Sharding is still active in SW. Why?

The Hearthstone event ended nearly a week ago. Please turn sharding off in SW!


I’m sorry to inform you, but unfortunately since the role play servers do not have special treatment over other servers in this game, they shouldn’t have to turn off the sharding for RP servers.

Just because you personally dislike the fact that there are people on your server that are not role-playing, doesn’t mean that they are not players themselves who are there to enjoy what they’re actually paid for.

So take a step back, take a breath and remember that you and the RPers who have the same mindset are not more important as the other people in the World of Warcraft community.


This is incorrect. RP realms have sharding disabled in capital cities. This has been the case for a very long time now. Blizzard have themselves stated that they would disable sharding again, but it seems they forgot.

I remember seeing the tweet that this was meant to happen with reset. I’m sorry this hasn’t been the case.

Your best bet is to do bug reports in game or reply to the tweet in question.

Roleplay servers do have special rules.


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Ah ok, then my bad for suggesting that they didn’t.

However my point still stands that roleplayers are not as important as other players.


Let them erp in peace.

Nobody said they were?

Turn sharding off so the Rpers can stand still in SW doing nothing.

Roleplayers are equally important, what a silly notion to claim otherwise

The sharding is gone btw

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