Shameful confession.. (Blizzcon)

we need 3 seater fly mount 2 seaters are not good inaff.
and plz no reskin mounts of AH mount we have to waste a other 5 mill gold on.

A mount based on a valkyrie, with wings maybe in gold white and blue.


Pepe pet variant, gets my vote.

No more transmogs, please. Murlocs and mounts are always great. I still love my Grunty to this day. And I love my Stormwind Skychaser/Interceptor. Those sort of things are what my friends and I are enticed by. Awesome murlocs, awesome mounts.

(Please keep the pets strictly to murlocs though. They’re iconic at this point.)

Specifically for this upcoming event? A Lich King Arthas Murloc. I would throw my money at your face.

I’m not really sure regarding mounts.

Can we get a murloc transmog onesie?

Penguin companion pet.


Penguin Mog

i hope blizz reads this if so please blizzard stop giving mounts almost the reward for everything… please give us transmogs

Why not transmogs are good.

Murloc pet with a Caduceus staff to honour our respective medical professions…:slight_smile:

Tabard. I want the Argent Dawn tabard for the Shadowlands pre-event. Maybe a real Horde/Alliance tabard at BlizzCon.

Murlocs are lame.

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Get this man a job now.

I would like to give credit to this mentality, its not few in numbers of suggestions i initally made that at some point in some form or the other has made it.
The most crazy suggestion seems to me as a complete freak accident that turned out be be a 100% guessed correctly cataclysm launch cinematic. At the time i thought it was my suggestion, but though it fit 100% with my suggestion there is know way it was made in less than 2 weeks and rendered. So I must have been really good at guessing. Sometimes great suggestions are not as unique as we think. But it’s remarkable nevertheless that I can come back to the game after years of break and see things i remember suggesting being a well established and universally loved feature. There is not a day that goes by where i dont sumble about a thing that makes me go… oh wait didn’t I suggest that or oh wait i remember reading that suggestion on the old forums!
The game is packed with great community suggested features, and its a thrill to see the level of connection with the community Blizzard has despite the immense size of the company. It may take years or sometimes decades to come along, but in the end i believe all suggestions are considered in some way, provided they get read.

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Sometimes great minds just think alike. :slight_smile:
Rendering a cinematic like the one for Cataclysm usually indeed takes several months at least, if factoring in the planning/scripting/story-boarding stages and the voice-recording it’d easily be in range of a year or more of dedicated work that goes into it. As chance wills it we actually released a short “making of” for that very cinematic a while ago, which shows a little bit of what the process for it was - it’d likely be worth a click!

To loop back on why it may sometimes take quite a while until a suggestion can be realized in the game: at any given time we’re usually working not only on the current and upcoming expansion but are also already mapping out the one afterwards. It isn’t at all uncommon for an idea to not really fit into our “near future” plans, but to be a great concept for something a little further down the line. In such cases we then might need to hold off on the implementation until it can happen in a way that does the idea justice and mesh well with the game as a whole.


Thanks i believe that one is not on the DVD in the Collectors edition, i dont think ive seen it before that is. Was quite interesting to watch :slight_smile:, even if i have seen it before!

As a Master Student in Games, and my ties to the danish industry im very familiar with the pipelines overlapping for game releases, though not everyone here may have the same insight, I think you explained it well. There are ofc. a great deal of interesting suggestions that also never will make it, because they are too radically different from the overall direction of the game. Which i think many people consider bad ideas, though from a developers point of view no decision can ever be named bad or poor, especially not to the community that brings them, both out of respect and decency but also because its simply not true. Ideas are not bad just because they dont fit the mold, they are just not the right idea for the context. However, my question is if you ever consider a too complex idea in elements that can be good in a different context, and secondly if a too complex idea is sacrificed on the spot or if its tossed around a bit to see if it works in a different context before being shelved?

An in game statue of my glorious self so every player can look at it from time to time and say “I wish I was as splendid.”

Souldefìler the Splendid.

I ought to be an NPC, I’d gladly sacrifice this character if such a thing was to happen.

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2030: patch 15.0

Wrath of the Lich Queen.


Also what happened to your beautiful red?

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