Shamans, Paladins and them being factionlocked

Lore wise anyone can use the light so I don’t really care which races get to be paladin. Its practically the same with shamans anyone with connection to the elements can make contracts with them. So they just need to write a quest for each race and it can make sense lore wise for any race to be any class. Just saying it doesn’t work lore wise in the past doesn’t make it impossible to work in the future.

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Which race on the horde side could have paladins? There are no races fitting for a paladin…

Orcs, to make all the Andys seethe even more.

The Forsaken and Taurens both have very easy excuses to have a way to the paladin class. The Forsaken were once human and they can already use the light in terms of being priests not a far stretch to have them become paladins. Taurens have a more indirect way to the light through their whorship of the sun. “Even in the darkest of times the sun rises to illuminate a new day.” If things like this are said by a race there is zero contradiction in them being able to use the light as the light can be wielded by anyone with hope and the believe that their actions are righteous.

Okay, I get the irony.

Saying this about SoD.

SoD being BC based could solve this issue automatically, alongside spec and UI sillies.

Except talent trees being too deep. (Like how WLK tank paladin starts at 60/71.)

You mean they live on top of mountains because they’re scared of the little pig-men?

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Imagining tauren in judgement armour in classic is heresy

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Idk taurens are friendly, same as palas

But orc paladin ofc its cringe

The forsaken is the last ones to be paladins. When human Paladins became forsaken, they became death knights. UD priests are already stretching it a bit too far. Everything undead is the ultimate enemy of the paladin. Taurens have also nothing to do with paladins.

100%!! It would be game breaking to me.

Orcs building castles with wood because they are weaker and not smart to build it with stones, undeads hide inside the ruins of the canalization because they are weaker and don’t know how to build castle with stones even they were humans once, trolls are literally australopiteks, who almost died but was saved by Thrall and the orcs, taurens are Indians smoking weed and care about nothing but their small farm in Mulgore.

Humans are gigachads who protect their lands from an invaders who was landed in Swamp of Sorrows via Gul’dan/Medivh portal, infused with a fel magic, and can’t even take Duskwood in 5 minutes away from the portal, Dwarves tamed gryphons which provides an alliance a good transportation system, also they live in severe conditions like mountains, gnomes are very intellectual creatures who lost their city but still was able to survive radiation and provide technologies Horde never had and was buying it from goblins, Night Elves are freaking immortal rulers of nature you still struggling to get Ashenvale forest from even it’s in 2 minutes of walking from your freaking CAPITAL city.

Alliance don’t have good racials for PvP… because they don’t need it to beat your a$$.


That just means you have a lack of imagination and creativity

hey :slight_smile: just do not play sod. thx gg bye bye

Lore wise anyone can hunt, or be a warlock, or a priest. It’s not about theoretical possibility, it is about how plausible it is from the standpoint of creating a believable world.

It does not make sense if a significant portion of tauren cows become knights of the light. It is as stupid as african people in a medieval european fantasy. Yes in theory possible but cannot comprise any significant portion of the population

This is literally a forum to discuss SoD related things. How about you stop typing if you have nothing valueable to contribute :wink:

That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard. So let’s give all races all classes then. So none lacks imagination

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There is nothing implausible in this change anyone claiming these races can’t or shouldn’t be able to become X class is stupid. A competent writer can make all the races plausibly use any class abilities.
Nobody ever said anything about a “significant portion”. It makes sense that taurens can becomes knights of the light and that is all the lore wise justification needed for this change and the same goes for shamans on alliance side. Your thinking is incredibly narrowminded.

I would quit the game if you would get your way with this.

It’s retarded and it kills a lot of what’s special with the races and the lore

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Its literally a Season of Discovery and you are taking things way too broadly when this is legit just one of the answers to a, in my opinion significant, problem with the game. If you are so offended with taurens becoming paladins or alliance races getting the shaman class. They might as well let us discover draeneis and blood elves early and call it a day.

It wouldn’t make sense. A paladin on the horde side would never fight as an ally of the forsaken… If they came up with a new class, gave it all paladin spells with a rename, it would be fine