Sharding is back

That I do fully agree with, I just dislike the melodramatic “HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO US??” that sometimes comes with it.


Not a single person in my shard. Spam twitter it is, woohoo…

Since it keeps happening, all alliance RP should just move to Ironforge permanently.

cathedral square btw


Well, in the meantime, folks could use Ironforge which is usually dead or Lakeshire… There’s a huge world out there!


Sharding happens

Horde: “Damn that sucks, let’s go somewhere else until the content is over”

Alliance: Collective screaming, abject fear of leaving Stormwind intensifies


So is there any “backup place” for RPers until the end of the event?

Horde are likely making use of the Barrens, it’s been a common secondary hub for some time now

Alliance can probably utilise Ironforge? I think Ironforge really needs more RP in general tbh.


In fairness Orgrimmar is like 5 people at any given time so it’s pretty easy to coordinate moving.


Having a huge alliance raid in org lagging the server out was a thing.

The one in Thaldraszus killed the server.

idk to me while sharding is absolutely sucky, it is weird for Alliance to collectively break down when one (1) hub is not useable. This is until the 15th of June so they got time to figure out an alternative.

By all means protest to Blizzard, I approve of that because sharding has no place on RP realms, but I’ve seen so many complaints here and elsewhere that people “Can’t RP” full stop because of this… Ya’ll got a whole world to use? Ironforge is right there too.


Ironforge getting a minute in the spotlight would be a great compromise for the duration of this event

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yall can you know take 2 steps out the city or move to another?


By the way, is Dalaran sharded as well?

Should just be SW, Org and Val.

Which is far too long for an event that is not even drawing anywhere near the numbers of an expansion launch. It’s unnecessary and heavy handed.

I wouldn’t have sharded it either, but they have done this before. Any time an event involves the main two cities (Bar holidays iirc) sharding kicks in.

And frankly, unless it has changed since I was last there, Stormwind is already lag central on AD with constant chat delay in the evenings. Throwing an event on top with dozens of players? Yeah that would cause issues, and then instead of sharding you’d have lag/people running through RP areas with abilities chasing this mob. Neither is ideal but one keeps the event playable for people who want to participate in it.

It ain’t ideal, but that’s how it is. It’s unlikely they’ll tweak it for a temporary event (Though I do support attempts to try and make that happen), so my recommendation is to RP somewhere besides Stormwind for once. It’s one of the things that I never really liked about the Alliance side of things tbh. Maybe it’ll kick off interest in a new hub?

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Just move to Gilneas. The way the sun catches the lingering blight gases is lovely this time of year.

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For Horde there’s calls to go to the Barrens and use Crossroads - I think this is a great idea considering there is the initiative for the Crossroads Hub by Siennyr and co’.

For Alliance they could easily go to Redridge, Duskwood, Ironforge, Loch Modan they have so many beautiful settings for RP they can go literally anywhere.

A change of pace and scenery might do your average Stormwind RP’er some good too. You could always make up an event like the Tournament games or something and use that as an excuse to exodus the City for a while.


And it just so happens on the day I was going to try to get back into the rp scene xD

So Blizzard switched on sharding for Stormwind again on AD, cause they assessed that they would earn more money on RP’ers that they managed to lure to Diablo by the promotion event that runs until mid June, cause clearly RP’ers would rather do that than actual do what they pay there subs for, to RP, and be so impressed by not being able to RP and doing the promotion event that Blizzard kindly provided instead that they’d sub Diablo as well. :grimacing:

Can’t argue with that logic. :+1:

You think you want to RP, but what you really rather want is doing a Diablo promotion event for a month straight. :man_facepalming: