Sharding is back

It looks like Stormwind is once again sharded, which means we, again, have to spam Blizzard to have it removed again.

I am honestly getting sick and tired of this nonsense.


That’s really weird, considering that there’s no new content that takes you to Stormwind this patch as far as I’m aware.

Yeah, I should be seeing a lot of players here, but there are none:

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Ugh again… Someone told me there was sharding back. Sucks and Blizzard shouldn’t do it.

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Blizzaard -should- by know that Stormwind on Argent Dawn is always gonna be populated by RPer’s so enabling sharding is pretty weird.

Especially when it’s just an average Wednesday evening on the server, lol.


When they introduced sharding in 2016, the RP community was in uproar and all but stormed Blizz on the forums, on twitter, facebook and so on, and they backtracked faster than I’ve ever seen them backtrack before. And also -promised- to never do that again on RP-realms because it was so damaging to the communities.

Yet -twice- since then have they tried to shard the major hubs on RP-realms. And each time they receive backlash. But they keep doing it…

Standing on the rooftop between the park and Cathedral Square and not seeing a single soul during peak RP-times is just not working.


Are there any alternative places we could use in the meantime?

Probably a mistake
kick their door until they fix it like usual.

Boralus remains the best city in WoW and it is pretty much Stormwind but better in every way and therefore should be shilled to hell and back


Preach brother :raised_hands:

Does anyone know if theres any on going medias or forums we can show our support for to remove sharding currently?

Whenever it starts, it’s usually best to shuffle to Twitter.

Twitter, usually, but also use bug report and the forums.

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Oh great. Here we go again!

Not a bug - there is this event.
Hence the sharding. We’ll be with it til half June.



I guess they overlooked roleplayers again.


What pays more? Cross promotion to sell the new diablo to WoW players or maintaining the niche purpose of a few scant servers for the benefit of a few thousand players?

Honestly I’m not sure they are trying it necessarily, both now and with the previous issues at the docks it’s struck me as some sort of error - especially with this happening on a reset day.

Maybe while testing the patch they have sharding on for whatever reason but forgot to disable it when going live. I feel that’s more likely than them deliberately limiting an RP realms ability to RP.

It’s the first day of an event that’s gonna have big clusters of people around one small area, so ig it’s expected that they’d limit that a bit. The rest of the world remains free of it.

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It’s probably an oversight, though I am not sure. They do seem increasingly eager to keep it on. With BfA’s launch they kept it on for 3 days, with SL it was 2 weeks, and with DF it was nearly 5 weeks.

It is going to cause damage to the RP community, again, as a lot of players probably have no idea what is going on and why they suddenly don’t see other roleplayers anymore.

It’s a good idea to keep reminding them that sharding is supposed to be OFF on roleplay realms.