Shaman's Purge

the 5 min cd bubble that you can heal 2 times for its duration, you cant attack anything while bubbled. Meanwhile purge has not cast time no cd pretty much making you a walking auto attack bot. Also you cant dispell anything since thats at level 42…stop making a fool of yourself already.

You cant attack when bubbled yet
So we need to put a CD on priest dispell aswell? Or all dispells in general?

bubble make paladin immune to damage but reduce attack speed by 100%…
and purge can purge 2 buffs in 1 click at max lvl = paladin is naked very quickly
did you ever played paladin in Era?

bubble isn’t made to kill, but for escape

They shouldn’t have given ally windfury and horde BOK to begin with

priests are in both faction…again stop making a fool of yourself.

BOK is overestimate by horde, and shamans purge it, BOK isn’t that powerfull as windfury

Nerf every class, buff mine

-Ret paladin enjoyer


Sorry for not making the sarcasm more obvious for you. My bad!

So thats disqualifies priests then? They cant be in an arguement becuase you says so? And I am the fool? Cant kids talk like adults or do you all need to try to insult ppl? Please try to atleast pretend that you are a bit grown up :wink:

please don’t abuse of sarcasms it’s cringe, please insult people sometimes, please try to fart (for your healt) , and grow up :rofl:

damn, pala players are smth else… lmao


Help! I play a warrior and I have nothing for shamans to purge! My Class must be too OP.

Have you tried playing an actual plate-wearing melee instead of pretending you’re a warrior when you should actually be healing?


If a paladin’s seal can’t be purged then purge is useless isn’t it? Shaman don’t have a long cool down full heal or invulnerability either.

Bro have you seen rets lately? We are insane! i just hoj things and 95% of them die in the hoj

Yeah and I played it back in 2005, too. I hated getting my seals purged and knowing that I went horde to play a shaman this time. You can’t have everything all the time you know. If shaman couldn’t purge your seals, what would they have to counter Paladins?

Hold up, so you want a horde specific class to have an ability nerfed because… you don’t like it? I don’t see any evidence that it’s “OP”. Or even give it to another Alliance class, because windfury being shared wasn’t enough, apparently.

The irony that this is coming from a paladin of all things is the punchline. You’re the class who want to hit like warriors but retain the defensive value unique to you. So, you getting to have your cake and eating it too isn’t enough then is it? Now you want to make sure no one else has any cake.

If you seriously think shaman need a nerf, go and play one and come back. Anyone who knows what they are talking about knows that Shaman are on the underside of average with no foreseeable light at the end of the tunnel to change this. They were just buffbots with windfury that made them stand out. Now windfury isn’t unique to them, I hope their future runes will save them because as it stands, anyone playing shaman is in for pure mediocrity throughout SoD.

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Sorry for stepping on your toes, dident know it would hurt that much <3

Okay things changed in SoD after 20 years of shaman’s domination over paladin, but it’s still win for shamans

#Dwarf shaman and Forsaken paladin PLEASE BLIZZARD

Bro You cannot complain when us paladins are as strong as we are RN. The only thing that can rival palas in pvp is huh cant think of much from my own experience sry

That’s a really dumb question but fine. Let’s consider 9 paladins vs 9 shaman at level 25, with these runes.

I would easily put my money on the paladins. They hit harder across all percentiles, are more durable as they have more base HP and better armour, have better and more defensive abilities and have access to better gear in that the best currently available weapon is a 2-H sword.

Too much shaman kit is locked out at this level and frankly, their runes are very underwhelming relative to other classes. That’s why Shaman dps is firmly in the bottom 6 for all percentiles.

That you are even posing this as an alleged counter shows you need to do you homework before responding when you are clearly woefully misinformed about the subject at hand.

9 shamans = 9 slow totems + 9 purges + 9 wolf form (+ 9 stun resist if orcs) = 9 paladins who can’t approach

Shamans win

i want to play shaman heal but i don’t want to heal you because you are the enemy

do your homeworks :nerd_face: and try alliance once