin in PvP. There’s no comparison. I’ve farmed BG for the past few weeks both on alliance and horde and guess what I haven’t come across once ? Hpal.
The best way to play holy atm is with the 5 set ZG and play caster support. You blessing of freedom your warrior, blessing of Prot your boomie and stun kill target while using exo on cd, Holy Shock either as heal or damage and Avenger’s shield to slow.

But if you were to play as a traditional healer, you’d be stomped 95% of the time since your bubble comes only once every 5 min. You have much better tools as a shaman with chain heal; riptide and your totems BECAUSE they are on a much lower CD.

gz, you just told us you have no clue how to play a holy paladin


gz, you also have absolutely no clue how to play a resto shaman

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Repeating this ad nauseaum doesn’t make it true.

Chain Heal
 chain heal?!? BRO, in PvP Chain HEAL?

Ok I’m done, I know all I needed to know about your PvP knowledge. Supposedly Holy paladins can’t cast at all but a resto Shaman will cast 2.5(2.1 at best) second chain heals that get outdamaged by a sneeze from a hunter.

FYI, Chain heal is only worth casting when it procs as an instant, you actually keep people alive with 1.8 second Healing Wave, that’s the bread and butter that you didn’t even mention.

AND still you didn’t adress how is a Shaman that has just 1 pvp trinket - bubble can be used to break CC (poor paladins), let alone them having Blessing of Sacrifice to break other soft CC while Bubble is down.

How is the Resto Shaman supposed to cast if a freaking Holy Paladin can’t?

If you actualy play game instead posting nonsense on forums would be great, holy paladin lol, who play that and what did that one person do to you that you think its more op than shaman? Stayed last one alive at bs and annoyed your 10 shamans for caping, longest 10 sec ever.

yo dude go and ask that guy to give you the updated manual while you’re still covered by buyers protection :shushing_face:

he gave you the boomer one from 2 decades :rofl:ago ppl did oneshot others fresh outta barrens running around with 2,5 k hp

meanwhile in SoD chimera shot ~2,5k dmg -that’s obv being modest about it

on ret alone doing 4k-6k dmg just touching the target, don’t believe me? take a look here

and maybe you’ll like this
h ttps://

or this one
h ttps://

That’s right LMAO, who would want to play holy paladin when you can play ret and do this:

h ttps://
h ttps://

That is 7089 damage done in a HoJ

100% - 0% in Hammer of Justice. who wants to play holy when you can do that? AMIRITE?

But but but
 rets can’t 100% - 0% people in HoJ as the WavĂ©-brain-rot-cultists keep eating :poop: over and over and over

Again, who’s not playing the game? f out of here

The reason you don’t see many playing holy is the same you don’t see many Shamans playing RESTO(I put it in caps for the mentally slow people, I know you think each shaman you meet is resto). People would rather blow up others than heal.

And the reality is premades have at least one holy paladin on the regular. Those that I meet do at least, very often, much more so than horde premades getting resto Shamans.

Ret cant heal like shaman can do, any class can do same pvp montage, imagine if that was war pvp video instead ret. Shamans are afraid to make such stuff like that poor pala had to play hours and hours of pvp for one video. Shaman do it without edit in single bg. Lol
Guy here said what can shaman do when get atacked 1vsX, just spam heal himself and run. Pala dies afther buble ends.

Damn, gratz with over 100 troll replies

Which is why power surge changes was a painful nerf for shamans.
Now their survival depends on casting heals again and while doing so they cannot pump or built any counter pressure.

If you already encounter a 1vsX situation the shaman runs nowhere and is dead like a paladin during bubble cd.
As I said before, I rather play a warrior with a passive skill like Shieldwall (75% damage reduction)
and counter any pressure instead doing nothing.

Shamans power surge nerf was necessary from PvP perspective but it killed the fun in PvE.
Here is the problem, WoW classic main focus has always been PvE, in SoD Blizzard nerfing abilities because of PvP destroys origin class idea with PvE in mind.

The only way to avoid this mess would be PvP and PvE runes.