Sharding is back

How are you not able to RP?

You know it’s possible that this is an oversight, right?
A repeated, annoying oversight, but more likely than every thing that inconveniences you being a psyop from Blizzard.

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Hello, sharding?

At least I can’t RP where I want, and it is obstructing planed events.

I pay my subs to RP, that’s why I joined a RP server, is it really too much to ask to get what I pay for?

How about Blizzard just introducing that sharding free “RP mode”, like the Warmode, it would solve this as well as so many other issues for good on RP realms.

And I am pretty certain it is totally deliberate from Blizzard’s side, to avoid the new server structure based on the game being shard from being overloaded when events like this is going on.

So you can RP it’s just not in Stormwind. This is a good opportunity to explore other areas such as Redridge, Duskwood and other minor hubs that facilitate RP’ers. You could take this opportunity to go travelling to expand your trading or professions, meet new people outside the usual in Stormwind!

You are still able to RP just not in Stormwind for a couple weeks there’s a whole world for you out there than sitting in the same city everyday!


I don’t sit in Stormwind all day for your information, and it obstructs events that has been planed for months.

What exactly do you have against a shard free “RP mode”?

Do you even RP?

Or are you just trolling?

lol chill little gremlin


Woah 3 arguments that nobody made in one go? New record.


Boralus is also something I highly recommend. Truly don’t even know why Stormwind is still so popular when Boralus does literally everything better.


Sure this could be an issue but you can easily move this planned event to a new location for a small moment!

Where did I say this?

I have for many years maybe not as active right now due to RL but still frequently!

How is offering alternatives trolling?

Boralus is a huge area and was once home to a small hub! It still could be used and I would think it’d do great for many folk to try something new!


Yes everyone is trolling you, none of us RP at all.


Can I please get what I pay my subs for.

A feature the game has never had is not what you pay your sub for though?

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You are not handcuffed to one city to RP, there ARE other zones being used lately so just… Go try those out?


Playing backseat gamedev is seemingly what most PvE/PvP players pay their subs for tbh


And it is a conincident that all you trolls happens to be Horde players?

God forbid Blizzard giving people what they pay for, at least as long as you get it.

Lmao in 10 chars.


Do Horde players not RP or something? What am I missing here?


Yes, all playable Trolls are Horde. That’s been the case since 2004. :slight_smile:


I think you desperately need to take a break if some sharding issues are making you this irate.

You are clearly not well.

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I don’t know who you’re referring to but I am a fellow RPer, and while the sharding is mega lame I just did the unthinkable…

I go to a different location OR play a different game for a while until it’s over