Sharding is back

Kinda sus to refer to people displeased with making the player character take in shared responsibility for allowing SA as a ‘Twitter mob’.


They do, and if not for them, we would have been folded into a single containment box a long time ago.
But molasses covered roleplayers forget themselves sometimes, especially those who haven’t actively roleplayed since the end of Legion.

This is the point to make, and one that is often forgotten. Blizzard knows they can reliably count on most RPers to stick around with even just a few scraps. I’d even go as far to say there’s probably evenly the same amount of mythic/progression raiders as there are RPers.

I heard that the sharding was to be undone tomorrow from a friend. Anyone else heard this?

Yes, it should be true. The US realms had it disabled with the reset.

Exactly, which is why this whole sharding ordeal irked me even more than usual this time. We just sat through two garbage expansions that gave roleplayers basically nothing. We didn’t even get those marvelous Kul Tiran NPC clothes. An unsharded server is the least they can do.

The sharding is now gone.

\o/ Finally. To Stormwind!

Stormwind is free!!!

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You mean Orgrimmargrimmargrimmar.

Sooometimes. All my friends are alliance ¬_¬

Why go in filthy Alliance city if you can go to buttiful Horde hole in ground with drinking shack?

I do love Horde as a faction and its races and everything and AHHH. But friendos… are all Alliance… Makes me CRY. I wanna RP my BElf!!

Do it Vaxir… look deep into your heart.

What are your friends, … if they are holding you back from becoming your true self?

Join the freakies Vax… join ussss…

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I’ll slowly do Horde RP… Soon…

Argent Dawn Alliance: “I am one, but WE are many.”

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