Sharding is back

Someone took their omega-3.

Roleplaying hubs are fine and arguably one of the most crucial elements of the server to spread ideas, concepts, alliances and rivalries IC - and perhaps most importantly, give new (role)players the idea of a sense of scale and activity.

Imagine coming to Argent Dawn and there’s only 4 roleplayers in every couple of 2 building ‘villages’ and 3 tent ‘outposts’ spread across Azeroth like the thinnest spread of roleplaying butter.

Stormwind is fine, but it sure as roleplay wouldn’t hurt if we had more consistent, stationary hubs (I know Duskwood and Arathi Highlands has that and that’s cool), at least to help facilitate that sense of scale + odd chance of encountering some more roleplaying gamers out in the world.


Also Redridge is having a big population regrowth, I think Horde RP would thrive if people started actually sticking in Org / Silvermoon since I hear a lot of people complaint that there’s no Horde RP anymore.

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It comes and goes, just like other hubs in the Alliance (Duskwood). The problem with the Horde hubs is that they’re all heavy in terms of themes.

While, say, Stormwind accommodates for many themes, you’re going to have a harder time in Orgrimmar - elves, forsaken and magic classes will usually feel less welcome.

Meanwhile, orcs, tauren and trolls will have a hard time in Silvermoon. And perhaps forsaken too.

Seeing Lakeshire, Duskwood, and sometimes even Westfall and other zones, and their connecting roads, full of people again has been an incredible change of pace from everyone being just in Stormwind.

Or tiny, borderline claustrophobic and unorganised.

Orgrimmar is described in lore as being a bustling city populated by all members of all races of the Horde, and then you go inside in roleplay and the only real places where you can roleplay one (1) tiny inn and about 45 square yards of a road right in front of a barracks building that isn’t all that usable anymore due to the sheer amount of NPCs.

It’s just not that good of a place for roleplay. Stormwind has 4 (5, if you count Varian’s memorial plaza) city districts to roleplay in, Orgrimmar barely has 3 buildings to roleplay in.

Forsaken at least could have the excuse of them visiting from Tranquillien, or from Lordaeron in general, but it does leave very narrow options as to why most other races of the Horde would visit Silvermoon except for a special occasion given how it’s an entire ocean away for the rest of the Horde.

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Yeah Redridge has been PACKED the last couple of days from what I’ve seen.

With the event nearly over, surely sharding must be going too…?

At 23:59 tonight, according to the event time schedule.

Else it’s time to kick up a fuss again.


Just went in main hub today, I can confirm I can’t find friends on my tag. Sharding does seem to still exist.

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FFS blizz, small indie company. How hard is it to disable sharding after that dumb goblin event? Seriously, you have never valued RP community and this will fire back at you unless you show some respect to us. So, disable dumb sharding and let us get on with our RP.

I hate to say it, but it won’t. RPers are but a small, SMALL margin of the playerbase. Even if LITERALLY every single RPer quit, I doubt they’d notice.

And then divide it by 20 because EU

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It’s still showing a complete disregard for three full and active servers. Filled with people who sat through two low rated expansions without giving up on the game.

And, given how the game is currently doing, they aren’t exactly in a position to be arrogant.

I’m willing to bet that the RP servers have more none-RPers than RPers, honestly.

Well they were falling head over heels placating people who were offended by the Alexstrasza questchain and they are definitely fewer in numbers than WoW RPers, so this is not a relevant point. Or the never ending support of Mythic raids and the active nerfs/adjustments the developers do to encounters during the World First Race, that is most definitely affecting the 0.1% of the playerbase at the time.

It’s more a matter of PR, and RPers have proven to stuck around and do their own thing even when 90% of the game’s content is garbage. Meanwhile the groups I mentioned above (the Twitter mob and World First raiders) make a lot more noise or have a lot of media presence when they are relevant.

In addition to the above it’s also the fact that the Role-Player community, even when there’s a clear failure of service from Blizzard’s end, ie. phasing being enabled in faction capitals when it’s unnecessary and definitely harmful, will have its fence sitters going “Ah but this is a net positive because it forces the community to explore the world”.
Any person with a hint of empathy understands that RPers, players from their own community, who have a preference for Orgrimmar/Stormwind should have the chance to do their own thing just as the Duskwood/Crossroads/Dalaran/etc. enthusiasts.


Do we really need to explain WHY people were against that questchain?

I mean go ahead but its completely irrelevant to my point that I posted in the rest of my comment.
I’m not downplaying what you’re offended by, I’m saying there’s fewer people being up in arms about it than the number of Role-Players that still play this game

To steer back to the actual topic:

Weird that it takes a reset as I recall sharding being disabled on like 5PM on a Thursday, but at least we have a deadline now.

Twitter identity politics: :poop:
Blizzard stock prices: :chart_with_upwards_trend:
RP: :skull:
RP’ers: :pensive:
The status quo: :wheel:

Anyway, player housing when? Imagine the amount of token purchases to buy houses/furniture blizzard. You won’t have to add another hair colour or tweak the current raid numbers for the entire quarter. :moneybag:

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